The program will ask the user which picture they would like to see: a Flower, an Original Picture, a Color Filled Picture Using the draw Square function, you can have the turtle draw a square shape 2....

The program will ask the user which picture they would like to see: a Flower, an Original Picture, a Color Filled Picture Using the draw Square function, you can have the turtle draw a square shape 2. 3. a. Write a function draw Flower that takes the number of squares to draw as a parameter (num Squares) and draws a flower by repeating a call to the draw Square function Squares Write a function draw My Pic to have the turtle draw a simple line drawing of anything you want. There are two built-in functions that the turtle understands: begin f ill O and end fill. When begin fill is called, the turtle keeps track of its starting point, and all the lines it has drawn until end f ill is called. When end fill is called, the turtle fills in the space enclosed by the lines that the turtle has drawn. Use these new functions to dravw a more interesting picture Write a function draw Color Pic to have the turtle draw a line drawing of anything you want that includes at least three color filled areas a.

May 19, 2022

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