1 MENG 3306 – Mechanics of Materials Spring 2023 – Final Project (25%) Design Project/ Apply MOM Concepts Design Project/ Apply MOM Concepts I. Objective The objectives of...

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the project is to design a system a spring foundation

1 MENG 3306 – Mechanics of Materials Spring 2023 – Final Project (25%) Design Project/ Apply MOM Concepts Design Project/ Apply MOM Concepts I. Objective The objectives of this design project are as follows: • Apply the course principles to a practical problem. Basically, this project provides an opportunity to apply basic knowledge in addition to what is learned in the course to solve an engineering problem. • Learn to design and conduct experiments, if applicable, as well as analyze and interpret data. This project serves to reinforce topics taught in the classroom and to introduce students to the engineering design process with their first hands-on design experience if they choose to. The purpose of this project is to design a project that is of your own choice. This work is individual work. The project topic should be based on real-world scenario; however, you will be limited by the concepts listed in the syllabus. You must address at least two concepts from the course materials in your project. II. Project You may consider one of the following options when choosing your topic: 1. Use and apply course concepts to solve engineering problem. 2. Demonstrate a 3D model of a concept that are listed in the syllabus. This can be done by creating a visual aid (build a 3D model/ prototype or simulation) to help illustrate the chosen concept. 3. Choose an engineering article that discuss an engineering application or a problem and write your paper based on the article by expanding on what the article discusses. Your project should include but not limited to the following: • General review of the material/application/mechanical behavior phenomenon you have chosen. 2 • Research article highlighting mechanical behavior relevant to the course material/application. This could be experimental, analytical, computational, or combination of three. • Develop a model of mechanical components by making reasonable assumptions and writing appropriate equations, apply appropriate failure criteria, if any, formulate a design methodology. • The product of each design is a formal design report, prepared in accordance with a standard format that specifies a concise problem statement, assumptions, a description of the problem-solving approach, the results of the design including sketches, charts, graphs, discussion, and conclusions that include recommendations to further improve the design. III. Deliverables 1. Formal design report/paper of about six to eight pages long not counting the title page and references. You have to include a title page, introduction and other sections (see evaluation section below) and include all references. 2. A PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your project. It should include few slides to help you present your work/project within the assigned time. 3. If you choose to focus on one article (having other references), then you need to upload that article as one of your deliverables. These items should be submitted as separate files to the appropriate project assignment in Canvas. IV. File submissions/ Important Dates # Documents needed Notes Dates 1 Project proposal (Requires the instructor approval) A one-page file describing the project you want to do and the title of the project Feb. 17, 2023 @ 11:59 pm 2 Paper/ slides/ recording and article if applicable Upload all these files separately Apr. 17, 2023 @ 11:59 pm * If your proposal is not approved, you need to resubmit it ASAP within two days max. Good luck! 3 V. Evaluation Grades are given based on quality of the work, thoroughness, and creativity. The grades will be divided as follows: 1. Uploading all required documents (5 points) 2. Project Content (50 points): a. Is title page included? b. Is abstract included? c. Is table of contents included? d. Introduction? Quality of background and introduction? Sufficient for intelligent non- experts to understand? e. Methodology? f. Results: Presented experimental, analytical, computational, or combination of three solution clearly? g. Discussion? Presented findings clearly? h. Conclusion? Clearly articulated conclusions? i. References? Include all references? j. Presenter knowledgeable about subject? Clear and concise description of the central question to be investigated and its significance? 3. Clarity of Presentation (45 points): a. Clarity of speaking style? b. Effective use of visual aids? c. Timing and pace of presentation? d. Organization of presentation? e. Fully justifies findings and questions? Microsoft Word - Wendingoundi Clovis project proposal Wendingoundi Clovis Compaore MENG 3306 – Mechanics of Materials Project Proposal Title : The spring foundation The spring foundation the conception of a system of many metallic springs capable to reduce the impact of the energy release by earth quakes. The spring foundation can has many purposes:  Support any construction weight.  Reduce the impact of the ground movement.  Save life during natural disasters.
Answered 4 days AfterFeb 22, 2023

Answer To: 1 MENG 3306 – Mechanics of Materials Spring 2023 – Final Project (25%) Design Project/...

Ishwar answered on Feb 26 2023
50 Votes
Design and Analysis of a Spring Foundation System for Construction Weight
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This project involves the design of a spring foundation system to reduce the impact of ground movement during an earthquake on a building. The spring foundation system is designed by calculating the required spring constant and
the number of springs needed to support the weight of the building and withstand seismic forces. The maximum allowable displacement of the spring foundation system is also determined. The effect of the damping coefficient and spring constant on the deflection of the spring foundation system is analyzed through a series of calculations, tables, and graphs. The results show that increasing the damping coefficient reduces the deflection of the spring foundation system while increasing the spring constant increases the deflection. The project provides valuable insights into the design of a spring foundation system for earthquake-resistant buildings and can be used as a basis for further research in this area.
Introduction    2
Methodology    2
Results    3
Discussion:    5
Conclusion:    6
References    6
Table of Figures
Figure 1: The effect of the damping coefficient on a deflection    5
Figure 2: The effect of the spring constant on a deflection    5
The objective of this report is to design and analyze a spring foundation system that is capable of supporting construction weight and reducing the impact of ground movement during an earthquake. The design of a spring foundation system is essential for areas prone to earthquakes Priestley.et.al.(2017). During an earthquake, the ground moves in a horizontal direction, causing the foundation to move along with it. This movement can lead to severe damage to the structure built on top of it, which is why it is crucial to have a system in place that can reduce the impact of ground movement.
The system we will be designing is a spring foundation system that will use metallic springs to support the weight of the construction. The spring foundation system will reduce the impact of ground movement during an earthquake, which will help prevent damage to the structure built on top of it.
The methodology followed in the design and analysis of a spring foundation system for construction weight is presented below. This study aims to develop a system that can support a small construction while reducing the impact of ground movement during an earthquake. Firstly, the problem statement is defined. The design of a spring foundation system capable of supporting a small construction and reducing the impact of ground movement during an earthquake needs to be addressed. Then the scope of the study is established Kelly, J. M., & Kopp, J. W. (2018). The study will focus on the design and analysis of a spring foundation system for a single-story building with a weight of 50 kN and a total seismic force of 10 kN due to a seismic coefficient of 0.2. The literature review is conducted to identify the relevant concepts and theories in the field.
This involves an extensive review of existing literature on spring foundation systems and their application in construction. The spring foundation system will be designed using analytical methods, and appropriate assumptions will be made based on the available literature. The design process will involve the calculation of the spring constant and the number of...

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