The MSCJ Assignment: Using Kaltura Media, create a 4- to 5-minute video that address the following points:Describe the pros and cons of Three Strikes sentencing.Explain ethical and...

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The MSCJ Assignment: Using Kaltura Media, create a 4- to 5-minute video that address the following points:

  • Describe the pros and cons of Three Strikes sentencing.

  • Explain ethical and social justice issues related to the use of Three Strikes sentencing.

  • Explain whether you support the use of Three Strikes sentencing. Why or why not? In your explanation, include how ethical and social justice issues informed your argument.

Your speech should be supported by research from at leastfive scholarly sources. Submit your references separately as a APA reference list Word document.

Answered 2 days AfterApr 04, 2024

Answer To: The MSCJ Assignment: Using Kaltura Media, create a 4- to 5-minute video that address the following...

Sanjukta answered on Apr 06 2024
14 Votes
Criminal Law
It can be stated that the three strikes law tends to serve as a deterrent for repeat offenders as they tend to face a lot of penalties for each of their offen
se. Furthermore, by keeping repeat offenders off the streets for a long period of time, the law tends to aim for reducing the likelihood of them in terms of committing further crimes.
Advantages and disadvantages of three strikes sentencing
1. The following are some of the advantages of three strikes sentencing:
· This law tends to treat individuals as innocents until they are proven guilty because it is only applicable to the convictions. Moreover, number of times an individual is arrested if a person is not convicted of a crime, someone does not receive a strike count (Benes’s & Merlo, 2020).
· Habitual perpetrators are deterred from carrying out wrongdoings. Assuming a crook realizes that they will confront the majority of their life in jail for their next wrongdoing, they are less inclined to perpetrate a wrongdoing
· It provides justice for the victims as much as possible. Besides, a casualty might fear having guilty party returning one day for carrying out a similar wrongdoing, especially with regards to robbery or assault. Be that as it may, there are a few possibilities of recovery the three strikes regulation assisting with safeguarding the casualties from the most over the top vicious guilty parties.
The disadvantages of three strikes sentencing:
· The Three Strikes Law tends to enhance the population of the prison that leads to the overpopulation in some of the prisons. Furthermore, the statistics of the United States Prisoner tends to highlight that enacting the toughest laws increases the prisoners.
· The people with non-violent...

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