Project2/Aquarium$Space.class public final synchronized enum Aquarium$Space { Project2/Aquarium.class public synchronized class Aquarium { private int size; private int[] columnTotals; private int[]...

The project zip file is extracted then open with a java compiler called bluej

Project2/Aquarium$Space.class public final synchronized enum Aquarium$Space { Project2/Aquarium.class public synchronized class Aquarium { private int size; private int[] columnTotals; private int[] rowTotals; private int[][] aquariums; private Space[][] spaces; public void Aquarium(String); public void Aquarium(); public static int[] parseLine(String); public int getSize(); public int[] getColumnTotals(); public int[] getRowTotals(); public int[][] getAquariums(); public Space[][] getSpaces(); public void leftClick(int, int); public void rightClick(int, int); public void clear(); } Project2/Aquarium.ctxt #BlueJ class context comment0.text=\r\n\ Aquarium\ represents\ a\ single\ problem\ in\ the\ game\ Aquarium.\r\n\r\n\ @author\ Lyndon\ While\ \r\n\ @version\ 2020\r\n comment1.params=filename comment1.text=\r\n\ Constructor\ for\ objects\ of\ class\ Aquarium.\ \r\n\ Creates,\ initialises,\ and\ populates\ all\ of\ the\ fields.\r\n comment10.params=r\ c\ rightClick(int,\ int) comment10.text=\r\n\ Performs\ a\ right\ click\ on\ Square\ r,c\ if\ the\ indices\ are\ legal,\ o/w\ does\ nothing.\ \r\n\ An\ air\ space\ becomes\ empty;\ other\ spaces\ become\ air.\ \r\n comment11.params=\ clear() comment11.text=\r\n\ Empties\ all\ of\ the\ spaces.\r\n comment2.params= comment2.text=\r\n\ Uses\ the\ provided\ example\ file\ on\ the\ LMS\ page.\r\n comment3.params=s[]\ parseLine(java.lang.String) comment3.text=\r\n\ Returns\ an\ array\ containing\ the\ ints\ in\ s,\ \r\n\ each\ of\ which\ is\ separated\ by\ one\ space.\ \r\n\ e.g.\ if\ s\ \=\ "1\ 299\ 34\ 5",\ it\ will\ return\ {1,299,34,5}\ \r\n comment4.params=\ getSize() comment4.text=\r\n\ Returns\ the\ size\ of\ the\ puzzle.\r\n comment5.params=[]\ getColumnTotals() comment5.text=\r\n\ Returns\ the\ column\ totals.\r\n comment6.params=[]\ getRowTotals() comment6.text=\r\n\ Returns\ the\ row\ totals.\r\n comment7.params=[][]\ getAquariums() comment7.text=\r\n\ Returns\ the\ board\ in\ aquariums.\r\n comment8.params=[][]\ getSpaces() comment8.text=\r\n\ Returns\ the\ board\ in\ spaces.\r\n comment9.params=r\ c\ leftClick(int,\ int) comment9.text=\r\n\ Performs\ a\ left\ click\ on\ Square\ r,c\ if\ the\ indices\ are\ legal,\ o/w\ does\ nothing.\ \r\n\ A\ water\ space\ becomes\ empty;\ other\ spaces\ become\ water.\ \r\n numComments=12 Project2/ Project2/ /**  * Aquarium represents a single problem in the game Aquarium.  *  * @author Lyndon While   * @version 2020  */ public class Aquarium {     private int   size;         // the board is size x size     private int[] columnTotals; // the totals at the top of the columns, left to right     private int[] rowTotals;    // the totals at the left of the rows, top to bottom           // the board divided into aquariums, numbered from 1,2,3,...     // spaces with the same number are part of the same aquarium     private int[][] aquariums;     // the board divided into spaces, each empty, water, or air     private Space[][] spaces;     /**      * Constructor for objects of class Aquarium.       * Creates, initialises, and populates all of the fields.      */     public Aquarium(String filename)     {         // TODO 3     }          /**      * Uses the provided example file on the LMS page.      */     public Aquarium()     {         this("Examples/a6_1.txt");     }     /**      * Returns an array containing the ints in s,       * each of which is separated by one space.       * e.g. if s = "1 299 34 5", it will return {1,299,34,5}       */     public static int[] parseLine(String s)     {         // TODO 2         return null;     }          /**      * Returns the size of the puzzle.      */     public int getSize()     {         // TODO 1a         return -1;     }          /**      * Returns the column totals.      */     public int[] getColumnTotals()     {         // TODO 1b         return null;     }          /**      * Returns the row totals.      */     public int[] getRowTotals()     {         // TODO 1c         return null;     }          /**      * Returns the board in aquariums.      */     public int[][] getAquariums()     {         // TODO 1d         return null;     }          /**      * Returns the board in spaces.      */     public Space[][] getSpaces()     {         // TODO 1e         return null;     }          /**      * Performs a left click on Square r,c if the indices are legal, o/w does nothing.       * A water space becomes empty; other spaces become water.       */     public void leftClick(int r, int c)     {         // TODO 4     }          /**      * Performs a right click on Square r,c if the indices are legal, o/w does nothing.       * An air space becomes empty; other spaces become air.       */     public void rightClick(int r, int c)     {         // TODO 5     }          /**      * Empties all of the spaces.      */     public void clear()     {         // TODO 6     } } Project2/AquariumTest.class public synchronized class AquariumTest { private Aquarium a4; private Aquarium a6; public void AquariumTest(); public void setUp(); public void testAquarium(); public void testparseLine(); public void testleftClick(); public void testrightClick(); public void testleftandrightClick(); public void testclear(); } Project2/AquariumTest.ctxt #BlueJ class context comment0.text=\r\n\ This\ class\ provides\ unit\ test\ cases\ for\ the\ Aquarium\ class.\r\n\ @author\ Lyndon\ While\r\n\ @version\ 1.0\r\n comment1.params=\ setUp() comment1.text=\r\n\ Sets\ up\ the\ test\ fixture.\r\n\r\n\ Called\ before\ every\ test\ case\ method.\r\n comment2.params=\ testAquarium() comment3.params=\ testparseLine() comment4.params=\ testleftClick() comment5.params=\ testrightClick() comment6.params=\ testleftandrightClick() comment7.params=\ testclear() numComments=8 Project2/ Project2/ import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.Arrays;  /**  * This class provides unit test cases for the Aquarium class.  * @author Lyndon While  * @version 1.0  */ public class AquariumTest {     private Aquarium a4, a6;     /**      * Sets up the test fixture.      *      * Called before every test case method.      */     @Before     public void setUp()     {         a4 = new Aquarium("Examples/a4_1.txt");         a6 = new Aquarium("Examples/a6_1.txt");     }     @Test     public void testAquarium()      {         // check a4         int[][] xss = {{1,3,1,3}                       ,{1,4,2,1}                       ,{1,2,1,3}                       ,{1,1,1,3}                       ,{4,1,4,3}                       ,{4,4,4,5}};         assertEquals("wrong size",   4,                 a4.getSize());          assertTrue  ("null array",                      a4.getColumnTotals() != null);         assertEquals("wrong size",   4,                 a4.getColumnTotals().length);         assertEquals("wrong entry", -1, Arrays.mismatch(a4.getColumnTotals(), xss[0]));          assertTrue  ("null array",                      a4.getRowTotals() != null);         assertEquals("wrong size",   4,                 a4.getRowTotals().length);         assertEquals("wrong entry", -1, Arrays.mismatch(a4.getRowTotals(), xss[1]));         assertTrue  ("null array",                      a4.getAquariums() != null);         assertEquals("wrong size",   4,                 a4.getAquariums().length);         for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++)         {=""             asserttrue  ("null array",                      a4.getaquariums()[r] !=" null);"             assertequals("wrong size",   4,                 a4.getaquariums()[r].length);=""             assertequals("wrong entry", -1, arrays.mismatch(a4.getaquariums()[r], xss[r+2]));=""         }=""         asserttrue  ("null array",    a4.getspaces() !=" null);"         assertequals("wrong size", 4, a4.getspaces().length);=""         for (int r ="">< 4; r++)         {=""             asserttrue  ("null array",    a4.getspaces()[r] !