Extracted text: The sample soil from a barangay in Baguio City was used in laboratory test to identify the grain size distribution. The results of the mechanical analysis of the soil are as follows: A. Sieve analysis of a 500g (no waste) soil: Opening Mass of Soil Diameter Retained, g ASTM Sieve No. 2 in. 50.8 mm. % in. 19 mm. 10 4 4.75 mm. 25 10 2 mm. 50 18 1 mm. 90 35 500 um. 130 250 um. 425 um. 75 um. 60 60 40 30 200 35 Pan B. Hydrometer analysis result (Sample soil taken from sieve analysis, retained in pan): Opening % Passing Diameter 20 μη. 6 um. 1.5 um. 9 Determine the following: Percent passing and Particle Size Distribution Curve Effective Size Coefficient of Gradation Coefficient of Uniformity and determine the grain size distribution according to: USDA System AASHTO System USCS System SAPIES VICAL