The goal of this assignment is for you to generate the distribution of letters of the alphabet from text obtained from input text files. You will create a bar chart using a class that is supplied to...

The goal of this assignment is for you to generate the distribution of letters of the alphabet from text obtained from input text files. You will create a bar chart using a class that is supplied to you. As we know, letters are not evenly distributed in texts. In an average English sentence, you are very likely to see numerous instances of the letter 'e' but seeing a 'q' is much less likely. We can visualize the distribution of letter frequencies by reading in a sample of English text, counting up how many times we see each letter, and then creating a bar chart (See Wikipedia for an example.) showing the result. Input Files The input text file have been provided for you to use with this program: GreenEggsAndHam.txt] Feel free to play around with other text files if you wish. The files should be in the same folder as your main program. The program should display a bar chart with the percentage letter distribution based on the input text file constant FILE_NAME defined in the Letter Distribution file. Bar Chart To help you create a bar chart we are providing the BarChart class. Run You will see a sample chart. Study the code (in the main method) and make sure you understand that to create a bar chart you need to provide three parameters to the BarChart constructor: • a String with the title of the chart: • a String array with x-axis labels for the bars; and • a double array with the actual y-axis values of each bar (as a percent). The example in BarChart's main method has the arrays being initialized with hard- coded values. The percentages might not add up to 100%. That's OK for the demo. Letter Distribution 1. The text files you read using your program will consist of letters other than the English alphabet - there will also be spaces, punctuation marks, and newlines. You will need to loop to read each character of the file and check to see if it is an English alphabet letter or not. If it is, tally it. Otherwise, ignore the character. 2. Scan each character by reading the file line by line and then use a for-loop to process each character in the line. 3. We also do not care if each letter is lower or upper case, so convert the entire string to lower case before looping. Use the toLower Casel) method. Use the isalphal) method to determine if the character is a letter. 4. Produce the bar chart to represent the letter frequencies and labels using arrays. Note that we cannot use the letters as indexes into the array that counts occurrences of the letters. Therefore, we must map the letters of the alphabet to indexes in the arrays. This concept is illustrated in the table below. We will map the letter 'a' to index 0, 'b' to index 1, 'c' to index 2, and so on, so that 'z' maps to 25. Letter: 'a' 'b' 'c ? 'z Value: 97 98 99 121 122 Index: 0 1 2 24 25 To perform this mapping, subtract the value of the letter 'a' from the character representing the letter you're processing at the moment. Use the constant FIRST_LETTER in Letter Distribution For example, if the current letter is c', subtracting FIRST_LETTER ('a') yields an index of 2. . . . compile and run to get familiar with bar chart program. Note that the percentages don't necessarily add up to 100% name your class and file from file Letter Distribution create an array for the letter labels and initialize it with the letters of the alphabet: . create another array for the letter frequencies and initialize it with Os. write a loop to read one line at a time from the input file: convert the current line to lower case: inside the loop, write a second loop to get individual characters from the current line: Page 2 of 3 . if the current character is a letter, increment the corresponding value in the frequencies array also keep a variable to count all letters you find so you can later compute the frequencies as percentages, when the loop hits the end of the input file, close the file: calculate percentages from the frequency file copy the code from BarChart's main() method and make the appropriate changes to display the correct bar chart with your letter and frequency files. . import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; public class BarChart extends JPanel { "Sans Serif"; 48; 20; private static final String FONT_NAME private static final int TITLE_FONT_SIZE private static final int LABELS_FONT_SIZE private static final int VALUES_FONT_SIZE private static final int MIN_VALUE_DISPLAY private static final String COLOR_PALETTE = 8; 1; // in % "gray.palette"; private String title; private double[] values; private String[] labels; private ArrayList colors; public BarChart(String title, String[] labels, double[] values) { this.title title; this.labels labels; this.values values; loadColors(); } private void loadColors() { Scanner palette - null; try { palette = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(COLOR_PALETTE)); } catch(FileNotFoundException ex) { String defaultPalette "255, 0, 0\n0,255,0\n0, 0,255"; palette = new Scanner(new ByteArrayInputStream(defaultPalette.getBytes()); } colors = new ArrayList(); while (palette.hasNext()) { String rgb[] = palette.nextLine().strip().split(","); if (rgb.length != 3) continue; int red Integer.parseInt( rgb[0]); int green = Integer.parseInt(rgb[1]); int blue = Integer.parseInt(rgb[2]); Color color = new Color (red, green, blue); colors.add(color); } } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(); public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(s); // if no values were created, there's nothing to do if (values null || values. length == 0) return; == 0; // compute min/max values from values double minValue double maxValue 0; for (int i = 0; i values[i]) minValue = values[i]; if (maxValue = 0) valueY += (int) ((maxValue - values[i]) * scale); else { value Y += (int) (maxValue * scale); height -height; } g.setColor(colors.get(colorIndex)); colorIndex = (colorIndex + 1) % colors.size(); g.fillRect(value, valuey, barWidth - 2, height); g.setColor(; g.drawRect(valuex, valuey, barWidth - 2, height); int labelWidth labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(labels[i]); x = i * barWidth + (barWidth - labelWidth) / 2; g.drawstring(labels[i], x, y); if (values[i] >= MIN_VALUE_DISPLAY) { String valueStr = String.format("%.Of", values[i]) + "%"; int valueWidth valueFontMetrics.stringWidth(valueStr); x = i* barWidth + (barWidth - valueWidth) / 2; g.drawstring(valueStr, x, d.height - height); = } } } public static void main(String[] argv) { JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.setSize(1024, 768); = String[] labels double[] values { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4"}; { 15, 40, 20, 25 }; = f.getContentPane().add(new BarChart("Sample Chart", labels, values)); WindowListener wndCloser = new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } }; f.addWindowListener(wndCloser); f.setVisible(true); } }
May 19, 2022

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