The seminar in Week 7 will look into Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and its ability to handle various transactionalrequirements including accounting. The value of corporate data integration and...

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The seminar in Week 7 will look into Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and its ability to handle various transactionalrequirements including accounting. The value of corporate data integration and automation will be explored along with thedisadvantages of this implementation and complexities of this system will be critically analysed. Supply ChainManagement (SCM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) subsystems of ERP will be furtherevaluated.


This is an individual assignment. Students are required to search for articles published in research journals ormagazines of any professional accounting body about a failed ERP implementation. Students are required, toidentify and write an analysis of the reasons for the failure and suggest different strategies to avoid such failure/sbased on the latest available technology.


Upload the project via the Turnitin item. All required tasks to be completed and where relevantsubmitted via iLearn by 5 PM Sunday of Week 10. (Word limit 1500 words)

Marking Guide: Assessment 2 ERP (Total : 30 Marks) 2 marks Correctly identify failed ERP implementation from approved resources 5 marks Detail the case of failed implementation 5 marks Analyse the reasons for the failure 5 marks Make recommendations on strategies to avoid such failures 5 marks Link the recommendations to latest available technology 5 marks Provide your own opinions/discussion to conclude this case 3 marks Reference
Answered Same DayOct 13, 2021Macquaire University

Answer To: The seminar in Week 7 will look into Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and its ability to handle...

Jose answered on Oct 15 2021
152 Votes
The University of Queensland
ERP Implementation
Student Submitting:
Due Date: 15/10/2020
1.0 Introduction
Companies are using different strategies and method for managing the competition and for retaining the customers. As per the rep
ort of the Business Insider (2016), international companies considered ERP and CRM as an effective tool for managing internal and external operations. As per the report of Panorama Consulting Solutions (2015) 58 % of companies are successful in implementing ERP projects and practices. 42% of the ERP project fails due to different reasons, in this research paper we are analysing failed ERP implementation of the company Vodafone. We are also analysing the various reasons related to the ERP implementation and proposing the strategies to overcome the issues.
2.0 Body
2.1 Company Profile – Vodafone
Vodafone is a UK based telecommunication company having operations in different parts of the world. The company started its operations in the year 1991, the headquarters of the company is situated in London, England. The company mainly providing the products and services such as mobile phone, fixed-line telephone, Digital and internet television. Most of the customers are highly satisfied with the serviced offered by the company. Nick Read is the CEO of the company and Gerard Kleisterlee is the chairperson of the company. More than 104,500 employees are working in the organization while analysing the financial performance of the company we can understand that the company is facing loss and they have to implement a customer-based strategy to retain the customers and for increasing the profit. For meeting the needs of society and for serving the people better in the year 2016, the company started a Vodafone foundation. The company is also invested huge amount for research and development.
2.2 Vodafone – CRM Failure
In the year 2016, the top executives of the company decided to implement CRM for improving the performance and for retaining the customers. We know the fact that CRM helps the company for understanding the needs of the customers and it also helps for devising new product strategies and plans. The company planned to consolidate the CRM systems into Siebel platform. The company expected that it helps the company for serving the customers betters, but results were not in favour of the company (Bansal 2019, p.22). UK communication regulator, Ofcom, slapped £4.6 million fine on Vodafone. Ofcom stated that the company was failed to protect the information and they failed to provide the services at right time to the customers. The company has taken £ 3.7 billion money from the customers and the company failed to provide the required services to the customers. Ofcom also stated that the company was not successful in managing the carrier handled complaints. The incident directly affected the share price and reputation of the company and the company was a delay in taking the actions for handling the customer...

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