The reference group is middle gait speed. The authors give the CI for the odds ratio for fast gait speed as (0.12, 165.56). Although this interval contains 1, the authors conclude that "persons with fast gait speed also appeared to have an elevated risk of serious injury." Why do you think the authors came to this conclusion?

Extracted text: TABLE 2-Rate Ratios for Falls During 4 Categories of Activity by Baseline Characteristics and Location of Fall: MOBILIZE Boston, September 2005-December 2009 Indoor Falls Outdoor Falls Transitioning/Not Moving, R (95% CI) Ascending or Descending Stairs, RR (95% CI) Walking, AR (95% CI) Vigorous Activity, RR (95% CI) Transitioning/Not Moving, RR (95% CI) Ascending or Descending Stairs, RR (95% C) Walking, RR (95% CI) Vigorous Activity, RR (95% CI) Baseline Characteristics Age, per 5 y 1.27 (1.09, 1.48) 0.82 (0.67, 0.99) 1.13 (0.96, 1.31) 1.37 (0.99, 1.88) 1.28 (0.94, 1.73) 0.96 (0.79, 1.17) 0.87 (0.76, 1.00) 0.54 (0.37, 0.79) Female 1.15 (0.79, 1.68) 0.69 (0.45, 1.06) 1.17 (0.83, 1.67) 1.88 (0.76, 4.63) 0.63 (0.33, 1.21) 0.93 (0.59, 1.47) 0.84 (0.62, 1.14) 0.39 (0.19, 0.82) Falls in year before baseline, no. 1.26 (1.12, 1.41) 1.10 (1.02, 1.19) 1.38 (1.24, 1.53) 1.35 (1.04, 1.77) 1.18 (0.95, 1.46) 1.07 (0.96, 1.20) 1.23 (1.10, 1.38) 1.53 (1.17, 2.00) Body mass inder, kg/m? < 25.0="" 25.0-29.9="" (ref)="" 1.04="" (0.68,="" 1.61)="" 0.86="" (0.54,="" 1.38)="" 1.01="" (0.68,="" 1.51)="" 0.89="" (0.36,="" 2.21)="" 1.48="" (0.69,="" 3.16)="" 1.07="" (0.64,="" 1.79)="" 1.10="" (0.79,="" 1.52)="" 0.94="" (0.42,="" 2.13)="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 2="" 30.0="" 1.35="" (0.87,="" 2.08)="" 0.46="" (0.25,="" 0.82)="" 1.33="" (0.88,="" 1.99)="" 0.72="" (0.26,="" 1.98)="" 1.17="" (0.50,="" 2.72)="" 1.00="" (0.58,="" 1.74)="" 0.46="" (0.31,="" 0.70)="" 0.32="" (0.12,="" 0.87)="" berg="" balance="" scale="" score="" 251.0="" (rel)="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 48.0-50.9="" 1.19="" (0.77,="" 1.85)="" 1.23="" (0.76,="" 1.99)="" 2.76="" (1.88,="" 4.04)="" 0.49="" (0.16,="" 1.49)="" 1.10="" (0.50,="" 2.42)="" 1.28="" (0.78,="" 2.11)="" 1.52="" (1.09,="" 2.12)="" 0.58="" (0.24,="" 1.39)="">< 48.0="" 3.18="" (2.14,="" 4.74)="" 0.71="" (0.40,="" 1.29)="" 3.40="" (2.30,="" 5.03)="" 1.47="" (0.59,="" 3.64)="" 1.19="" (0.53,="" 2.70)="" 0.93="" (0.51,="" 1.68)="" 0.66="" (0.43,="" 0.99)="" 0.21="" (0.07,="" 0.61)="" unable="" to="" stand="" from="" a="" chair="" 2.08="" (1.14,="" 3.78)="" 0.20="" (0.05,="" 0.88)="" 1.97="" (1.11,="" 3.48)="" 1.32="" (0.31,="" 5.63)="" 0.62="" (0.13,="" 2.93)="" 0.36="" (0.11,="" 1.23)="" 0.45="" (0.22,="" 0.90)="" 0.47="" (0.10,="" 2.25)="" without="" using="" arms="" gait="" speed,="" m/sec="" slow="">< 0.60)="" 2.44="" (1.45,="" 4.12)="" 0.25="" (0.07,="" 0.84)="" 1.95="" (1.15,="" 3.29)="" 0.72="" (0.14,="" 3.64)="" 2.05="" (0.77,="" 5.42)="" 0.74="" (0.31,="" 1.76)="" 0.39="" (0.20,="" 0.77)="" 0.59="" (0.15,="" 2.35)="" middle="" (0.60-1.29;="" ref)="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" 