The purpose of this assignment is for you to think about and take stock of what you learned about the global economy and globalization. A lot of times, people make claims about globalziation such as “...

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The purpose of this assignment is for you to think about and take stock of what you learned about the global economy and globalization. A lot of times, people make claims about globalziation such as “ Globalization is Good for the Poor” or Globalization is bad for the Poor” or the working class or say things like “ I’m a globalist” or “ I’m an anti-globalist” . In understanding globalization, and elements of the global economy, we emphasized a broad approach to the elements of the global economy. Its consequences are often contradictory. Globalization can bring positive as well as negative consequences. At the same time, some people may become better of as a result of expansion of globalization, while others may be worse off within a country region or nation state. ( e. g. Some people may lose their lives or livelihoods as aresult of trade ) as emphasized by Branko Milanovic in his article, “ Two Faces of Globalization: Against Globalization As We Know It” ( on the syllabus.)

Taking into consideration all the readings and the lectures, please write write an essay answering the following question:


Take two elements of the “global” economy ( broad understanding ) and write an essay analyzing each element in terms of who ( which empire, or nation or groups of people in each empire or nation ) benefitted from increased globalization and which ones experienced adverse consequences. Your example of the “ global economy” or “globalization” can be from ANY historical period.


First specify a historical period ( e.g. Historical period X century .. or dates between Y and Z or modern neoliberal globalization – or current phase etc.


Then pick an element of the global economy: e.g. First Element: Long distance trade or international trade ( or some other element such as innovation, technical change, international migration, spreading of diseases etc. as I specified in the lectures)


Think about who ( which empire, nation state ) benefited from increased trade ? and who lost.


Then repeat the same thing with another element of the global economy : Pick a historical period or the current period . ( You may pick a different period or stick to the same period as in element 1 .

Your answer may be something like: Period X ...

Briefly describe element you choose ( e.g. international trade ) ; specify who ( which country or region ) exported/ imported what – ( e. g. Silk, or x, y, z ) then explain who would benefit from increased trade ( e.g. consumers of silk in the importing region or some other group of people; make sure you explain why )

Then explain who would be adversely affected in this period from increased trade. ( Your answer may be No- One or x, y , z and you need to argue why they “benefitted” or “lost” ) .
Answered Same DayOct 15, 2021

Answer To: The purpose of this assignment is for you to think about and take stock of what you learned about...

Nishtha answered on Oct 19 2021
143 Votes
Running Head: GLOBALIZATION                                1
Table of Contents
1.    3
a)    3
b)    3

c)    4
d)    4
e)    5
References    6
The financial world steadily opened up from the 1980s onwards, guided by neo-liberal policies. The popular '3D Policy' was adopted by many states, especially the US under Ronald Reagan and the UK under Margaret Thatcher: decentralization, decommissioning, privatization. The aim was to reduce the laws of finance, remove mediators and remove the barriers between the financial centers of the world.
Moreover, the aim was to promote the exchange of capital among the financial players of the world. As mentioned by Mitchell and Fazi (2017), this financial globalization has led to the creation of a worldwide financial market, where contracts and transactions of capital had intensified.
A concept widely used to define free-market capitalism is neoliberalism. Neoliberalism encompasses policies related to free trade, privatization and deregulation of rates, decreased government size and competitive wage levels. As indicated by Rodrik (2017), during the 1980s, Reagan (US) and Thatcher (UK) policies were perceived to have a neoliberal foundation because they aimed to privatise state-owned industries, cut payroll taxes and decrease government...

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