Microsoft Word - assign-01-system-calls.docx CS 5463/ XXXXXXXXXX CS 5463: Fundamentals of Systems – Programming Assignment XXXXXXXXXXpoints) Description: The main objectives of this project is to...

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The main objectives of this project is to practice with C programming, system calls (i.e., fileoperations) and basic data structure (linked list).

Microsoft Word - assign-01-system-calls.docx CS 5463/4593 1 CS 5463: Fundamentals of Systems – Programming Assignment 1 (100 points) Description: The main objectives of this project is to practice with C programming, system calls (i.e., file operations) and basic data structure (linked list). You will write a program (says, word-count) to find out the number of words and how many times each word appears in a text file. Specifically, the program will open the text file and process its content. It will find all different words and count the number of time each word appears in the file. The typical format to run the program with input parameters is as follows: >./word-count input-file.txt Detailed Requirements: First, the program needs to determine the file to be processed using the parameters of main( ) function (i.e., the argc and argv parameters). The main program should call one function countWordsWithLinkedList( ) to count the different words and how many times each word appears inside the file. The function should take a file pointer (FILE*) as parameter, and return a pointer to a linked-list where each node in the linked-list represents a different word and the corresponding number of times the word appears in the file. The node struct of the linked-list and the prototype of the function should be defined in a user-defined header file (namely wordsProcessorLL.h), and the actual implementation of the function should be in the corresponding wordsProcessorLL.c. The nodes in the linked-list should follow the dictionary-order. The main program should call another function printWordsLinkedList(), which should also be implemented in wordsProcessorLL.c. This function takes the pointer to the linked-list as the parameter, and return the total number of different words appeared in the file. The output will be as follows: The file input-file.txt has: aaa appears XXX times bbb appears YYY times ... zzz appears MMM times The total number of words is XYZ; the number of different words is ABC. For word counting, you could simply use the space character as the delimiter. Anything that is not separated by the space will be counted as a single word. For instance, the example “The first program is a Hello-world.” will be reported as 6 words (where Hello-world is counted as a single word). You could compare your results using the wc utility that is available on Linux machines. Programming Environment and Submission: • You should debug and test your program on one of the Linux machines (fox01 to; • This assignment will have 3 source code files: main.c, wordsProcessorLL.c , and wordsProcessorLL.h. Your program needs to have proper comments (e.g., explanations for functions and variables etc.). It will be graded based on both functional correctness and clarity of the necessary comments. • You should prepare one Makefile for this assignment to make it easy to compile your program; See the related document for how to create and use Makefile; CS 5463/4593 2 • You should also have a Readme.txt. In this text file, you need to report: a) the status of your program (completed or not; partial credit will be given even the program is not completed); b) how linked-list was used in the design of your program; c) instructions on how to compile and run your codes with Makefile; d) what help (if any) you received from your classmates or others; and e) comments and suggestions to improve this assignment; • You should create a tar-ball for all the above files with the name of assign1-abc123.tar.gz and upload the file on Blackboard, where abc123 should be your UTSA ID. See below on how to create a tar-ball file. Since your program involves multiple files (.c, .h, and the executable), you will need to bundle the enter folder into one file, which will then be uploaded to Blackboard. We will use the Linux tool tar to bundle all these files and gzip to compress the file. The resulting file is a .tar.gz file, also known as a tarball. These two separate tools are often used together and a lot of source code is distributed as a .tar.gz file. To create this tarball, you will need to navigate to the parent directory of your project folder. The command to create this is: tar -zcvf assignX-abc123.tar.gz [name of lab/project folder] The options z zips the file, c creates the archive, v stands for verbose and shows what is being added to the archive, and f indicates the final file name. For consistency, the name of the tarball and project folder should be the same. Here is an example for abc123 and assign-1: tar -zcvf assign1-abc123.tar.gz assign1-abc123 The resulting file will be assign1-abc123.tar.gz, which is the file you will submit to Blackboard. Unpacking the Tarball To unpack the tarball, you will need to navigate to the directory in which is exists. From there, the Linux command is: tar -xzvf [name of tarball].tar.gz The options x stands for extract and z means to unzip. This command will extract the files to the folder name that was originally bundled together. So, you need to make sure the original folder name when you were creating the tarball is correct. So, with the assign1 example above, the command is: tar -xzvf assign1-abc123.tar.gz
Answered 5 days AfterFeb 09, 2021

Answer To: Microsoft Word - assign-01-system-calls.docx CS 5463/ XXXXXXXXXX CS 5463: Fundamentals of Systems –...

Arun Shankar answered on Feb 13 2021
145 Votes
a) the status of the program
(completed or not; partial credit will be given even the program is
not completed);
b) How linked list was used ?
Each node in the linked list will have the word, the number of times the word appears in the file, and a pointer to the next node of the linked list. When a new word is read from the file, a node is created with the word and count 0, and added to the appropriate location in the list. When a word is read again, the count is incremented. The linked list is always sorted.
c) instructions on how to compile and run the codes with
d) what help (if any) you received from your classmates or others
e) comments and suggestions to improve this assignment
make america great again
computer science is awesome
i love programming
computer science is my favorite
i am living in america
i will do the assignment again
#include "wordsProcessorLL.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if(argc != 2)
printf("ERROR: The format is ./word-count \n");
return 0;

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