The Temporary Help Company must provide secretaries to its clients over the next year on the following estimated quar- terly schedule: spring, 6,000 secretary-days; summer, 7500 secretary-days; fall,...

Pleaseee, formulate with

INTEGER Programming (IP)

linear programming(LP) .

The Temporary Help Company must provide secretaries to its clients over the next year on the following estimated quar-<br>terly schedule: spring, 6,000 secretary-days; summer, 7500 secretary-days; fall, 5,500 secretary-days; and winter, 9,000<br>secretary-days. A secretary must be trained for 5 days before becoming eligible for assignment to clients. Each new secre-<br>tary is trained by a qualified secretary. There are 65 working days in each quarter, and at the beginning of the spring season<br>there are 120 qualified secretaries on the payroll. The secretaries (both new and qualified ones) earn a salary of $800 a<br>month. During each quarter, the company loses 15% of its personnel (including secretaries trained in the previous quarter).<br>Formulate the problem as an IP.<br>(a)<br>Which OR problem is this?<br>(b)<br>Decision variables?<br>(c)<br>Objective and objective function?<br>(d)<br>Constraints?<br>

Extracted text: The Temporary Help Company must provide secretaries to its clients over the next year on the following estimated quar- terly schedule: spring, 6,000 secretary-days; summer, 7500 secretary-days; fall, 5,500 secretary-days; and winter, 9,000 secretary-days. A secretary must be trained for 5 days before becoming eligible for assignment to clients. Each new secre- tary is trained by a qualified secretary. There are 65 working days in each quarter, and at the beginning of the spring season there are 120 qualified secretaries on the payroll. The secretaries (both new and qualified ones) earn a salary of $800 a month. During each quarter, the company loses 15% of its personnel (including secretaries trained in the previous quarter). Formulate the problem as an IP. (a) Which OR problem is this? (b) Decision variables? (c) Objective and objective function? (d) Constraints?

Jun 09, 2022

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