The objective of this journal is to help you accomplish one of our course objectives: Demonstrate critical reasoning skills in solving ethical dilemmas Part 1: After you have completed the DIT,...

The objective of this journal is to help you accomplish one of our course objectives: Demonstrate critical reasoning skills in solving ethical dilemmas

Part 1: After you have completed the DIT, please record your final "P" score here. Your scores will be seen only by the instructor. This counts as your part of your participation score for the module. Your grade is not determined by your "performance" on this assessment, but rather your "sincere participation". Please note that the score you receive is not a reflection of how ethical you are. Rather, its a measurement of cognitive moral development along one philosophical way of looking at ethics. So, don't feel bad if you get a low score, it only means that you view things differently than the instrument measures.

Part 2: Reflect on the readings on ethical decision making. In less than two paragraphs, share with me what you found to be most insightful or interesting and explain how you can use it in your professional life. Your entry will be seen only by your instructor.

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Module 4: Perception, Attitudes & Individual Differences" style="float: right;">Next

The objective of this journal is to help you accomplish one of our course objectives: Demonstrate critical reasoning skills in solving ethical dilemmas

Part 1: After you have completed the DIT, please record your final "P" score here. Your scores will be seen only by the instructor. This counts as your part of your participation score for the module. Your grade is not determined by your "performance" on this assessment, but rather your "sincere participation". Please note that the score you receive is not a reflection of how ethical you are. Rather, its a measurement of cognitive moral development along one philosophical way of looking at ethics. So, don't feel bad if you get a low score, it only means that you view things differently than the instrument measures.

Part 2: Reflect on the readings on ethical decision making. In less than two paragraphs, share with me what you found to be most insightful or interesting and explain how you can use it in your professional life. Your entry will be seen only by your instructor.

Link to the Defining Issues Test (DIT) Questionaire" style="float: left;">PreviousNext Module:

Module 4: Perception, Attitudes & Individual Differences" style="float: right;">Next

Apr 30, 2022

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