use visual studio to provide code and fraw flowchart
Extracted text: The program also calculates the total scores for quizzes, assignments and lab tests to be printed. Then it calculates the number of students who earned each grade, A to F. There are 4 functions involve in this system: а) main () Reads students' record (id, scores for 2 quizzes, 2 assignments, 2 lab tests,1 test,1 project, and final examination) from a file. b) studentGrade () Calculates total score and determines grade for each student and store them in total and grade fields of the structure. c) countGrade () Counts the number of students who earned each grade . d) outputResult() Calculates the total scores for quizzes, assignments and lab tests and print the output, which displays the report as shown below. The output will be displayed in an output file. **************************************************************************************************** RESULT FOR BITP1113 大大大大大大★大大★★*大★★大★★大★大大*大大★大大★★★大★*大★★大大★大★★大★大大大大大大★★大大★大★★大★大大★大大大★★大★大大★★★★大大★大大★*★大★★大★★大★大*★大大★大 Matrix Num Quiz (5%) Ass (15%) LabTests (20%) Project (15%) MidTerm (15%) Final (30%) Total (100%) Grade B030510010 3.0 8.0 15.0 8.0 10.5 26.0 70.5 C B030510011 4.5 10.0 17.5 12.5 13.5 27.5 84.5 В B030510012 2.5 7.0 10.0 9.0 8.5 20.0 57.0 D Statistic Total Students for Grade A : 2 Total Students for Grade B : 7 Total Students for Grade C : 10 Total Students for Grade D 8 Total Students for Grade F : 3 Graph A : ** B **** *** : ********** C D * ** **** *** E .. .. .. .
Extracted text: Perform each of these steps for the given problem statements: i. Read and understand the problem statement. ii. Formulate the algorithm using flowchart. iii. Write the program. А. Write a program to keeps records and performs statistical analysis for a class of 50 students. For each student you will have a 10-digit ID, 2 quizzes, 2 assignments, 2 lab tests, 1 test, 1 project and one final exam. The student data are to be stored in an array of student structures. This structure has the following fields: i) A string : id 11) 3 double arrays : quiz, ass, labTest iii) 4 double variables : test, proj, final, total iv) 1 char variable: grade. Provide for up to 50 students. The input is read from a text file. Each line in the file contains a student ID and the scores for 2 quizzes, 2 assignments, 2 lab tests, 1 test, 1 project and one final exam, in order. Your program must calculate the total scores and assign a grade for each student based on the following table: Total Scores Grade 90<=total>=total><=100 a="">=100><=total>=total><90 в="">90><=total>=total><80>80><=total>=total>< below 40 f below="" 40=""> below 40 f>