The Policy Brief Topic is on Global TerrorismGeneral Instructions• Addressed to UN Secretary General• Provide a brief background to the issue• Suggest 3 clear and separate policy options• No Action is...

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The Policy Brief Topic is on Global TerrorismGeneral Instructions• Addressed to UN Secretary General• Provide a brief background to the issue• Suggest 3 clear and separate policy options• No Action is also a valid policy option (and is often pursued)• Policy option should be something the UN could actually pursue (e.g. the UN does not pass laws and cannot legislate states to do stuff (Security Council can organize and request UN states’ action))• Assert one policy option (of your 3) as the preferred option for action/enactment • Between 3000-3500 words (maximum 3800) with MLA citations, with 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font and 1-inch margins• At least 10 good, quality Grey Literature sources from Websites for your research and cited in your brief • Note: your Policy Brief may include pictures, graphs, figures, and other visuals at the end of the Brief, but make explicit reference to them in the text (e.g. as Figure 1 shows)
Format/Structure Must include the 6 sections listed below àUse the-headings below for each new section 1. Introduction – Intro stating the problem under review, your 3 suggested Policy Options, and clearly state which Policy Option (of the 3) you will be recommending; should be no more than a para 2. Background – What is the problem? Why is it worthy of government attention? – remember to reference your citations and examples from your Grey Literature 3. Policy Option 1 – State clearly what this option entails and why you don’t recommend it -- remember to reference your claims with citations and examples from your Grey Literature 4. Policy Option 2 – State clearly what this option entails and why you don’t recommend it -- remember to reference your claims with citations and examples from your Grey Literature 5. Policy Option 3 (Recommended) – State clearly what this option entails and why you recommend it -- remember to reference your claims with citations and examples from your Grey Literature; should be the longest/largest of the 3 policy options presented 6. Works Cited or Bibliography – A proper MLA-style or Chicago listing of the Grey Literature sources actually used in your Brief (don’t use it? then don’t include it!) ** NO CONCLUSION/CONCLUDING PARA ***

Reminder: • Use a DIVERSITY of Grey Literature sources à governments, think tanks, etc. • Writing a Policy Brief that is focussed on domestic politics – largely or only – about what Canada should do internally may be assessed a zero/0, • Writing a Policy Brief that suggests the UN do something that it cannot, is not reasonable etc., may be assessed as 0 for the Policy Option • If you choose to suggest one of your options is ‘do nothing’, then you still have to explain that recommendation, provide and discuss evidence, and provide justifications
Answered Same DayNov 11, 2021

Answer To: The Policy Brief Topic is on Global TerrorismGeneral Instructions• Addressed to UN Secretary...

