The Office of the Minister for Health and Ageing has requested an evidence-based briefing document. The Minister for Health and Ageing has been informed that there is research available regarding the...

The Office of the Minister for Health and Ageing has requested an evidence-based briefing document.
The Minister for Health and Ageing has been informed that there is research available regarding the development of "Age-Friendly Communities".   An age-friendly community is where older people are valued, respected and actively engaged in their community. They can stay in touch with people they care about and find the services and support they need. Age-friendly communities are more liveable for everyone. There is considerable interest from local government authorities who want to access the Age Friendly Communities Local Government Access Grants.  The Minister has asked for an Issues Brief relating to history, background and success of this initiative.  The request for this came with specific instructions that require the that in discussing "success" a synopsis of current research locally and globally with regard to these communities be included and as well as any the issues and contentions that surround them
Addresses the strategic issues selected
Demonstrates an appropriate level of understanding of the theoretical principles and concepts
Applies principles and relevant concepts with arguments supported from the literature
Conclusions and recommendations are supported by evidence and argument.

Oct 07, 2019

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