The purpose of this assignment is to describe a local program that educates and informs adults about crime prevention. Through this assignment, you will first identify a local crime prevention...

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The purpose of this assignment is to describe a local program that educates and informs adults about crime prevention. Through this assignment, you will first identify a local crime prevention program. Using the information you have learned thus far in the course, you will then describe the components or elements, philosophy, and goals of the program, as well as the strengths and weaknesses, and the effectiveness of the program. Discuss how the program educates and informs adults about crime prevention.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word essay describing a local crime prevention program. Include the following in your essay:

  • The name of the crime prevention program.

  • A description of the components of the program, including the length of time to complete the program, who the participants are, who teaches the program, in what setting it is taught, the topics taught, and so on.

  • A description of the philosophy and goals of the program, including the purpose of the program and what it attempts to achieve.

  • A description of the strengths and weaknesses of the program, or what is good about it and what is bad about it?

  • A description of any ethical issues involved with the program, including whether it is ethical to provide the program information to the specific participants of the program, whether the material is age-sensitive, or whether the particular teacher is the appropriate person to be teaching the material.

  • A description of the effectiveness of the program, including whether and how well it works.

  • Include examples to support your discussion.

Format your work consistent with APA guidelines.

Include a title and reference page.

Cite a minimum of three sources within the body of your paper, using in-text citations where appropriate.

Note:You may consult the Online Library, the Internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations in APA style.


Answered 1 days AfterJan 12, 2021

Answer To: The purpose of this assignment is to describe a local program that educates and informs adults about...

Swati answered on Jan 13 2021
148 Votes
Crime prevention Program
Domestic Violence Treatment Option
Crime prevention acts as first barrier and control measures before damage happens. Crime prevention is significantly notable in Australia due to its achievement and innovation in crucial areas (Homel, 2006). The specific loca
l crime prevention program described here is Domestic Violence treatment option, also known as DVTO.
Mission of national crime prevention center is to offer national leadership on cost efficient as well as effective manner so as to prevent and reduce crime while addressing the risk factors in areas and places with high risk populations. Two core activities are focused here which include supporting the targeted crime prevention practices and the other one is to build and share practical knowledge as much as possible. To achieve this, there must be integration of crime prevention practices with that of activities of existing community services and programs, use of evidence based practices as well as build on protective factors and the build on the knowledge. Additionally, these practices must be easy to measure along with focused towards specific priorities (Brereton & David, 2000).
Domestic Violence Treatment Option
DVTO is a court process which is alterative option for allowing people who have used violence on the spouse to be responsible for their act and behavior while receiving counseling and support. Opportunities for counseling and therapy are provided by this program in order to reduce the reoffending risk.
When a charge is laid by policy towards domestic violence, matter’s first hearing is mostly scheduled in the DVTO court wherein the defense and crown counsel may also give recommendations for the program referral.
Herein, all matters post first appearance is reviewed for the check of eligibility. After establishment of eligibility as well as to continue the DVTO, there must be acceptance of responsibility by the offender by pleading guilty in the court of law.
8 pre-designed modules are then completed by the program’s participants so as to address the psychological as well as emotional causes of domestic violence who may further access additional counseling in order to work out the other factors that impact the relationship like drug addiction and alcohol addiction etc.
Once the program is completed, there is requirement of offender to still appear before court for sentencing. However, the judge will consider the meaningful progress that the offender made during program which results in reduced sentence most of time.
Program Rating: Innovative program
Target Population: Adult offenders
DVTO was established in year 2000 due to high rates of domestic violence. This is a local, specialized treatment program and court that deals with the cases of domestic violence. Multiple stakeholders are engaged in this which includes...

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