The project that I sent it started with assignment 1 which was the following: The first deliverable project is to create a simple Notepad style Text Editor. This will demonstrate the C# language...

The project that I sent it started with assignment 1 which was the following:

The first deliverable project is to create a simple Notepad style Text Editor. This will demonstrate the C# language basics, user interface controls and how to handle user events. Controls can be found in the Toolbox pane in its default location on the left side of the IDE, with the Control Properties pane on the right side of the IDE. Include the items on the following list in the program:

Create a C# Windows Forms Application.

Add the necessary user controls to the form:

Menu Bar


Add the necessary menu Items to the Menu Bar:

File – New, Open, Save, Exit

Edit – Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All

Help – About form (About Box Template – Add New Item)

Link the menu items to their event handlers.

Test the program.

The first program is attached

Than the second part of the project was:

Modify the .Net Core MVC web template built in the previous task and build it into a representative website for the FutureTech Software Company where you work. Modify the Home and About page content into attractive looking pages that represent the company well. Use the company logo, graphics, and CSS styling to design an attractive company website.

The second program is attached

The third part of the project is:

That’s what it need to be done

Add a Site Options page to the project that provides the user with three different color themes, for example light, dark, and colorful. Store these options using Local Storage. When the project is started thereafter, use the stored color theme to style the site pages when they are opened. This will also require adding a new menu item to the Bootstrap Navbar.

Very important

Attached are the previous task but I wanted done in Visual Studio 20017. I want to see the .aspx and .aspx.cs files

The program must be written on 2017 visual studio

Please I want you to create the program following the exact guidelines (specially the web templates) that were used to create the “Hello world” program. The “Hello” program is not the project it is just a guideline how and where I want to be written. If you follow the instructions of the “Hello”program a .snl file should be created.

The “Hello” program is just a Guideline, I don’t need you to write it again.

Here are the guidelines:

Hello, World!

“Hello, World!” is a very simple program that is often used as the very first example by many instructors teaching a programming language to new audiences. It shows beginners how to write, compile (if applicable to the language), and run a simple program that outputs “Hello, World!” to the screen using the new language. Now, let us begin by writing this program in C# by creating and running a variation of Hello, World! That greets the world on behalf of the user. We are going to do this using a simple Web Forms application.

Launch Visual Studio 2017.

Create a new web project by going to File > New > Project…

On the next screen, make sure that
template under the
Visual C#
section is highlighted. Under this selection,
ASP.NET Web Application
should be the only project type available. Call the project
and choose a location of your choosing for creating the project (feel free to use the same folder structure as shown in the screenshots if you wish so). Also make sure that
Create directory for solution
checkbox is checked off and click
to continue.

On the next dialog box, select the
template, check off the Web Forms box and click OK. If you are prompted to login to Azure, dismiss the dialog box.

When the project loads, notice the
Solution Explorer
window on the right hand side of the screen as seen in the image below. As you can see the solution gets the name of the project by default. Don’t worry about the other items in the solution just yet. We will get to them later on.

It’s now time to add a
Web Form
to the project. As seen in the image below, right click on the

project, choose
from the context menu and finally select
New Item

In the
Add New Item
dialog box, choose Web Form, call it
Default.aspx, and click

Next, we are going to add the
window to the IDE. We do this by going to the View menu item on the top and click the
item as seen in the following image.

window should now be displayed in the IDE.

Now, dock the
window to the IDE by clicking the pin icon on the window as seen below.

At this point, the
file should be open but if, for some reason, it is not, open it by double clicking it in the
Solution Explorer. Next, click on the Label tool in the Toolbox window (don’t release the mouse button), drag it to the code window on the right hand side, and drop it in between the


The file should now look like what is shown in the following image.

Next, drag a
from the Toolbox window to the code window and drop it on the line after the previously added Label as seen below.

Now, drag a Button element from the Toolbox window to the code window and drop it on the line after the previously added TextBox as seen below.

Again, add a

tag after the Button element and hit Enter. Your code should now look like the image below.

Next, drag another
element from the Toolbox window to the code window and drop it on the line after the Button as seen below.

It is now to update the values of all the ID and Text properties of the added elements. Just look at the next image and change the values to what is displayed. For example, the ID of the
should be changed from

Next, click the
tab on the bottom of the code window, as seen below, to see a preview of the elements that you have added to the Web Form.

You can also click the
tab on the bottom of code page to see both the code view and the
design view
at the same time as seen below.

It’s now time to run the application and view the results in a browser. In the menu bar, click the
Internet Explorer
button as seen below. Note that depending on the browsers that are installed on your machine, this button might show other browsers such as
Google Chrome
Firefox. If you would like to change the browser, just use the small arrow on the right hand side of the button to view the other options available.

The Web Form should now be running in the browser as seen below. If you enter a value in the TextBox and click the
button, nothing happens. This is because all we have done so far is adding controls to the page but we have not programmed the button to do anything just yet. We are going to fix that shortly though.

Now close the browser to end the debug run of the application.

Back in the IDE, go to the Solution Explorer window, locate the
file and click the small arrow on its left to expand it as seen in the next image. There should be two files under this form called
Double click the
file to open it. This is the file that holds the C# code that handles events related to the controls on the form and other events such as what should happen when the form first loads in the browser. For example, if you want to add a
event handler to the
button that you added to the form earlier on, the handler code goes into this file.

As you can see in the image below,
Default.aspx.cs, currently has only one empty handler method for the form (page) load event. In this case, upon loading the page nothing special is happening but if you were, for example, to initialize some variables upon loading the form, this is where you would put your initialization code (don’t worry about these scenarios as we are just beginning).

Back in the
file, go to the Split view and in the design view part of it, double click the button as seen in the next image.

Double clicking the button should create a click event handler in the
file. By default, the event handler for the click event of a button called
is a method called
Submit_Click(). The image below shows the newly created event handler.

Now, we are going to change the handler code for the click event of the button. In essence, we would like to program it so that whenever someone clicks the

1. The text from the
NameBox TextBox
is captured. This is done by accessing the
property of the TextBox


2. A Hello World message is constructed using String concatenation.

“Hello, World! from “

3. Finally, the message is displayed in the Greet label. This is done by assigning the message to the Text property of the label.

Greet.Text =
“Hello, World! from “
NameBox.Text +

The updated event handler method can be seen below.

It’s now time to give the application another test run. Once again, click the Internet Explorer button on the menu bar as seen below to launch a debug version of the application in the browser.

The page should now be updated to display the greeting message in the label.

At this point everything looks good; however, the controls (elements) on the page are too close to one another. Let’s make this better by adding some space between the elements on the form. We have already done this earlier when we typed in the

tags after each control in the Source code view.

This time, we are going do this directly in the Design View (either in via the
Design tab
or the Split tab) of


In order to add an additional line of space between the controls, all you need to do is to point your mouse after each control and hit

The following image shows the results. Note that in the Source code view there is now an additional

tag after each element. Also in the
view, the controls clearly have more space in between them.

For now, just keep in mind that many tasks can be done in more than one way in Visual Studio. As we make more progress in the course, we will see more examples.

Ok, it is now time to give the Web Form one last test run. This time, the output is much cleaner as you can see in the following image.

May 18, 2022

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