The questions in the attached fileI also upload my presentation for the Capstone project please add to it.1. Utilize the methods in Chapter 4 to generate concepts for your particular design problem....

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The questions in the attached fileI also upload my presentation for the Capstone project please add to it.1. Utilize the methods in Chapter 4 to generate concepts for your particular design problem. Critically evaluate the concepts generated, using one or more of the techniques (Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis, Analytical Hierarchy Process and Pugh Concept Selection) presented in Chapter 4. Section 4.4 provides guidance on how to conduct this process and document the results.2. Develop a functional design for your project. Follow the presentation guidelines in Section 5.9 for communicating the results of the design.

1 – Team Building Principles Creativity is part of being an engineer. We often start with a single solution to a problem and then pursue it as the only possibility. Need to be creative and generate a variety possible designs. Need to be able to evaluate different designs. Systematic generation BE ABLE TO DEFEND YOUR DESIGN! Companies want to employ innovative engineers. Develop your engineering judgment. * * By the end of this chapter, you should: Understand the importance of creativity, innovation, concept generation, and critical evaluation in engineering design. Be familiar with barriers that hinder creativity. Be able to apply strategies and formal methods to generate concepts. Be able to apply techniques for the evaluation of design concepts. * * Think of this as a shovel with a coin on the shovel. The problem is to move two of the “toothpicks” so that the coin is no longer in the shovel, but you still have a shovel. * * | | |_____| | * | Slide the top of the shovel over by half. People tend to put an artificial constraint and only want to move a toothpick completely. In this case, you only slide it to the right. Perceptual Emotional Cultural and Environmental Intellectual and Expressive * * Perceptual blocks Emotional blocks Cultural blocks Intellectual and expressive blocks * * “A body is discovered in a park in Chicago in the middle of summer. It has a fractured skull and many other broken bones, but the cause of death was hypothermia.” Think of the TV show CSI – Crime Scene Investigation. Generate as many solutions as possible to the following scenarios. The idea is to see the problem from a variety of different viewpoints and generate plausible scenarios. You have insufficient information and should examine your assumptions. * * Vertical thinking is? Lateral thinking is? * Have a questioning attitude Practice being creative Suspend judgment All incubation time Think like a beginner * SCAMPER Substitute Combine Adapt Modify Put to other use Eliminate Rearrange or Reverse * Search Externally Literature review Search and review existing products Benchmark similar products Interview experts Search Internally Brainstorming/brainwriting Nominal Group Technique Concept Table/Fans * Rules for group brainstorming No evaluation or judgment of ideas permitted. Encourage wild ideas. Focus on quantity, not quality (can always toss later!) Build upon, combine, or modify the ideas of others (SCAMPER). Record all ideas. * * * User InterfaceDisplayConnectivity & ExpansionPowerSize KeyboardCRTSerial & parallelBatteryHand-held, Fits in pocket TouchpadFlat PanelUSBAC PowerNotebook size Handwriting RecognitionPlasmaWireless EthernetSolar PowerWearable VideoHeads-up displayWired EthernetFuel CellCredit card size VoiceLCDPCMCIAThermal transferFlexible in shape Modem / Telephone * * * Decision Methods (some of them) Strength & Weakness Analysis Analytical Hierarchy Process (Decision Matrix) Pugh Concept Selection * Identify and list strengths and weaknesses of each concept. To make more analytical, assign subjective weights to strengths and weaknesses (plus and minus factors) and sum them. * * Design Option 1Design Option 2Design Option n Criteria 111121n Criteria 221222n Criteria mm1m2mn Score Step 1: Determine the selection criteria Step 2: Select the criteria weightings Step 3: Identify and rate alternatives relative to the criteria Step 4: Compute the scores Step 5: Review the decision You can use all the quantitative data you can get, but you still have to distrust it and use your own intelligence and judgment.