The questions to be answered are;
Week 2 Tutorial 1
a) Describeoneof the major factors influencing business communication and briefly
explain how its effects can be minimized.(5 marks)
b) Describe the elements of the Transactional Process Model of Communication,
the various parts and how interference or barriers impede communication. (5 marks)
Week 3 Tutorial 2
a) How you express yourself verbally affects your relationships with others. Verbal communications are not only about the words we use but how we use them. Describe how the above fact may influence face-to-face verbal communications in one-to-one or small group situations? Give relevant examples. (5 marks)
b) Describe any five (5) bad listening habits that can affect your ability to understand a public lecture delivered by a speaker from a different ethnicity. (5marks)
Week 4 Tutorial 3
a) Social media platforms enable communication between communities of people who share common interests or activities. You have been assigned the responsibilityof managing your company’s socialmedia communication. Discuss any three major considerations for effective and secure social media use. (6 marks).
b) Differentiate between weblogs and wikis as communication media. Include two advantages and two limitations in your explanation. (4 marks)
Week 5 Tutorial 4
Selecting an appropriate communication channel and media is important to the overall effectiveness of the delivery of a message. Discuss your opinion about this statement in 300 words. Provide two examples to support your argument. (10 marks)
Week 6 Tutorial 5
a) What are the benefits and limitations of an electronic spell check and writing- analysis software? (5 Marks)
b) Discuss the four strategies that will enhance the quality and efficiency of writing with a computer (5 marks)