=" null);"             assertequals("wrong size", 4, a4.getspaces()[r].length);=""             for (int c ="">< 4; c++)                 assertequals("wrong entry", space.empty, a4.getspaces()[r][c]);=""         }=""         =""         // check a6=""         xss =" new int[][] {{2,3,4,5,2,1}"                           ,{2,4,1,3,2,5}=""                           ,{1,1,2,2,2,2}=""                           ,{1,1,1,2,6,6}=""                           ,{4,5,3,2,6,6}=""                           ,{4,5,3,3,3,6}=""                           ,{4,4,3,3,6,6}=""                           ,{4,3,3,6,6,6}};=""         assertequals("wrong size",   6,                 a6.getsize()); =""         asserttrue  ("null array",                      a6.getcolumntotals() !=" null);"         assertequals("wrong size",   6,                 a6.getcolumntotals().length);=""         assertequals("wrong entry", -1, arrays.mismatch(a6.getcolumntotals(), xss[0]));=""         asserttrue  ("null array",                      a6.getrowtotals() !=" null);"         assertequals("wrong size",   6,                 a6.getrowtotals().length);=""         assertequals("wrong entry", -1, arrays.mismatch(a6.getrowtotals(), xss[1]));=""         asserttrue  ("null array",                      a6.getaquariums() !=" null);"         assertequals("wrong size",   6,                 a6.getaquariums().length);=""         for (int r ="">< 6; r++)         {=""             asserttrue  ("null array",                      a6.getaquariums()[r] !=" null);"             assertequals("wrong size",   6,                 a6.getaquariums()[r].length);=""             assertequals("wrong entry", -1, arrays.mismatch(a6.getaquariums()[r], xss[r+2]));=""         }=""         asserttrue  ("null array",    a6.getspaces() !=" null);"         assertequals("wrong size", 6, a6.getspaces().length);=""         for (int r ="">< 6; r++)         {=""             asserttrue  ("null array",    a6.getspaces()[r] !=" null);"             assertequals("wrong size", 6, a6.getspaces()[r].length);=""             for (int c ="">< 6; c++)                 assertequals("wrong entry", space.empty, a6.getspaces()[r][c]);=""         }=""     }=""     @test=""     public void testparseline() =""     {=""         int[] xs =" Aquarium.parseLine("1 23 456 7890");"         asserttrue  ("null array",      xs !=" null);"         assertequals("wrong size",   4, xs.length);=""         assertequals("wrong entry", -1, arrays.mismatch(xs, new int[] {1,23,456,7890}));=""         =""         xs =" Aquarium.parseLine("1 0 -1"); // needs to cope with all integers"         asserttrue  ("null array",      xs !=" null);"         assertequals("wrong size",   3, xs.length);=""         assertequals("wrong entry", -1, arrays.mismatch(xs, new int[] {1,0,-1}));=""     }=""     @test=""     public void testleftclick() =""     {=""         for (int i ="">< 6; i++)             for (int j ="">< 6; j++)             {=""                 assertequals("wrong entry", space.empty, a6.getspaces()[i][j]);=""                 a6.leftclick(i,j);=""                 assertequals("wrong entry", space.water, a6.getspaces()[i][j]);=""                 a6.leftclick(i,j);=""                 assertequals("wrong entry", space.empty, a6.getspaces()[i][j]);=""             }=""     }=""     @test=""     public void testrightclick() =""     {=""         for (int i ="">< 6; i++)             for (int j ="">< 6; j++)             {=""                 assertequals("wrong entry", space.empty, a6.getspaces()[i][j]);=""                 a6.rightclick(i,j);=""                 assertequals("wrong entry", space.air,   a6.getspaces()[i][j]);=""                 a6.rightclick(i,j);=""                 assertequals("wrong entry", space.empty, a6.getspaces()[i][j]);=""             }=""     }=""     @test=""     public void testleftandrightclick() =""     {=""         for (int i ="">< 6; i++)             for (int j ="">< 6; j++)             {=""                 assertequals("wrong entry", space.empty, a6.getspaces()[i][j]);=""                 a6.rightclick(i,j);=""                 assertequals("wrong entry", space.air,   a6.getspaces()[i][j]);=""                 a6.leftclick(i,j);=""                 assertequals("wrong entry", space.water, a6.getspaces()[i][j]);=""                 a6.rightclick(i,j);=""                 