The paper is to be double spaced or 1.5 spacing; no fancy fonts; no cover page.
The essay is designed to meet the General Education writing requirement. The substance as well as the manner of organization and expression of the information and ideas will be evaluated. In other words, the content as well as the style and grammar of each essay will be graded. See “Grading Rubrics for Essays” (below) and “Writing Checklist” (on TITANium). To encourage each student to advance his/her writing competence, the assessment of all essays will include suggestions for improvement.
Paper Topic: See TITANium throughout the semester for the specific directions for the paper.
Youmustidentify all sources (including our textbooks) you use for all papers. ***All direct quotations must be placed in quotation marks and properlyreferenced (in-text references or footnotes).All paraphrases of key ideas must be properly referenced(in-text references or footnotes). It is expected thatallpapers will contain citations.***
Syllabus RLST 362 WEB page 6
Syllabus RLST 362 WEB page 7
In quoting or paraphrasing any book or Internet source, including our textbooks,cite author and pagein your text, and add a full reference (“Works Cited”) at the end of your essay (use APA or MLA for the full references at the end of your essay).
If your essay is not referenced properly (but no sentences are plagiarized word-for-word) it will be returned to you and you will have one week to resubmit the essay for a maximum grade of “C” on the essay.If some or all of your essay is plagiarized word-for-word, you will receive a zero on the assignment, without the possibility to resubmit the work and the Academic Dean will be notified;(see “Policy on Academic Dishonesty” below.)
In the following examples, in-text parenthetical references are used; you can use footnotes or endnotes instead.
•Paraphrase Example: Taking time to rest was not a common practice in the time of Judaism’s development (Gross, 85).
•Quotation Example: “Judaism evolved in a time when most people worked very hard, and probably looked upon taking time
off from labor as wasteful” (Gross, 85).
•Bibliography Example: Gross, David.Judaism: A Religion of Deeds and Ideals.New York: Hippocrene Books, 1992.
**IF you are using an e-book or any other electronic version of a text, please indicate the version. When using a Kindle version (or any version without pages) indicate the Location number, e.g., (Robinson, L32) for your in-text reference or footnote.
•Paraphrase Example: The Sabbath not only brought rest but renewal (Pitts, Module 5).
•Quotation Example: “The Sabbath rest developed not only as a day of required rest but also as a day of spiritual revival” (Pitts,
Module 5).
•Bibliography Example: Pitts, Matthew. "Lecture" CPRL 361 History and Development of Jewish Thought. CSU Fullerton. Online, Module 5.
If you use Internet sources (not required), be sure to give thefullInternet address at the end of your essay. For your in-text reference use a short name (no page number).
Quotation Example: For “those who observe Shabbat, it is a precious gift from G-d, a day of great joy eagerly awaited throughout the week” (Rich, Shabbat).
Paraphrase Example: Jewish holidays begin at sunset the day before the actual date (Rich, Jewish Holidays).
Bibliography/Works Cited Example:
Rich, Tracey. “Shabbat.” Judaism 101.
Rich, Tracey. “Jewish Holidays.” Judaism 101
--Even if you write your essay using information you learned in the past, you must cite your sources. --Most essays will contain many citations (but don’t submit an essay that is simply a string of quotations).