•The old-age dependency ratio, is derived by dividing the population 65 and over by the 18-to-64 population and then multiplying by 100.
•The child dependency ratio, is derived by dividing the population under 18 by the 18-to-64 population and multiplying by 100.
•The age dependency ratio is a combination of the old-age dependency ratio and the child dependency ratio. It is derived by dividing the combined under-18 and 65-and-over populations by the 18-to-64 population and multiplying by 100.
1.Compute the three different dependency ratios using the 2010 population estimates and the derivation rules above. Show your work.
Ratio Summary:
Age dependency Ratio:
Old-Age dependency ratio: 20.7
Child dependency Ratio:
Current Population Summary:
Age Dependent population (Under 18 + 65 and over):
Old-age Dependent population (65 and over): 40,267,984
Child Dependent population (Under 18):
Working Age (18 to 64):
Ratio Computation:
Age dependency Ratio: (( + )/)*100 =
Old-Age dependency ratio: (40,267,984/)*100 =
Child dependency Ratio: (/)*100 =
2.Are these ratios part-to-part or part-to-whole? Explain
The definition of a part to whole ratio is a ratio .
The definition of a part to part ratio is a ratio .
These are part to ….. because ….
3.Explain the significance of each ratio by writing them in complete sentences. Why would someone bother to compare the populations of the relevant age categories?

Extracted text: Population by Sex and Selected Age Groups: 2000 and 2010 (For information on confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, and definitions, see www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/doc/sf1.pdf 2000 Number 281,421,906 2010 Change, 2000 to 2010 Sex and selected age groups Percent Number Percent Number Percent Total populatlon 100.0 308,745,538 100.0 27,323,632 SEX Male Female SELECTED AGE GROUPS Under 18 years 138,053,563 143,368,343 151,781,326 156,964,212 49.2 50.8 13,727,763 13,595,869 50.9 72,293,812 19,175,798 53,118,014 112,183,705 27,143,454 85,040,251 61,952,636 34,991,753 217,149,127 209,128,094 196,899,193 41,256,029 74,181,467 20,201,362 53,980,105 112,806,642 30,672,088 82,134,554 81,489,445 40,267,984 25.7 24.0 1,887,655 1,025,564 862,091 622,937 3,528,634 -2,905,697 19,536,809 5,276,231 26,126,378 25,435,977 24,059,660 8,716,152 Under 5 years 5 to 17 years 18.9 39.9 17.5 18 to 44 years 18 to 24 years 25 to 44 years 13.0 -3.4 30.2 22.0 26.6 26.4 13.0 45 to 64 years 65 years and over 78.8 76.0 12.0 12.2 12.2 16 years an d over 8 years and over 1 years and over 62 years and over 243,275,505 234,564,071 220,958,853 49,972,181 74.3 70.0 16.2 Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 1and 2010 Census Summary File 1