The given program reads a list of single-word first names and ages (ending with -1), and outputs that list with the age incremented. The program fails and throws an exception if the second input on a...

The given program reads a list of single-word first names and ages (ending with -1), and outputs that list with the age incremented. The program fails and throws an exception if the second input on a line is a string rather than an int. At FIXME in the code, add a try/catch statement to catch ios_base::failure, and output 0 for the age.

Ex: If the input is:

Lee 18

Lua 21

Mary Beth 19

Stu 33


then the output is:

Lee 19

Lua 22

Mary 0

Stu 34



using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
string inputName;
int age;
// Set exception mask for cin stream

cin >> inputName;
while(inputName != "-1") {
// FIXME: The following line will throw an ios_base::failure.
// Insert a try/catch statement to catch the exception.
// Clear cin's failbit to put cin in a useable state.
cin >> age;
cout < inputname="">< "="" "="">< (age="" +="" 1)=""><>

cin >> inputName;

return 0;

Jun 10, 2022

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