The Programming Language is; JAVAPlease write comments in each part write a program about a e-shopping order menu.While doing this use OOP concepts. Implement a stocking program usingthreads.You...

The Programming Language is; JAVA Please write comments in each part write a program about a e-shopping order menu. While doing this use OOP concepts. Implement a stocking program using threads. You have an e-store and customer side. In the frame: ˆ Number of Items (TextField): Number of items in the stock.() ˆ Create (Button): Creates items and adds them to frame. (Pen, paper, bag,etc.) ˆ Good (Button): Agents/Customer’s basket start to number of goods/items.(Customer wants to buy 3 pens) ˆ Number of Agents (TextField): How many customers at one time? (You can create an arbitrary maximum number if you explain.I.e maximum 4 customers because,...) ˆ Maximum Waiting Time (Text Field): Agents or customer’s basket will wait for some time after booking an item. The waiting time will be a random number between 0 and the number entered in this text field. Waiting times must be different for each agent. When waiting time is up, threads (baskets) will release their hold on items. So If your agent waited for 3 seconds and tour customer did not buy the products; everything inside will be dropped/ returned to stocks. 1 Details After all the reserving done in your basket; ask if your customer is going to buy them. After an item sold, you need to decrease total amount from the stocks. If two threads wish to buy last one. (I.e. only one toilet paper left), first come will be served. Other could not buy it. Suggestions You can make customer side as console text, pop up messages or an other frame You can limit thread numbers. No less then 3
Jun 09, 2022

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