The Havard referencing should be as follows: for exampleAnnelin, A. (2022) ‘Auditteam equality and audit quality threatening behaviour’, Managerial AuditingJournal, 38(2), pp XXXXXXXXXXIf you are...

The Havard referencing should be as follows: for example

Annelin, A. (2022) ‘Audit
team equality and audit quality threatening behaviour’,
Managerial Auditing
, 38(2), pp.158-185.

If you are using a direct quote from the author in the text it must be for example:

(Alander,2023, p.111) commented that “Internal
auditor reporting relationships are significant for their independence and vary
depending on their position in the organisation”.

All citations to be used in the running of the text.

Choose up to two published journal articles that engage with methods and methodology in your area of study interest. Carry out a critical appraisal that identifies both positive and negative aspects of the approach used in the selected papers and discuss issues of objectivity in relation to the broader aims of the papers. (You need to include the two original articles that you have chosen in the Appendix of your essay.) Note that the two articles should be about methods and methodologies rather than technical subject of your research topic. Compare and summarise the two papers using systematic approaches. Critically review any framework(s)/model(s) (if applicable) and reflect how they can be applied in your own research in terms of data collection and data analysis. The evaluation should be evidence-based Details of the assignment 1. Choose 2 journals peer reviewed, only from Research gate, emerald or Academica .edu 2. Explain in the introduction why you choose these two papers (critical appraisal) 3. From each paper choose the pros and cons 4. Same topics or titles but different methods. 5. Why the methods are different uncover the reasons. 6. Do not choose papers that do not have a Methodology 7. Do not choose books or blogs 8. Review framework models, built on theory and talk about them 9. You may choose papers which have theoretical articles which led to model adaptation 10. What ever you talk always use reference (refer to point 1 for references- 15 to 20 references not less) 11. On the two journal you choose differentiate between analysis and methods SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: The recommended length is 5,000 words, excluding tables, illustrations, appendices, and references. You are permitted to exceed this limit by the normal 10% margin. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Work is marked in relation to the following: • Pass (P) • Fail (F) You will be given detailed feedback. In case you fail the assessment, you will be presented with an opportunity to take admission again. Miami| v.12, n. 3| pages: 01-17| e0760 |2024. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 1 THREE OBSTACLES OF INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM OF PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDONESIA aSumarni, bAli Imron, cMustiningsih, dAsep Sunandar ABSTRACT Objective: The implementation of internal quality assurance in higher education faces many obstacles. This research is focused on the obstacles of implementing the internal quality assurance system in Private higher education. Internal quality assurance system is a system carried out by universities independently. Method: The approach used in this research is qualitative with case study method. The case studied is the obstacle to the implementation of internal quality assurance system. Data collection uses combining an internal document review with semi-structured interviews. The qualitative interview data were subject to thematic analysis, a method for systematically identifying, organizing, and offering insight into patterns of meaning across a dataset. Result: In terms of administrative obstacles, it was found that the internal quality assurance agency at Puangrimaggalatung University only had 62.5% of standard documents. The organizational constraints found include 1) Limited understanding of internal quality assurance system only for structural officials, not for all but not for all stake holders in tertiary institutions. 2) Difficulties in determining measurable indicators of successful implementation of the internal quality assurance system, and 3) Unclear responsibilities among various structural positions resulting in overlapping of authority, which complicates internal quality assurance system implementation. In terms of psychological constraints, data is obtained in the form of neglect, disdain or cynical attitude towards quality assurance systems and processes. Conclusion: Based on an in-depth study of the data that has been collected, it is concluded that the implementation of the internal quality assurance system at private universities is going well however. there are obstacles in 3 areas, namely 1) Administrative obstacles 2) organizational obstacles and 3) psychological obstacles. Keyword: internal quality assurance, higher education, organizational obstacles. Received: 01/04/2024 Accepted: 02/26/2024 DOI: a PhD in Education, Doctoral Program Faculty of Science Education Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected] Orcid: b PhD in Education, Faculty of Science Education Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected] Orcid: c PhD in Education, Faculty of Science Education Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected] Orcid: d PhD in Education, Faculty of Science Education Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected] Orcid: Miami| v.12, n. 3| pages: 01-17| e0760 |2024. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Sumarni, Imron, A., Mustiningsih, Sunandar, A. (2024). THREE OBSTACLES OF INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM OF PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDONESIA 2 TRÊS OBSTÁCULOS DO SISTEMA INTERNO DE GARANTIA DE QUALIDADE DO ENSINO SUPERIOR PRIVADO NA INDONÉSIA RESUMO Objetivo: A implementação da garantia interna de qualidade no ensino superior enfrenta muitos obstáculos. Esta pesquisa está focada nos obstáculos da implementação do sistema interno de garantia de qualidade no ensino superior privado. O sistema interno de garantia de qualidade é um sistema realizado pelas universidades de forma independente. Método: A abordagem utilizada nesta pesquisa é qualitativa com método de estudo de caso. O caso estudado é o obstáculo para a implementação de um sistema interno de garantia de qualidade. A coleta de dados usa a combinação de uma revisão interna de documentos com entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados qualitativos da entrevista foram sujeitos a análise temática, um método para identificar sistematicamente, organizar e oferecer uma visão sobre os padrões de significado em um conjunto de dados. Resultado: Em termos de obstáculos administrativos, verificou-se que a agência interna de garantia de qualidade da Universidade Puangrimaggalatung possuía apenas 62,5% dos documentos padrão. As restrições organizacionais encontradas incluem 1) Compreensão limitada do sistema interno de garantia de qualidade apenas para funcionários estruturais, não para todos, mas não para todos os interessados em instituições terciárias. 