) The purpose of this assignment is to (i) learn about various data formats and their pros and cons through independent research and (ii) work with an XML-based format called KML both with a...

) The purpose of this assignment is to (i) learn about various data formats and their pros and cons through independent research and (ii) work with an XML-based format called KML both with a visualisation tool and a text editor

BUS5DWR - Assignment 2 (20%) The purpose of this assignment is to (i) learn about various data formats and their pros and cons through independent research and (ii) work with an XML-based format called KML both with a visualisation tool and a text editor. Question 1 [2 marks] Give two examples of data streaming applications – one where analytics (data computations) would be performed and one without analytics. Include estimates of a typical rate of data flow for each example. Question 2 [2 marks] Explain the difference between date serial numbers and datetime formats in MS Excel. Give an example of each with a datetime from September 2019. Question 3 [2 marks] With which keystrokes (without copy-paste, emoji keyboard or use of menus) could one display the following characters in MS Word? ≤ © Question 4 [2 marks] Digital images may be represented as raster graphics or vector graphics. Give two examples of file formats (extensions) of each type and explain the key advantage of vector graphics over raster graphics. Give a reason why despite this raster image formats are more commonly used. Question 5 [2 marks] Read up on the KML and GeoJSON file formats. How do they differ and do you see any advantages in using one format over the other? Question 6 [10 marks] Imagine you have been to three interesting landmarks within a single city (anywhere in the world) and you wish to present a tour of these to some friends using Google Earth. Prepare a single KML file that presents them. The file when opened with Google Earth should show the places plus some factual information about them (no more than a paragraph). Requirements: (i) The landmarks must be highlighted using a placemark and polygon and joined to each other via paths each containing at least three points (they need not follow roads if the landmarks are far apart). Hence there will be two or three paths included. (ii) Include a table of at least two rows and two columns (e.g. of facts) in the description of one or more of the landmarks using HTML code. (iii) Be creative with the use of colour and text formatting in the paths, polygons, placemarks and descriptions. If you do not already have it download Google Earth Pro for the desktop from https://www.google.com/earth/versions/#earth-pro Documentation about the KML language can be found at https://developers.google.com/kml/documentation/ A useful tip: Google Earth comes with a “Sightseeing Tour” preinstalled. To view the KML code that creates it you may right click on the “Sightseeing Tour” place, select Copy (as shown in the figure), then paste the result into a text editor. Describe the process you used to create the KML file (at most 500 words or two pages not including references). You may use screenshots if that makes the explanation easier. [Total: 20 marks] Submission Your submission to this assignment will consist of two files. 1) A document answering questions 1-5 and a description of how you created the KML file for question 6. Please cite any references used to answer the questions in this assignment apart from the links already provided here. 2) A single file with a .kml extension that when loaded into Google Earth will correctly show the three destinations including descriptions. Marking Rubrics Please note the following as it shows how marks will be allocated. Question 1: 0.5 marks for each valid example, 0.5 marks for each roughly correct estimate of the throughput. Question 2: 1 mark for a correct answer to the difference between the two formats, 0.5 marks for a correct representation of each of the two formats. Question 3: 0.5 marks for correct answers to each of the four parts. Question 4: 1 mark for a correct answer to how the formats differ, 1 mark for sensible discussion of the relative merits of one format over the other. Question 5: - 1 mark if the KML file is syntactically correct and loads successfully into Google Earth Pro (deduct 0.5 for each major mistake found) - 1.5 marks if the 3 places are displayed with accurate coordinates and appropriate viewing angles different from values in the default Sightseeing Tour of Google Earth (0.5 for each place) - 1 mark for correct implementation of the polygons - 1 mark for correct implementation of the paths - 1 mark for correct implementation of a table - 1.5 marks for a valid text description of each place (0.5 for each place) - 1 mark for aesthetics and creativity including the use of colour and text formatting - 2 marks for the description of the process used in generating the file including evidence that correct usage of Google Earth and/or a text editor were used Overall: 1 mark deducted if no references are cited.

May 18, 2022

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