The ideal gas law relates the pressure P, volume V, and temperature T of an ideal gas: PV = nRT where n is the number of moles R = 8.3145 Plots of pressure versus volume (four curves in one Kmol plot)...


The ideal gas law relates the pressure P, volume V, and temperature T of an ideal gas:<br>PV = nRT<br>where n is the number of moles R = 8.3145 Plots of pressure versus volume (four curves in one<br>Kmol<br>plot) at constant temperature are called isotherms. Plot the isotherms for one mole of an ideal gas for<br>volume ranging from 1 to 10 m³, at temperatures of T = 100. 200, 300, 400 K. Label the axes and<br>display a legend. The units for pressure are Pa.<br>

Extracted text: The ideal gas law relates the pressure P, volume V, and temperature T of an ideal gas: PV = nRT where n is the number of moles R = 8.3145 Plots of pressure versus volume (four curves in one Kmol plot) at constant temperature are called isotherms. Plot the isotherms for one mole of an ideal gas for volume ranging from 1 to 10 m³, at temperatures of T = 100. 200, 300, 400 K. Label the axes and display a legend. The units for pressure are Pa.

Jun 08, 2022

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