2) Dificuldades na determinação de indicadores mensuráveis de uma aplicação bem sucedida do sistema interno de garantia da qualidade e 3) Responsabilidades pouco claras entre várias posições estruturais, que resultam numa sobreposição de autoridade, o que complica a aplicação interna do sistema de garantia da qualidade. Em termos de constrangimentos psicológicos, os dados são obtidos sob a forma de negligência, desprezo ou atitude cínica em relação aos sistemas e processos de garantia da qualidade. Conclusão: Com base em um estudo aprofundado dos dados coletados, conclui-se que a implementação do sistema interno de garantia de qualidade em universidades privadas está indo bem no entanto, há obstáculos em 3 áreas, ou seja, 1) obstáculos administrativos 2) obstáculos organizacionais e 3) obstáculos psicológicos. Palavra-chave: garantia de qualidade interna, ensino superior, obstáculos organizacionais. TRES OBSTÁCULOS DEL SISTEMA INTERNO DE GARANTÍA DE LA CALIDAD DE LA ENSEÑANZA SUPERIOR PRIVADA EN INDONESIA RESUMEN Objetivo: La aplicación de la garantía interna de la calidad en la enseñanza superior se enfrenta a numerosos obstáculos. La presente investigación se centra en los obstáculos de la implementación del sistema interno de aseguramiento de la calidad en la educación superior privada. El sistema interno de garantía de la calidad es un sistema llevado a cabo por las universidades de forma independiente. Método: El enfoque utilizado en esta investigación es cualitativo con método de estudio de casos. El caso estudiado es el obstáculo para la implementación de un sistema interno de garantía de calidad. La recopilación de datos utiliza la combinación de una revisión interna de documentos con entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los datos de la entrevista cualitativa fueron objeto de análisis temático, un método para identificar, organizar y ofrecer información sistemática sobre los patrones de significado en un conjunto de datos. Resultado: En términos de obstáculos administrativos, se encontró que la agencia interna de garantía de calidad de la Universidad de Puangrimaggalatung solo tenía el 62,5% de los documentos estándar. Las limitaciones organizativas detectadas incluyen 1) comprensión Miami| v.12, n. 3| pages: 01-17| e0760 |2024. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Sumarni, Imron, A., Mustiningsih, Sunandar, A. (2024). THREE OBSTACLES OF INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM OF PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDONESIA 3 limitada del sistema interno de garantía de la calidad solo para los funcionarios estructurales, no para todos, pero no para todos los interesados en las instituciones terciarias. 2) Dificultades para determinar indicadores mensurables de la aplicación satisfactoria del sistema interno de garantía de la calidad, y 3) Responsabilidades poco claras entre diversos puestos estructurales que dan lugar a la superposición de atribuciones, lo que complica la aplicación interna del sistema de garantía de la calidad. En términos de restricciones psicológicas, los datos se obtienen en forma de negligencia, desdén o actitud cínica hacia los sistemas y procesos de garantía de calidad. Conclusión: A partir de un estudio en profundidad de los datos que se han recogido, se concluye que la implementación del sistema interno de aseguramiento de la calidad en las universidades privadas va bien, sin embargo, hay obstáculos en 3 áreas, a saber: 1) obstáculos administrativos 2) obstáculos organizacionales y 3) obstáculos psicológicos. Palabra clave: aseguramiento interno de la calidad, educación superior, obstáculos organizacionales. 1 INTRODUCTION Education in the 21st century directly demands to produce quality outputs, namely superior human beings (Bunyamin & Alamsyah, 2016; Fadhli, 2020). Therefore, educational management institutions must be able to ensure that the needs of these demands can be met. In order to achieve these goals, quality education management is needed (Arifudin, 2019; Jesry et al., 2022). The efforts of educational institutions to meet these demands are to carry out a quality assurance. Quality assurance is part of the quality management concept. (Barnawi & Arifin, 2017; Jesry et al., 2022). Quality assurance is a system to improve the quality of education. Quality assurance is a guarantee of quality to achieve the desired goals. (Westerheijden et al., 2007; (Elbadiansyah & Masyni, 2022)). Universities in Indonesia, both public and private universities, must carry out a quality assurance process. Quality management carried out must lead to a process aimed at improving the quality of performance which is carried out continuously. (Lim, 2020; Barnawi & Arifin, 2017, Sadeli & Nasiwan, 2023). An education quality assurance system is implemented so that universities have program guidelines and directions that are applied from the planning phase to the evaluation phase (Sunarto, 2017; Mariana et al., 2013). Higher Education Quality Assurance in Indonesia is called Higher Education System Quality Assurance. Higher Education System Quality Assurance is a systemic activity to improve the quality of higher education in a planned and sustainable manner (Prabowo e t al., 2017, Mursidi et al., 2020). The legal basis for the implementation of Miami| v.12, n. 3| pages: 01-17| e0760 |2024. JOURNAL OF LAW AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Sumarni, Imron, A., Mustiningsih, Sunandar, A. (2024). THREE OBSTACLES OF INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM OF PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDONESIA 4 the Higher Education System Quality Assurance is the Law on Higher Education and Regulation of the Minister Of Education, Research and Technology number 62 of 2016 concerning the Higher Education Quality Assurance System. Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia number 3 of 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards consists of three elements, namely learning standards, research standards, and community service standards. Higher Education System Quality Assurance explains that the quality of higher education is the level of conformity between the implementation of higher education and higher education standards which consist of Higher education national standards and higher education standards set by universities. Based on Minister Of Education, Research and Technology Number 62 of 2016 concerning the higher education quality assurance system, which states that the three quality assurance systems consist of 1) Internal Quality Assurance System, which includes planning, implementation, evaluation, control and improvement. 2) External Quality Assurance System, 3) Higher Education Database (PD DIKTI). The quality
Jun 16, 2024

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