How to do using variation if parameters method ?

Extracted text: The series RLC circuit is shown in Figure 1. From the circuit diagram, the switch is opened for a long time. At the time t 0, the switch is closed. 3.0 ww t= 0 Figure 1: Series RLC circuit where v, .to be sine wave, and (a) Case 1: R=10N, L=1H, C=-F, v, = 10 V, 0 =2 rad/s 16 %3D 1 Case 2: R=102, L=1H, C=F, v, = 12 V, o =3 rad/s. 25 (b) (c) Case 3. R= 20N, L=1H, C= 0.005 F, v, = 10 V, o=5 rad/s.

Extracted text: Use the variation of parameters method to obtain the complete solution of current, i(t) in the circuit. [Note: Refers to paper "Variation of Parameters: Application to Electric Circuit Analysis". Show all your calculations step by step.] 3.1