The subject is called 'Organizational change and development' and its a report that has to be prepared on the basis of the case study that is attached.
MMH707 – Organisation Development and Change Trimester 1, 2021 Ass 1: Individual Assignment (Workplace Business Report) DUE DATE AND TIME: Friday 30th April, 2021 PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: 40% WORD COUNT: 2500 words HURDLE DETAILS: Not Applicable Learning Outcome Details Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO) ULO 1: Relate the theory of change management to the achievement of strategic goals and objectives in organisations to determine change readiness. GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities GLO4: Critical Thinking Assessment Feedback: Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on CloudDeakin approximately three weeks after the due date. Description / Requirements It goes without saying that COVID has fundamentally changed the way that organisations and individuals operate. The global environment is now more volatile and uncertain than it has ever been and this has resulted in unprecedented levels of change. Change managers must therefore be vigilant in monitoring and addressing any issue (either internal or external to the organisation) which may negatively impact change programs. Of even greater importance is the ability of change managers to assess whether the organisations for which they work, exhibit a ‘readiness to change’. Failure to make this assessment, despite the strategic importance and necessity of certain change initiatives, will almost certainly lead to sub-optimal change outcomes. By taking the time to reflect on, and address, the issues and factors which can reduce the level of change readiness, change managers can ensure that an environment exists which allows successful change outcomes to be achieved. Deakin's Bachelor of Commerce and MBA are internationally EPAS accredited. Deakin Business School is accredited by AACSB and EQUIS. Page 2 of 5 Workplace Business Report Task requirements 1. This assignment will be completed on an individual basis. 2. Your task is to prepare a business report for your immediate supervisor to assess the level of change readiness in your organisation. 3. Your report must be agreed to and signed off by your immediate supervisor. 4. If you are currently between roles or have not worked in a formal organisational setting, please email me with your contact details so that alternative arrangements can be made. 5. The main body of your report must be structured using the following headings (below) and a brief about what each section of the report must address is also provided. When addressing the requirements specified under each heading, you must highlight relevant research and its applicability to the organisation you have chosen. Strategy and Change ▪ State in plain terms what the strategic mission of your organisation is. You must be specific about the strategic goals and objectives your area is trying to achieve to satisfy this mission. To what extent do the change initiatives you normally work on align with the strategic intent (mission, goals and objectives) of your organisation. Why is this alignment important? ▪ In what ways are the following areas relevant when deciding whether or not your organisation is change ready: o The internal and external perspectives of strategy o Formulation and implementation of strategy as it pertains to change initiatives o Organisational structure (does the structure enable or impede change readiness) o Value proposition (why is the change initiative specified worth pursuing?) ▪ What is an organisational value chain and why is this concept important when assessing the level of change readiness? Culture ▪ Briefly explain what organisational culture is and why it is important when assessing your organisation’s change readiness. ▪ Use an appropriate tool to explain your organisation’s culture and discuss how cultural deficiencies can negatively impact your organisation’s ability to successfully implement change initiatives and be a change-ready organisation. Page 3 of 5 Stakeholder Identification and Management ▪ Explain why stakeholder identification is crucial when implementing change initiatives and how this can impact change readiness. ▪ You must utilise an appropriate tool to identify the most likely stakeholders in your immediate area. To what degree are these stakeholders able to influence your organisation’s level of change readiness and why? ▪ Identification of stakeholders is only the first step in trying to make an organisation change ready. Explain how stakeholders are managed in your immediate area and to what extent this impacts change readiness. Resistance to Change • Define and explain the concept of resistance. • Does resistance impact change readiness? Explain your answer. • With respect to change readiness, are there any strategies that you can utilise, or currently utilise, to reduce the level of resistance in your organisation? Other Considerations Are there any factors, in addition to those listed above, that you believe must be taken into account when assessing the change readiness of your organisation? Some of these factors may include risks, opportunity costs, internal politics, etc. • Findings ▪ You must produce a clear, concise and succinct list of findings which signals to your immediate supervisor the level of change readiness within your organisation. Failure to do this will result in a loss of marks. Note Carefully: The aim of this report is to highlight the degree to which your organisation is ready to accept and implement change and, in doing so, highlight potential areas for improvement. As such, this section of your report should not include a list of recommendations. Written Assignment Administrative Details You should include a brief executive summary, table of contents and brief appendices. Extensive appendices may result in a reduction of marks. Use the section headings above to structure the main body of your report (you should not need sub-headings). This assignment requires robust research and therefore, a reasonable use of references. While textbook references can be used, you are also encouraged to use industry research reports, case studies and any other industry-based evidence to support your findings. Page 4 of 5 The report must be no longer than 2,500 words (approximately 4 to 5 pages of words, but by including diagrams and any other graphics or figures it will be considerably longer. Words in diagrams such as the Cultural Web or the stakeholder Grid will not be included in the word count provided they are used to highlight critical information. If paragraphs of text are included in these diagrams, they will be included in the word count. Words in tables are included in the word count of the main body of your report. Note that the 2500-word count does not include your cover page, your executive summary, your reference list or your appendices. Note also that 10% of the total available marks for the assignment may be deducted from your final assignment mark for every 100 words that exceed the 2500-word limit. For example, assignments of 2700 words (not including descriptors in diagrams, cover page, executive summary, reference list or appendices) may receive a penalty deduction of 20% of the total available marks for the assignment. Please do not exceed the word limit for the assignment. This is a major unit assessment so get started early as the trimester moves very quickly. Online areas and getting help A ‘Written Assignment’ link is in the ‘Unit Assessment’ area in the MMH707 Cloud Deakin site (in the Unit Resources folder) and it accessible to all students enrolled in MMH707. The Written Assignment area contains a Written Assignment Discussion area for questions and discussions of a general nature about the assignment. It is open to all students so that all students can benefit. Submission Instructions (Up to 5 marks may be lost if these instructions are not followed correctly) Your work must be submitted in accordance with the instructions shown below. 1. You lodge your assignment via the ‘Drop Box’ which is accessible in the Written Assignment area of the MMH707 Cloud Deakin site. 2. Your assignment must be submitted in Word format. The Word document you submit must be named using the Deakin user ID of the student who is to do the actual submission in Cloud Deakin. The format is: MMH707Assignment No. 1-DeakinuserID For example, if Mike Bengough is going to submit an assignment via Cloud Deakin and his Deakin user ID is ‘mikeb’, then the Word document would be named MMH707Assignment No. 1-mikeb Your name and student number must be at the start of the business report, i.e. front/title page. 3. Submit the Word document (business report) via the Written Assignment Submission link. Page 5 of 5 Important to note: ▪ If you submit your assignment after 11:59pm on the due date it will be considered late. If you need to, you can look up your local time at ▪ No extensions will be considered for assignment submission due dates, unless a written request is submitted well prior to the due date and approved by the unit chair. ▪ See below for penalties pertaining to late submissions. You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit, until the marked assignment has been returned to you. In the unlikely event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you will need to submit your backup copy. Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism. When you are required to submit an assignment through your CloudDeakin unit site, you will receive an email to your Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment ‘dropbox’ folder after upload, and check for, and keep, the email receipt for the submission. Additional Notes ▪ Penalties for late submission: The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension: 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day up to five days, and work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will