—Alvin Toffler * Select a current source circuit for current measurement * In this case they are given as Accuracy Cost Size Availability * These are computed based upon the results of the pairwise comparison – given in the problem. Be sure to normalize the final values. * They need to be computed for the following Accuracy Cost Size Availability * * Single BJTOp AmpCurrent Mirror Accuracy0.42 Cost0.12 Size0.12 Availability0.34 Score Select the comparison criteria Determine weights for the criteria Determine the concepts Select baseline concept, initially believed best Compare other concepts to baseline: +1 better than, 0 equal to, -1 worse than. Compute weighted score for concepts, not including the baseline. Examine concepts: retain, update, or drop. Synthesize best elements of others where possible. Update table & iterate until best concept emerges. * * Option 1 (Reference)Option 2Option 3Option 4 Criteria 14-00+1 Criteria 25-+1-10 Criteria 32--10+1 Criteria 41-+1+1-1 Score-4-45 Continue?CombineYesNoCombine Identify different design alternatives (see also Chapters 5 and 6). Search externally Brainstorming sessions. Nominal Group Technique Morphology (Concept Tables and Fans) SCAMPER Identify leading concept and justify Strength & Weaknesses Analysis Decision Matrices Pugh Concept Selection * Open your mind to creativity Innovation is important There are strategies to apply Apply Methods of Concept Generation Search externally: Patents, research, experts Search internally: SCAMPER, Morph Charts, Concept Fans, Brainstorming, Nominal Group Technique Evaluate Concepts Critically Strengths/Weaknesses Decision Matrices Pugh Concept Selection * å = = m i i i S 1 1 1 a w å = = m i i i S 1 2 2 a w å = = m i in i n S 1 a w RTD Sensor Thermo- couple Therm- istor Washer Type Wire Tube and Wire Temp to Voltage Conversion Op Amp Inverting Non- Inverting Transistor Single Transis- tor Current Mirror Display 7 Segment LED LCD Analog Dial LED Bar Level Indicator Design RTD R REF V CC + V T - I RTD R E -V EE V CC + V T - I V + - RTD R + V T - I DAVID DAVID An electronic security system DAVID Engineering DAVID Engineering strives to create an intuitive electronic security system at an affordable price. DAVID Engineering shall utilize effective teamwork, communication, and design skills to develop an effective product. DAVID Engineering DAVID Engineering utilizes a dynamic schedule to coordinate submittal procedures, timelines, and reviews. Efficient communication achieved via: Text messages Emails Weekly meetings DAVID Engineering Meeting structure: Overview of dates, milestones, & progress submittals Discussion of outstanding items In-depth review of specific milestones & upcoming submittals Discussion of design Discussion of potential conflict and concerns General review and scheduling System Requirements Engineering-Marketing Tradeoffs System Design: Platform & CCTV Cameras Platform: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 8GB - $75 Supports Hi-Quality Cameras Plethora of available technology such as RFID controls and video surveillance. CCTV Cameras Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera - $50 Wide Angle Lens - $50 RPI-16MM-LENS Telephoto Lens, PRI, 16mm, Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera, 10MP, C-Mount. Competitive Benchmarks Assessments Assessments Sheet1 Marketing RequirementsEngineering RequirementsJustification 3The device shall record atleast to 30 days of video feed. The average security system records 30 to 90 days of video surveillance footage. 2The product shall be weather proof & tamper resistant. Exterior security cameras may be exposed to weather and perpretrators may attempt to tamper with surviellance devices. 4The product shall include a simple & functional interface which can be accessed by the home or small business owner. A functional interface with a simple design shall be straightforward and accessible, attributing to an intuitive product. 5The product shall require no more than 24VDC power, with CCTV cameras require no more than 15W of output power. 24VDC, 15W can be delivered via USB or power over ethernet which are energy efficient means of power distribution. 1Each CCTV Camera shall be purchasable for under $150The average CCTV camera costs somewhere between $40-$100. Marketing Requirements: 1The product shall be low cost; as to be affordable for small business or home owners. 2The product shall be robust. 3Video feeds shall be recorded and shall be accessable by the user. 4The product shall be intuitive. 5The product shall be power efficient. Marketing RequirementsEngineering RequirementsJustification 3 The device shall record atleast to 30 days of video feed. The average security system records 30 to 90 days of video surveillance footage. 2 The product shall be weather proof & tamper resistant. Exterior security cameras may be exposed to weather and perpretrators may attempt to tamper with surviellance devices. 4 The product shall include a simple & functional interface which can be accessed by the home or small business owner. A functional interface with a simple design shall be straightforward and accessible, attributing to an intuitive product. 