The multicand of a multiplication operation is located at the memory adress 1190H and the multiplier is located at 1191H. Write a 8085 program using minimum number of instructions, I) First, to copy...

The multicand of a multiplication operation is located at the memory adress 1190H and the multiplier is located at 1191H. Write a 8085 program using minimum number of instructions,

I) First, to copy those numbers to HL register pair,

II) Then, call the subroutine to make the multiplication and store the result at the memory adress 2291H.

Write a function (subroutine) called MULT using minimum number of instructions,

I) First, to do the multiplication of those numbers in the H and L register pair,

II) Return the result to the H and L pair.

Important: Your codes should be exactly correct such that they will be run in simulator without any error.

Jun 10, 2022

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