The purpose and function of culture in the healthcare organization is to help create and maintain integration, bring employees from all levels of the organization closer together, and to enhance...

The purpose and function of culture in the healthcare organization is to help create and maintain integration, bring employees from all levels of the organization closer together, and to enhance performance and productivity. Basically, organizational culture is the personality of the organization. Culture is made up of the assumptions, values and norms of organization members, and their behaviours. In this essay: Demonstrate an understanding of organisational culture as to relate to Singapore healthcare system. The essay should be presented in the following format. Sections Introduction • Provide an overview of the healthcare organization in Singapore context. Content • Define and discuss the concept of organizational culture. • Discuss the function of Organisational Culture. • Analyse the internal and external factors that affect the creation and perpetuation of organizational culture. • Analyse the healthcare culture, performance and the effectiveness of Values-Based Culture. Conclusion • Summary of key highlights of discussion Required to consult and fully reference from 3 different sources of information (e.g. book; www; journal article from the full-text databases; current affairs magazine; newspaper etc.)

Oct 07, 2019

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