The questions below are based on a dataset containing the characteristics of 5,407 households. In particular, we will use the following variables: - size: home size, measured in square feet. - hhinc:...

Consider the results in Table 5. After running the regression, we test whether the
variables onwer and hhinc are jointly statistically significant at 5%. The value of the
F-statistic is 323.27. Note that the sample size is 1,593. What is the outcome of the
test? Would it be correct to reject the null hypothesis if either the t-statistic for hhinc
or the t-statistic for owner exceeded 1.96 in absolute value? Explain.

The questions below are based on a dataset containing the characteristics of 5,407<br>households. In particular, we will use the following variables:<br>- size: home size, measured in square feet.<br>- hhinc: annual household net income, measured in euros.<br>- owner. dummy variable equal to 1 if the living space is owned, and 0 if the living<br>space is rented.<br>- hhsize1: dummy variable equal to 1 if the number of household's members is 1 or<br>2, and 0 otherwise.<br>hhsize2: dummy variable equal to 1 if the number of household's members is 3 or<br>4, and 0 otherwise.<br>hhsize3: dummy variable equal to 1 if the number of household's members is 5 or<br>above 5, and 0 otherwise.<br>- edu: education level of household's members.<br>The Appendix contains tables with the critical values of the standard normal distribution and<br>the F distribution.<br>

Extracted text: The questions below are based on a dataset containing the characteristics of 5,407 households. In particular, we will use the following variables: - size: home size, measured in square feet. - hhinc: annual household net income, measured in euros. - owner. dummy variable equal to 1 if the living space is owned, and 0 if the living space is rented. - hhsize1: dummy variable equal to 1 if the number of household's members is 1 or 2, and 0 otherwise. hhsize2: dummy variable equal to 1 if the number of household's members is 3 or 4, and 0 otherwise. hhsize3: dummy variable equal to 1 if the number of household's members is 5 or above 5, and 0 otherwise. - edu: education level of household's members. The Appendix contains tables with the critical values of the standard normal distribution and the F distribution.
Table 5<br>. regress size hhinc owner hhsizel hhsizez hhsize3, robust noconstant<br>Linear regression<br>Nunber of obs<br>1,593<br>F(5, 1588)<br>3895.70<br>Prob > F<br>0.0000<br>R-squared<br>0.9255<br>Root MSE<br>353.16<br>Robust<br>size<br>Coefficient std. err.<br>t<br>P>|t|<br>(95% conf. interval)<br>hhinc<br>6.80 0.000<br>.004567<br>0006717<br>0032495<br>.0058845<br>owner<br>404.7925<br>442.6217<br>hhsizel<br>675.8086<br>24.24222<br>27.88 0.00<br>628.2585<br>723.3587<br>hhsize2<br>788.6606<br>36.47628<br>21.62<br>717.1138<br>860.2073<br>hhsize)<br>993.6609<br>58.63294<br>16.95<br>e.000<br>878.6548<br>1108.667<br>

Extracted text: Table 5 . regress size hhinc owner hhsizel hhsizez hhsize3, robust noconstant Linear regression Nunber of obs 1,593 F(5, 1588) 3895.70 Prob > F 0.0000 R-squared 0.9255 Root MSE 353.16 Robust size Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| (95% conf. interval) hhinc 6.80 0.000 .004567 0006717 0032495 .0058845 owner 404.7925 442.6217 hhsizel 675.8086 24.24222 27.88 0.00 628.2585 723.3587 hhsize2 788.6606 36.47628 21.62 717.1138 860.2073 hhsize) 993.6609 58.63294 16.95 e.000 878.6548 1108.667
Jun 11, 2022

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