the historical i selectedWoman's Suffrage Movementrompt: Module Two: Approaches to History, continued, has explored how historians select search terms to locate secondary sources that help them find...

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the historical i selectedWoman's Suffrage Movementrompt: Module Two: Approaches to History, continued, has explored how historians select search terms to locate secondary sources that help them find answers to their research question. Return to your submission for Progress Check 1 and expand upon your event’s historical significance, describe two secondary sources you could use to research your event (along with search terms you used to locate those sources), and support your research question with secondary and primary sources. Specifically, in this assignment, you will submit the following elements of your Project 1: Writing Plan for review by your instructor: In Module Two: Approaches to History, continued, learning block 2-3 (page 3), you completed the following element: I. Describe the historical event that you selected. Why is this event significant? II. Describe at least two secondary sources that you could use to research your historical event. Your sources must be relevant to your event and must be of an appropriate academic nature. In your description, consider questions such as: What are the similarities and differences in the content of your sources? What makes them appropriate and relevant for investigating your event? What was your thought process when you were searching for sources? How did you make choices? IV. Based on your review of primary and secondary sources, develop a research question related to the historical event you selected. In other words, what would you like to know more about? Please note that the numbering included above directly aligns with the numbering of these elements as they are presented in the Project 1 Guidelines and Rubric. You will ultimately also need to describe primary sources that you could use to research your event as well as the audience and message for your historical analysis essay, but you do not need to do so in this submission. You will be prompted to build upon this progress check submission to prepare your final writing plan for submission in Module Four. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: The Writing Plan Progress Check 2 must be submitted as a 1-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Follow the formatting of the example included in Module Two: Approaches to History, continued, learning block 2-3 (page 3), and include identifying information (name, course code and title, assignment title, name of university, and date) as well as section headings (topic, research question, search terms and sources) as appropriate

Answered Same DayNov 14, 2021

Answer To: the historical i selectedWoman's Suffrage Movementrompt: Module Two: Approaches to History,...

Tanmoy answered on Nov 14 2021
167 Votes
Woman's Suffrage Movement
I. Describe the historical event that you selected. Why is this event signi
The Woman’s Suffrage movement is related to the women’s fighting to win the voting rights after a long decade in the United States. It was a long decade fight in the sense that it took more than 100 years to win the battle by demonstrations, protests and campaigns to win the voting rights for women. It was on August 18th, 1920 the 19th Amendment of the constitution was ratified and was passed. It was on this date was declared that the American women had all the rights and deserves all the responsibilities like their male counterparts to have voting rights.
II. Describe at least two secondary sources that you could use to research your historical event. Your sources must be relevant to your event and must be of an appropriate academic nature.
The two sources used to research on this topic was an article from ‘’ and the other was a newspaper article from ‘The New York Times’
III. In...

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