assertequals("wrong entry", space.air,   a6.getspaces()[i][j]);=""             }=""     }=""     @test=""     public void testclear() =""     {=""         testaquarium();=""         for (int i ="">< 6; i++)             for (int j ="">< 6; j++)                 // mix up the clicks for fun                 if ((i + j) % 2 == 0)                  {                     a6.leftclick(i,j);                     a4.rightclick(i,j);                 }                 else                 {                     a6.rightclick(i,j);                     a4.leftclick(i,j);                 }         a6.clear();         a4.clear();         testaquarium();     } } project2/aquariumviewer.class public synchronized class aquariumviewer implements java.awt.event.mouselistener { private final int boxsize; private final int offset; private int windowsize; private aquarium puzzle; private int size; private simplecanvas sc; public void aquariumviewer(aquarium); public void aquariumviewer(int); public void aquariumviewer(); public aquarium getpuzzle(); public int getsize(); public simplecanvas getcanvas(); private void displaypuzzle(); public void displaygrid(); public void displaynumbers(); public void displayaquariums(); public void displaybuttons(); public void updatesquare(int, int); public void mousepressed(java.awt.event.mouseevent); public void mouseclicked(java.awt.event.mouseevent); public void mousereleased(java.awt.event.mouseevent); public void mouseentered(java.awt.event.mouseevent); public void mouseexited(java.awt.event.mouseevent); } project2/aquariumviewer.ctxt #bluej class context comment1.params=puzzle comment1.text=\r\n\ main\ constructor\ for\ objects\ of\ class\ aquariumviewer.\r\n\ sets\ all\ fields,\ and\ displays\ the\ initial\ puzzle.\r\n comment10.params=\ displayaquariums() comment10.text=\r\n\ displays\ the\ aquariums.\r\n comment11.params=\ displaybuttons() comment11.text=\r\n\ displays\ the\ buttons\ below\ the\ grid.\r\n comment12.params=r\ c\ updatesquare(int,\ int) comment12.text=\r\n\ updates\ the\ display\ of\ square\ r,c.\ \r\n\ sets\ the\ display\ of\ this\ square\ to\ whatever\ is\ in\ the\ squares\ array.\ \r\n comment13.params=e\ mousepressed(java.awt.event.mouseevent) comment13.text=\r\n\ responds\ to\ a\ mouse\ click.\ \r\n\ if\ it's\ on\ the\ board,\ make\ the\ appropriate\ move\ and\ update\ the\ screen\ display.\ \r\n\ if\ it's\ on\ solved?,\ \ \ check\ the\ solution\ and\ display\ the\ result.\ \r\n\ if\ it's\ on\ clear,\ \ \ \ \ clear\ the\ puzzle\ and\ update\ the\ screen\ display.\ \r\n comment14.params=e\ mouseclicked(java.awt.event.mouseevent) comment15.params=e\ mousereleased(java.awt.event.mouseevent) comment16.params=e\ mouseentered(java.awt.event.mouseevent) comment17.params=e\ mouseexited(java.awt.event.mouseevent) comment2.params=n comment2.text=\r\n\ selects\ from\ among\ the\ provided\ files\ in\ folder\ examples.\ \r\n\ xyz\ selects\ axy_z.txt.\ \r\n comment3.params= comment3.text=\r\n\ uses\ the\ provided\ example\ file\ on\ the\ lms\ page.\r\n comment4.params=\ getpuzzle() comment4.text=\r\n\ returns\ the\ current\ state\ of\ the\ puzzle.\r\n comment5.params=\ getsize() comment5.text=\r\n\ returns\ the\ size\ of\ the\ puzzle.\r\n comment6.params=\ getcanvas() comment6.text=\r\n\ returns\ the\ current\ state\ of\ the\ canvas.\r\n comment7.params=\ displaypuzzle() comment7.text=\r\n\ displays\ the\ initial\ puzzle;\ see\ the\ lms\ page\ for\ the\ format.\r\n comment8.params=\ displaygrid() comment8.text=\r\n\ displays\ the\ grid\ in\ the\ middle\ of\ the\ window.\r\n comment9.params=\ displaynumbers() comment9.text=\r\n\ displays\ the\ numbers\ around\ the\ grid.\r\n numcomments=18 project2/ project2/ /**  * aquariumviewer represents an interface for playing a game of aquarium.  *  * @author lyndon while  * @version 2020  */ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*;  import javax.swing.swingutilities; public class aquariumviewer implements mouselistener {     private final int boxsize = 40;          // the size of each square     private final int offset  = boxsize * 2; // the gap around the board     private       int windowsize;            // set this in the constructor           private aquarium puzzle; // the internal representation of the puzzle     private int        size; // the puzzle is size x size     private simplecanvas sc; // the display window     /**      * main constructor for objects of class aquariumviewer.      * sets all fields, and displays the initial puzzle.      */     public aquariumviewer(aquarium puzzle)     {         // todo 8     }          /**      * selects from among the provided files in folder examples.       * xyz selects axy_z.txt.       */     public aquariumviewer(int n)     {         this(new aquarium("examples/a" + n / 10 + "_" + n % 10 + ".txt"));     }          /**      * uses the provided example file on the lms page.      */     public aquariumviewer()     {         this(61);     }          /**      * returns the current state of the puzzle.      */     public aquarium getpuzzle()     {         // todo 7a         return null;     }          /**      * returns the size of the puzzle.      */     public int getsize()     {         // todo 7b         return -1;     }     /**      * returns the current state of the canvas.      */     public simplecanvas getcanvas()     {         // todo 7c         return null;     }          /**      * displays the initial puzzle; see the lms page for the format.      */     private void displaypuzzle()     {         // todo 13     }          /**      * displays the grid in the middle of the window.      */     public void displaygrid()     {         // todo 9     }          /**      * displays the numbers around the grid.      */     public void displaynumbers()     {         // todo 10     }          /**      * displays the aquariums.      */     public void displayaquariums()     {         // todo 11     }          /**      * displays the buttons below the grid.      */     public void displaybuttons()     {         // todo 12     }          /**      * updates the display of square r,c.       * sets the display of this square to whatever is in the squares array.       */     public void updatesquare(int r, int c)     {         // todo 14     }          /**      * responds to a mouse click.       * if it's on the board, make the appropriate move and update the screen display.       * if it's on solved?,   check the solution and display the result.       * if it's on clear,     clear the puzzle and update the screen display.       */     public void mousepressed(mouseevent e)      {         // todo 15     }     public void mouseclicked(mouseevent e) {}     public void mousereleased(mouseevent e) {}     public void mouseentered(mouseevent e) {}     public void mouseexited(mouseevent e) {} } project2/aquariumviewertest.class public synchronized class aquariumviewertest { private aquariumviewer b4; private aquariumviewer b6; public void aquariumviewertest(); public void setup(); public void testboardviewer(); public void testdisplaymethods(); } project2/aquariumviewertest.ctxt #bluej class context comment0.text=\r\n\ this\ class\ provides\ unit\ test\ cases\ for\ the\ aquariumviewer\ class.\r\n\ @author\ lyndon\ while\r\n\ @version\ 1.0\r\n comment1.params=\ setup() comment1.text=\r\n\ sets\ up\ the\ test\ fixture.\r\n\r\n\ called\ before\ every\ test\ case\ method.\r\n comment2.params=\ testboardviewer() comment3.params=\ testdisplaymethods() numcomments=4 project2/ project2/ import static org.junit.assert.*; import org.junit.after; import org.junit.before;                 // mix up the clicks for fun=""                 if ((i + j) % 2 ="= 0) "                 {=""                     a6.leftclick(i,j);=""                     a4.rightclick(i,j);=""                 }=""                 else=""                 {=""                     a6.rightclick(i,j);=""                     a4.leftclick(i,j);=""                 }=""         a6.clear();=""         a4.clear();=""         testaquarium();=""     }="" }="" project2/aquariumviewer.class="" public="" synchronized="" class="" aquariumviewer="" implements="" java.awt.event.mouselistener="" {="" private="" final="" int="" boxsize;="" private="" final="" int="" offset;="" private="" int="" windowsize;="" private="" aquarium="" puzzle;="" private="" int="" size;="" private="" simplecanvas="" sc;="" public="" void="" aquariumviewer(aquarium);="" public="" void="" aquariumviewer(int);="" public="" void="" aquariumviewer();="" public="" aquarium="" getpuzzle();="" public="" int="" getsize();="" public="" simplecanvas="" getcanvas();="" private="" void="" displaypuzzle();="" public="" void="" displaygrid();="" public="" void="" displaynumbers();="" public="" void="" displayaquariums();="" public="" void="" displaybuttons();="" public="" void="" updatesquare(int,="" int);="" public="" void="" mousepressed(java.awt.event.mouseevent);="" public="" void="" mouseclicked(java.awt.event.mouseevent);="" public="" void="" mousereleased(java.awt.event.mouseevent);="" public="" void="" mouseentered(java.awt.event.mouseevent);="" public="" void="" mouseexited(java.awt.event.mouseevent);="" }="" project2/aquariumviewer.ctxt="" #bluej="" class="" context="""AquariumViewer" comment1.params="puzzle""AquariumViewer(Aquarium)" comment1.text="\r\n\" main\="" constructor\="" for\="" objects\="" of\="" class\="" aquariumviewer.\r\n\="" sets\="" all\="" fields,\="" and\="" displays\="" the\="" initial\="" puzzle.\r\n="" comment10.params="\" displayaquariums()="" comment10.text="\r\n\" displays\="" the\="" aquariums.\r\n="" comment11.params="\" displaybuttons()="" comment11.text="\r\n\" displays\="" the\="" buttons\="" below\="" the\="" grid.\r\n="" comment12.params="r\" c="""void\" updatesquare(int,\="" int)="" comment12.text="\r\n\" updates\="" the\="" display\="" of\="" square\="" r,c.\="" \r\n\="" sets\="" the\="" display\="" of\="" this\="" square\="" to\="" whatever\="" is\="" in\="" the\="" squares\="" array.\="" \r\n="" comment13.params="e""void\" mousepressed(java.awt.event.mouseevent)="" comment13.text="\r\n\" responds\="" to\="" a\="" mouse\="" click.\="" \r\n\="" if\="" it's\="" on\="" the\="" board,\="" make\="" the\="" appropriate\="" move\="" and\="" update\="" the\="" screen\="" display.\="" \r\n\="" if\="" it's\="" on\="" solved?,\="" \="" \="" check\="" the\="" solution\="" and\="" display\="" the\="" result.\="" \r\n\="" if\="" it's\="" on\="" clear,\="" \="" \="" \="" \="" clear\="" the\="" puzzle\="" and\="" update\="" the\="" screen\="" display.\="" \r\n="" comment14.params="e""void\" mouseclicked(java.awt.event.mouseevent)="" comment15.params="e""void\" mousereleased(java.awt.event.mouseevent)="" comment16.params="e""void\" mouseentered(java.awt.event.mouseevent)="" comment17.params="e""void\" mouseexited(java.awt.event.mouseevent)="" comment2.params="n""AquariumViewer(int)" comment2.text="\r\n\" selects\="" from\="" among\="" the\="" provided\="" files\="" in\="" folder\="" examples.\="" \r\n\="" xyz\="" selects\="" axy_z.txt.\="" \r\n="" comment3.params="" comment3.text="\r\n\" uses\="" the\="" provided\="" example\="" file\="" on\="" the\="" lms\="" page.\r\n="" comment4.params="\" getpuzzle()="" comment4.text="\r\n\" returns\="" the\="" current\="" state\="" of\="" the\="" puzzle.\r\n="" comment5.params="\" getsize()="" comment5.text="\r\n\" returns\="" the\="" size\="" of\="" the\="" puzzle.\r\n="" comment6.params="\" getcanvas()="" comment6.text="\r\n\" returns\="" the\="" current\="" state\="" of\="" the\="" canvas.\r\n="" comment7.params="\" displaypuzzle()="" comment7.text="\r\n\" displays\="" the\="" initial\="" puzzle;\="" see\="" the\="" lms\="" page\="" for\="" the\="" format.\r\n="" comment8.params="\" displaygrid()="" comment8.text="\r\n\" displays\="" the\="" grid\="" in\="" the\="" middle\="" of\="" the\="" window.\r\n="" comment9.params="\" displaynumbers()="" comment9.text="\r\n\" displays\="" the\="" numbers\="" around\="" the\="" grid.\r\n="" numcomments="18" project2/"" project2/"" **=""  * aquariumviewer represents an interface for playing a game of aquarium.=""  *=""  * @author lyndon while=""  * @version 2020=""  */="" import java.awt.*;="" import java.awt.event.