The task is to decipher the four ciphertext files called
without the knowledge of the keys (i.e. to “break” the ciphers). Each cipher is one of the following types: transposition with a period
d, monoalphabetic substitution or polyalphabetic substitution.
For each ciphertext describe the steps you went through, what assumptions you made and why (e.g., IC indicates period of around 3, single- letter frequency distribution indicates transposition cipher, etc.).
Also, point which letter you replace etc.
Please give description of steps you did to break the ciphertext and what type of cipher?
2- You will need to use a program to help you break the ciphers, that is, to perform statistical analysis of the ciphertext, as well as to decrypt the ciphertext with a chosen cipher and key.
3- I recommend that you use JKrypto , you can download it from
4-Also, use this website to get the find trigrams and digrams of the ciphertext
5-Then from their use this web: