The leadership of your organization or client wants your opinion. Your primary market is experiencing rapid GDP growth with low inflation, high employment, and modest interest rates. How might this...

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The leadership of your organization or client wants your opinion. Your primary market is experiencing rapid GDP growth with low inflation, high employment, and modest interest rates. How might this information influence your strategic communication efforts?

You work in strategic communication for an international hotel brand. What are the economic indicators that you would pay attention to for your industry? Why? Now change things and assume you work for an office supplies retailer with locations around the United States. What economic indicators would you pay attention to? Why?

Answered 126 days AfterMay 26, 2022

Answer To: The leadership of your organization or client wants your opinion. Your primary market is...

Ayan answered on Sep 29 2022
54 Votes
Table of contents
Economic indicators in hospitality industry    3
Economic indic
ators in office supplies retailer with locations around the United States    3
References    4
Economic indicators in hospitality industry
An economic indicator is a piece of information that analysts use to examine existing or potential investment opportunities. This information is frequently of a macroeconomic size (Jean-Paul & Martine, 2018). The gross domestic product, unemployment, and inflation are actually the only three measures that economists use to gauge the overall health of the economy. Service sectors like the hospitality industry are particularly susceptible to macroeconomic trends. The...

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