*; ="" import javax.swing.swingutilities;="" public class aquariumviewer implements mouselistener="" {=""     private final int boxsize =" 40;          // the size of each square"     private final int offset  =" BOXSIZE * 2; // the gap around the board"     private       int windowsize;            // set this in the constructor =""     =""     private aquarium puzzle; // the internal representation of the puzzle=""     private int        size; // the puzzle is size x size=""     private simplecanvas sc; // the display window=""     /**=""      * main constructor for objects of class aquariumviewer.=""      * sets all fields, and displays the initial puzzle.=""      */=""     public aquariumviewer(aquarium puzzle)=""     {=""         // todo 8=""     }=""     =""     /**=""      * selects from among the provided files in folder examples. =""      * xyz selects axy_z.txt. =""      */=""     public aquariumviewer(int n)=""     {=""         this(new aquarium("examples/a" + n / 10 + "_" + n % 10 + ".txt"));=""     }=""     =""     /**=""      * uses the provided example file on the lms page.=""      */=""     public aquariumviewer()=""     {=""         this(61);=""     }=""     =""     /**=""      * returns the current state of the puzzle.=""      */=""     public aquarium getpuzzle()=""     {=""         // todo 7a=""         return null;=""     }=""     =""     /**=""      * returns the size of the puzzle.=""      */=""     public int getsize()=""     {=""         // todo 7b=""         return -1;=""     }=""     /**=""      * returns the current state of the canvas.=""      */=""     public simplecanvas getcanvas()=""     {=""         // todo 7c=""         return null;=""     }=""     =""     /**=""      * displays the initial puzzle; see the lms page for the format.=""      */=""     private void displaypuzzle()=""     {=""         // todo 13=""     }=""     =""     /**=""      * displays the grid in the middle of the window.=""      */=""     public void displaygrid()=""     {=""         // todo 9=""     }=""     =""     /**=""      * displays the numbers around the grid.=""      */=""     public void displaynumbers()=""     {=""         // todo 10=""     }=""     =""     /**=""      * displays the aquariums.=""      */=""     public void displayaquariums()=""     {=""         // todo 11=""     }=""     =""     /**=""      * displays the buttons below the grid.=""      */=""     public void displaybuttons()=""     {=""         // todo 12=""     }=""     =""     /**=""      * updates the display of square r,c. =""      * sets the display of this square to whatever is in the squares array. =""      */=""     public void updatesquare(int r, int c)=""     {=""         // todo 14=""     }=""     =""     /**=""      * responds to a mouse click. =""      * if it's on the board, make the appropriate move and update the screen display. =""      * if it's on solved?,   check the solution and display the result. =""      * if it's on clear,     clear the puzzle and update the screen display. =""      */=""     public void mousepressed(mouseevent e) =""     {=""         // todo 15=""     }=""     public void mouseclicked(mouseevent e) {}=""     public void mousereleased(mouseevent e) {}=""     public void mouseentered(mouseevent e) {}=""     public void mouseexited(mouseevent e) {}="" }="" project2/aquariumviewertest.class="" public="" synchronized="" class="" aquariumviewertest="" {="" private="" aquariumviewer="" b4;="" private="" aquariumviewer="" b6;="" public="" void="" aquariumviewertest();="" public="" void="" setup();="" public="" void="" testboardviewer();="" public="" void="" testdisplaymethods();="" }="" project2/aquariumviewertest.ctxt="" #bluej="" class="" context="""AquariumViewerTest" comment0.text="\r\n\" this\="" class\="" provides\="" unit\="" test\="" cases\="" for\="" the\="" aquariumviewer\="" class.\r\n\="" @author\="" lyndon\="" while\r\n\="" @version\="" 1.0\r\n="" comment1.params="\" setup()="" comment1.text="\r\n\" sets\="" up\="" the\="" test\="" fixture.\r\n\r\n\="" called\="" before\="" every\="" test\="" case\="" method.\r\n="" comment2.params="\" testboardviewer()="" comment3.params="\" testdisplaymethods()="" numcomments="4" project2/"" project2/"" import static org.junit.assert.*;="" import org.junit.after;="">
May 19, 2021

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