The snippet below displays line numbers off to the left to identify each line of the code. Use these numbers to identify the line numbers that make up each of the four parts of every loop. int x = 1;...

The snippet below displays line numbers off to the left to identify each line of the code. Use these numbers to identify the line numbers that make up each of the<br>four parts of every loop.<br>int x = 1;<br>int n;<br>1:<br>2:<br>int AccumulatorT = 0;<br>while (x < 5)<br>3:<br>4:<br>5:<br>6:<br>printf(

Extracted text: The snippet below displays line numbers off to the left to identify each line of the code. Use these numbers to identify the line numbers that make up each of the four parts of every loop. int x = 1; int n; 1: 2: int AccumulatorT = 0; while (x < 5)="" 3:="" 4:="" 5:="" 6:="" printf("please="" enter="" a="" number:="" ");="" scanf("n%d",="" &n):="" accumulatort="" +="n;" 7:="" 8:="" 9:="" ++x;="" 10:="" 11:="" printf("nthe="" total="" is="" %d",="" accumulatort);="" a.="" line="" 1:="" b.="" line="" 2:="" initialization="" of="" the="" test="" variable="" c.="" line="" 3:="" d.="" line="" 4:="" conditional="" test="" e.="" lines="" 5:="" -="" 10:="" body="" of="" the="" loop="" f.="" lines="" 5:="" -="" 11:="" g.="" line="" 7:="" affect="" the="" test="" h.="" line="" 8:="" i.="" line="" 9:="" j.="" line="">

Jun 08, 2022

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