Tanmoy answered on Nov 19 2021
160 Votes
Global Terrorism
Terrorism is the act of violence which uses the act of violence in meeting the political ends of the states and the non-state groups. It is an act of tactics committed by unapproved large military organization and on various geo-political agendas. The ultimate objective of terrorism is to provoke a state of terror in the minds of the common people due to unjustifiable issues and for political purposes. As per the United Nations there is still no definite classification due to the fact that the various obstacles to the significant global counter terrorism. As per the UN Security council 1566 of 2004 terrorism was defined as the criminal acts, which includes injuring or harming the civilians with the unswerving intention to cause serious injuries or death or taking hostage with an intent to provoke a situat
ion of terror among the general public or compelling an population or some aggressive government to indulge themselves in such terrorist acts (; Various Definitions of Terrorism; Controversy in Defining Terrorism).
The three separate policy options of terrorism that are addressed in the United Nations Secretary General are as follows:
1. Addressing the environment by the United Nations which makes it favourable for the rise and spread of terrorism in the different states. This can be addressed with an example of ISIS terrorist organization rise in Iraq and Levant (ISIL) forcing to raise the number of terrorist activists by more than double within a year and a half. But, no religion ever indulges in such heinous acts of killing the innocent civilians through these acts. Also, unless the epicentre of terrorism is recognised it will be very difficult to eradicate terrorism. As per the latest act of the Secretary General’s plan of action to prevent violent extremism stated that poor socioeconomic facilities, bigotry and marginalization, conflict within internal groups long remaining unresolved, meagre governance by the states, rise of rebellions in the prisons and poor human right policies are the reasons due to which there is rise in terrorism (Amr Abdellatif Aboulatta; United Nations; 2030 Agenda—A Unique Opportunity to Address Conditions Conducive to the Spread of Terrorism).
2. Measure introduced and implemented by UN to prevent and combat the act of terrorism. This is also called counter terrorism which promotes cooperation and collaboration in order to counter the terrorism at all the levels and this consists of cooperation among the various states, the international and regional associations, the civil society, state authorities and the media. This is done through various processes for promotion and implementation of the international legal framework prepared against terrorism and augmentation of legal cooperation to eradicate criminal acts (Organization for security and Co-operations in Europe; Countering terrorism).
3. The measures to make established rules for the human rights as the fundamental basis to fight terrorism. Human rights are the rights inherent and universal rights which help to protect the civilians, their culture as well as political, social and human dignity. They are mutually dependent and inseparable. The international convention states series of human rights protection acts which aims to eliminate all forms of discrimination against race, women, cruelty, degrading treatment and punishment on the children, minors and the migrant workers. Also, it is the responsibilities of the country to prohibit slavery, racial discrimination and other forms of torture. If these features are not adhered, then it leads to terrorism which is the destruction of human rights (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; Human Rights, Terrorism and Counter-terrorism; Pg: 5 & 6).
Policy Option 1
The ultimate environmental problems that give rise to terrorism are racial discrimination and marginalization of people based on religion, caste and creed, poor socioeconomic conditions of the civilians, violation of the humanitarian rules and guidelines, unsettled and long-lasting clashes and conflicts and rebellion acts in the prisons. Until these issues are resolved by the individual nations the jeopardy of terrorism and intimidation will continue even in the future.
Why government’s attention is required?
To eradicate terrorism, there is need for the governments to take appropriate measures and steps as per the guidelines of the United Nations. There must be measures initiated by the respective nations and its government to tackle terrorism by social inclusion of each and every people in the community, working actively for mitigation of poverty and the awareness of millennium developmental programs. Also, there are steps taken by the United Nations through reinforcement of developmental programs which aims to include the social agendas which is generally directed towards the employment of the educated unemployed youth. This in turn reduces the socio-economic segregation or marginalization and helps to reduce the sense of victimization which propels fanaticism towards extremist activities and terrorist enrolment (UNRCCA; Implementing the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in Central Asia Concept Paper).
These are the few steps which have been implemented by the United Nations in order to counter the spread of terrorism and violent extremism. In order to counter violent terrorism the steps taken by United Nations member states are to get themselves engaged with the members of the relevant communities and various other non-governmental sectors in order to develop some strategies which can help to reduce the extremist and violent activities which incite the terrorist acts. These acts are conducted by congregation of all nations to address the various socio-economic and other serious issues which are threats to the spread of violent extremism. Therefore, these factors are addressed by empowering the youths and the women, the members of their families, providing guidance and procedures to communicate the message of peace and prosperity by religious and cultural leaders, the civilised and educated people of the society and the common people for promotion of cohesion and social inclusion of the youths and the women. As per the research conducted by the United Nations to address the conditions to counter and the spread of terrorism have defined the United Nations Global Counter- Terrorism Strategy by the United Nations General Assembly. It was found that the act of terrorism cannot be prevented alone by taking brutal measures like counter strike, mass killing of terrorists through military actions, airstrike or nuclear attacks. The gradual rising grievances which are spiralling in the terrorist and the terrorist groups as well as in the people who supports them needs to be addressed and a concrete and flexible solution needs to be developed. As per the regulations of the United Nations adopted in 2015, which highlighted and emphasized on the importance of women and youth in order to reduce the and counter the violent extremism the member states and the United Nations system ensure that the women participates and they must be encouraged to becomes leaders and show their leadership skills and in developing strategies to offset terrorism and brutal extremism. This representation and the decision making process for inclusion of youths and women must be done at all the levels of the community i.e. at local levels, national levels, regional levels as well as various institutional levels in order to counter extremism and prevent and resolute conflicts (United Nations; Security Council; Counter Terrorism Committee; Countering violent extremism).
Why option policy 1 is not recommended?
The reasons for which the option policy 1 which emphasizes on the environmental issues that makes the spread and rise of terrorism possible like proper education, eradication of poverty and discrimination and food for all are the basic necessities for all. There are millions of people trying to survive a livelihood by earning daily wages. Also, everybody has the urge to earn additional money and lead a comfortable life. That’s doesn’t means that everyone indulges themselves in criminal or terrorist activities to earn quickly. It’s the extremist mindset to wreak terror and brutality of the humanity by using the poor illiterate people of the society....

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