5 The product shall require no more than 24VDC power, with CCTV cameras require no more than 15W of output power. 24VDC, 15W can be delivered via USB or power over ethernet which are energy efficient means of power distribution. 1 Each CCTV Camera shall be purchasable for under $150 The average CCTV camera costs somewhere between $40-$100. 1 2 3 4 5The product shall be power efficient. Marketing Requirements: The product shall be low cost; as to be affordable for small business or home owners. The product shall be robust. Video feeds shall be recorded and shall be accessable by the user. The product shall be intuitive. Sheet1 StorageDurabilityManufacturing CostPower RequirementsInstall TimeDimensionsData Output Requirements ++----+ Purchasing Cost-↓↓↓↓↑↑↓↓↑ Ease of Installation+↓↓↓↑↓↑↑↑↑ Digital Accessability+ Connection Requirements+↓↓↓↑↑↑ Sheet2 Sheet3 StorageDurabilityManufacturing CostPower RequirementsInstall TimeDimensionsData Output Requirements ++----+ Purchasing Cost-↓↓↓↓↑↑↓↓↑ Ease of Installation+↓↓↓↑↓↑↑↑↑ Digital Accessability+ Connection Requirements+↓↓↓↑↑↑ Sheet1 Competitive Benchmarks for CCTV Cameras Google NestAmazon BlinkDAVID Cost$200$100$125 Input Power5V5V5V Output Power5W5W15W Resolution1080P1080P1080P Google NestAmazon BlinkDAVID Cost$200$100$125 Input Power5V5V5V Output Power5W5W15W Resolution1080P1080P1080P Competitive Benchmarks for CCTV Cameras Engineering Requirements Engineering RequirementsScore Each engineering requirement is abstract.2 Each engineering requirement is verifiable. 4 Each engineering requirement is unambiguous and written as a concise statement.4 Each engineering requirement can be traced to a user need. 4 Each engineering requirement is realistic and has a justification provided.5 Standards and constraints applicable to the project have been identified and included.3 The Requirements Specification The Requirements SpecificationScore The requirements are normalized, with minimal redundancy and overlap.3 The engineering requirements are organized by similarity.3 The requirements are complete, addressing all needs.3 The requirements are bounded.4 The requirements have been validated and agreed upon by all stakeholders.3 Team Formation Team FormationScore The team's objectives are clearly defined.4 There is consensus among all team members that the objectives are the correct ones.4 The team members complementary skills (technical functional interpersonal) have been identified.5 There are enough members on the team to cover all of the necessary competencies5 There are not too many members on the team. 5 Team Processes Team ProcessesScore The team has developed clear guidelines for resolving conflicts and disagreements.5 The team has developed effective guidelines for holding all members of the team mutually accountable for achieving objectives.5 The team has developed a strategy for holding effective meetings.5 The team has agreed upon a mutual meeting time and place.5 The team members trust each other.5 The team members demonstrate respect for each other’s ideas.5 Engineering RequirementsScore Each engineering requirement is abstract.2 Each engineering requirement is verifiable. 4 Each engineering requirement is unambiguous and written as a concise statement.4 Each engineering requirement
Answered 6 days AfterMar 17, 2021

Answer To: The questions in the attached fileI also upload my presentation for the Capstone project please add...

Rahul answered on Mar 21 2021
158 Votes
Install CCTV System
Employ a security guard
Install an Arduino based security system using s
ensors to detect intruders
Using LIDAR technology
Electronic Security System with motion detector and cameras using Cloud based technology
Entrance Alert System
    Idea    Power    Size    Analysis    Area Coverage
    CCTV System    UPS/Normal Building Supply    Monitor display in a room    Person required for monitoring    Can be installed at multiple locations
    Security Guard    Not required    Person is employed    Person required for monitoring    Limited area
    Arduino Based System    UPS/Normal Building Supply    Modular set up & no person required    Alarm on detecting intruder    Can be installed at multiple locations
    LIDAR Technology    UPS/Normal Building Supply    Modular set up & no person required    Alarm on detecting intruder    Can be installed at multiple locations
    Electronic Security System with motion sensor    UPS/Normal Building Supply    Modular set up & no person required    Notifies the person    Can be installed at multiple locations
    Entrance Alert System    UPS/Normal Building Supply    Modular...

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