Answer To: The immigration issues faced by the Middle Eastern communities in the United States only.
Abhishek answered on Nov 11 2021
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Immigration Issues Faced by Middle Eastern Communities in United States 3
Racial Discrimination of Middle East Communities in the US 3
Workplace Discrimination of Middle East Communities in the US 4
Employment Issues of Middle East Communities in the US 5
Lower Income Rates of Middle East Communities in the US 6
Health Coverage Issues of Middle East Communities in the US 7
Transportation Issue, Taxation and Price Hike Issue 8
Less Productive and Development Issue 9
Cultural Issue 10
Conclusion 11
References 12
The immigration issues have become a potential factor for assessing the developmental parameters and growth factors associated with the Middle Eastern communities. As the US countries offer a wide range of opportunities to people being incorporated with types of professions, millions of people have been observed immigrating on the onset of the US. The issues with regional conflict and the factors of finding good economic opportunities have made the people enter for finding the reasonable prospect of improvisation and development in the US.
As the rate of migrants has risen to 54 million from 25 million in just two years, several issues have been raised including the product price, tax increment, land shortage, political consideration and ill management to it, unmanageable economic fall. Hence, the Middle East immigrants are not much inclined to migrate and several legal decorum have been made to restrict the migration. This paper will shed light on the issues and barriers that the Middle Eastern communities face by migrating to the countries of the US.
Immigration Issues Faced by Middle Eastern Communities in United States
There have been multiple issues and challenges faced by the Middle East communities for immigration in the United States in the past years. The problems of immigration are discussed below, respectively.
Racial Discrimination of Middle East Communities in the US
An essential part of the broader discussion on the racial and hyphenated American ideologies is the challenges confronting Middle Eastern communities. After hours of the September 11 terror attacks, mostly as a direct consequence of the intensified derogatory widespread media and government criticism of Arabs, Americans including its the Middle East as well as South Asian origin were threatened for the acts of hatred, abuse, bigotry, racial profiling including economic disaster.
The consequence is that Middle Eastern communities were considered faithful towards their country of birth, instead of to America and therefore disloyal and rebellious, as "never-ending immigrants." Such views are clear indicators of bigotry targeting Middle Eastern community when translated into acts (Deole & Huang, 2020). For instance, how those activities help further de-Americanize, those Middle Eastern communities are the violent words, gestures and deeds of private individuals.
Data reported yearly inside the Uniform crime Index was compiled by the US Department of Justice. HCSA records of hate crimes focused on religion list anti - Islamic one of the most extraordinary groups. Of only two classifications, like anti- Hispanic and all others as stated, HCSA traces racial hate crimes. The survey data of 2002 Hate Crimes reveals that anti - Islamic as well as anti- Arab hatred rose dramatically in 2001, decreased in 2002; nevertheless, it did not decrease to its pre-September 11 incidents.
There are many accounts where the Middle Eastern community people were picked out for being mere suspicious, criminal treatment centered on nothing other than their facial appearances and clothing. Aggressive attacks performed by individuals targeting Arabs, Muslims, even South Asian communities have also been followed by recorded official government behavior (Valentino et al., 2019). In the period following the fight against terrorism, these attacks are now on rapid increase gradually.
Workplace Discrimination of Middle East Communities in the US
On a national average, five percent jobless Arab Americans, sixty-four per cent among Arab Americans individuals are in the working population. In managerial, educational, technological, sales or administrative sectors, as well as 73 per cent of employed Arab Americans, are hired. Around 88 percent, of Arab Americans, work for private companies, while twelve per cent become government officials.
The post-September 11 reactions have exploded into the jobs arena dramatically, intensifying this already long-standing racial issue. For several of their colleagues, abuse of Arab Americans at the workplace became an expression of patriotism (Vail III, Courtney & Arndt, 2019). With further terrorism references and comparing someone from the country in the Middle East with terrorists and suicide bomb attackers, the forms of statements and epithets have become more hostile and intimidating.
Between September 2001 to February 2004, 904 complaints charging post-9/11 backlash prejudice were lodged with EEOC. The allegations in this group include claims of persecution of national origin by a person who is considered to be Muslim, Middle Eastern, Afghani and South Asian, or persons claiming revenge in connection with terrorist activities. Because of their ethnic background and abuse, the main charges were wrongful dismissal, which implies the loss of work. Furthermore, regardless of their ethnic roots, the Middle Eastern community people were still not recruited and refused promotions.
Aggressive epithets, such as gunmen, suicide bombers and political remarks about their stay in the US were used in the harassment. These forms of findings offered ample support for charges of harassment, which, if reached by the decision-maker, provided excuse confirmation that the decision was taken based on ethnic background, as opposed to valid commercial...