1.00="" fast="" (21.30)="" 0.89="" (0.46,="" 1.72)="" 0.81="" (0.41,="" 1.63)="" 1.77="" (0.93,="" 3.38)="" 0.52="" (0.20,="" 1.34)="" 0.81="" (0.44,="" 1.51)="" 0.92="" (0.50,="" 1.70)="" 1.53="" (0.76,="" 3.09)="" 0.74="" (0.31,="" 1.78)="" 2.83="" (1.84,="" 4.33)="" 1.00="" (0.59,="" 1.69)="" 2.18="" (0.67,="" 7.09)="" 2.25="" (0.87,="" 5.80)="" 7.36="" (2.54,="" 21.28)="" vision="" worse="" than="" 40/100="" 0.34="" (0.04,="" 2.94)="" 0.74="" (0.20,="" 2.72)="" 0.39="" (0.08,="" 1.80)="" some="" difficulty="" with="" or="" inability="" 2.66="" (1.83,="" 3.86)="" 1.09="" (0.66,="" 1.80)="" 1.90="" (1.30,="" 2.77)="" 1.52="" (0.61,="" 3.75)="" 1.70="" (0.83,="" 3.51)="" 0.82="" (0.47,="" 1.44)="" 0.75="" (0.51,="" 1.09)="" 0.28="" (0.10,="" 0.79)="" to="" perform="" adls="" comorbidities,="" no.="" 1.29="" (1.15,="" 1.44)="" 1.06="" (0.92,="" 1.21)="" 1.15="" (1.04,="" 1.28)="" 1.21="" (0.95,="" 1.53)="" 1.32="" (1.09,="" 1.59)="" 1.05="" (0.91,="" 1.21)="" 0.93="" (0.84,="" 1.02)="" 0.82="" (0.65,="" 1.04)="">4 medications 1.76 (1.17, 2.66) 0.78 (0.50, 1.22) 1.12 (0.67, 1.87) 1.40 (0.97, 2.02) 0.58 (0.26, 1.30) 1.04 (0.51, 2.14) 0.56 (0.36, 0.87) 0.61 (0.45, 0.83) 0.41 (0.19, 0.86) Psychotropic medication Falls Efficacy Scale score < 90°="" 2.09="" (1.40,="" 3.13)="" 1.67="" (1.14,="" 2.46)="" 1.36="" (0.55,="" 3.36)="" 1.31="" (0.61,="" 2.84)="" 0.96="" (0.56,="" 1.67)="" 1.11="" (0.78,="" 1.60)="" 0.55="" (0.21,="" 1.44)="" 0.12="" (0.02,="" 0.64)="" 2.42="" (1.55,="" 3.78)="" 0.95="" (0.51,="" 1.77)="" 0.89="" (0.45,="" 1.77)="" 1.85="" (1.19,="" 2.90)="" 1.09="" (0.35,="" 3.45)="" 2.37="" (1.06,="" 5.31)="" 0.94="" (0.49,="" 1.80)="" 0.70="" (0.44,="" 1.12)="" impaired="" cognition,="" mmse="" 1.25="" (0.73,="" 2.13)="" 1.13="" (0.67,="" 1.90)="" 0.21="" (0.03,="" 1.76)="" 0.91="" (0.31,="" 2.61)="" 0.62="" (0.28,="" 1.39)="" 0.67="" (0.41,="" 1.12)="" 0.26="" (0.06,="" 1.06)="" score="" 18-24="" fair/poor="" self-rated="" health="" 2.21="" (1.40,="" 3.48)="" 0.62="" (0.31,="" 1.24)="" 1.88="" (1.21,="" 2.92)="" 1.57="" (0.56,="" 4.44)="" 1.61="" (0.68,="" 3.83)="" 0.88="" (0.45,="" 1.71)="" 0.80="" (0.51,="" 1.26)="" 0.12="" (0.02,="" 0.62)="" physical="" activity,="" pase="" score="">< 55°="" 1.98="" (1.35,="" 2.91)="" 0.89="" (0.53,="" 1.49)="" 1.82="" (1.25,="" 2.64)="" 1.47="" (0.61,="" 3.52)="" 1.98="" (1.00,="" 3.93)="" 0.81="" (0.47,="" 1.40)="" 0.54="" (0.36,="" 0.79)="" 0.32="" (0.12,="" 0.84)="" note.="" adl="" -="" activities="" of="" daily="" living="" cl="confidence" interval;="" mmse="Mini-Mental" state="" examç="" pace="Physical" activity="" scale="" for="" the="" elderly;="" rr="rate" ratio.="" results="" are="" from="" binomial="" regression="" models="" with="" number="" of="" falls="" per="" year="" as="" the="" outcome.="" *possible="" score,="" 0-56.="" "possible="" score,="" 10-100.="" "possible="" score,0-30;="" score="" of="" 18-24="" indicates="" impaired="" cognition.="" "possible="" score,="" 0-361;="">< 55 is lowest quartile. 55="" is="" lowest=""> 55 is lowest quartile.>