The instructions for each problem set are provided on the web via the problem set link that is included in the instructions below. They are to be submitted as two separate documents. Also, please...

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The instructions for each problem set are provided on the web via the problem set link that is included in the instructions below. They are to be submitted as two separate documents. Also, please ensure each section on each problem is cleary identifying which section and part is being answered. for example. for Problem Set #4: It has 3 sections. The 1st section is called "7RM - Central Tendency and Dispersion" and that section has (3) parts. Then the next section is called "8RM - Graphs and Charts" and that section has (5) parts, and so on. **Please keep in mind that all pasts do NOT neccessacy have a portion that have to be turned in. some of the parts are scenarios. you will need this FREE website in order to place the data into the system to get the calculations. YOu have to create a create. SCHOLAR-PRACTITIONER RESEARCH PROBLEM SETS The research course series in this course focuses on developing the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind which are important for leaders to address complex problems as scholar-practitioners. This course uses a problem-based learning pedagogy consistent with self-directed learning characteristic of both scientific inquiry and professional practice-based learning. A problem set is a narration of the solution to a problem. A narration is a coherent story which describes a series of events from the beginning to end. As you solve, write short narrative comments between equations and sketches to transition the reader through your logic. A problem set solution requires making the audience believe that you know how to solve this problem. Problem sets in DEL 805 are opportunities to practice research thinking to analyze quantitative data. They require using the knowledge and skills from the readings in new ways. There are multiple correct solutions to problem sets. Responses to problem sets require making transparent one’s logical thought process and assumptions used to solve the problem. Communicating one’s logic requires citing the examples and principles from the readings which relate to the problem and present one’s argument for how they are applied to the problem set. The problem sets in this course come from the Social Science Research and Instructional Council's website. They use the Monitoring the Future 2015 survey of high school seniors as the data base for the exercises. This survey is freely available through the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. They also use SDA (Survey Documentation and Analysis) as the statistical package to analyze the data. SDA was developed by the Survey Methods Program at UC Berkeley and is freely available to anyone with internet access. There are notes on using SDA which you might find helpful. ***** Right click and open in new window***** Research Problem #4: RESEARCH_METHODS_7RM - Central Tendency and Dispersion RESEARCH_METHODS_8RM - Graphs and Charts RESEARCH_METHODS_9RM - Crosstabulation Research Problem #5: RESEARCH_METHODS_10RM - Chi Square RESEARCH_METHODS_11RM - Measures of Association
Answered 3 days AfterJan 31, 2021

Answer To: The instructions for each problem set are provided on the web via the problem set link that is...

Himanshu answered on Feb 04 2021
153 Votes
Research Problem #5:
Research Method 10RM – Chi Square
Part 1 Relationship between Variables
Df is 1
Pearson Chi Square is 41.41. 
5,782.2 males and 6163
.9 females and 8804.4 that have not consumed smoked cigarettes and 3087.7 who have.
p=0.00 after the value of Chi Square.
Criteria for dismissing the null hypothesis: if the significance of value is less than.05, as <0.005 is less than.05, we dismiss the null hypothesis.
Expected values
Expected frequencies = (row marginal *column marginal)/ (total number of cases)
(8,804.4 * 5,728.2)/ (11,892.1) = 4,240.9
Males who will not smoke cigarettes will be 4,240.9.
Expected frequencies = (row marginal *column marginal)/ (total number of cases)
(8,804.4 * 6,163.9)/ (11,892.1) = 4,563.4
Females who will not smoke cigarettes will be 4,563.4.
Expected frequencies = (row marginal *column marginal)/ (total number of cases)
(3,087.7 * 5,728.2)/ (11,892.1) = 1,487.2
Males who will smoke cigarettes will be 1,487.2.
Expected frequencies = (row marginal *column marginal)/ (total number of cases)
(3,087.7 * 6,163.9)/ (11,892.1) = 1,600.4
Females who will smoke cigarettes will be 1,600.4.
Pearson Chi Square is 3.28. 
degrees of freedom (df) is 1. 
5,639.3 males and 6081.4 females and 6,475.6 that have not ever used marijuana or hashish and 5,245.1 who have.
Criteria for dismissing the null hypothesis, if the significance of value is less than.05 as <0.07 is greater than 0.05, we cannot deny the null hypothesis. Accepting the null hypothesis would mean that you have demonstrated that there is no...

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