The following is my code: /** * This class is the main class of the "World of Zuul" application. * "World of Zuul" is a very simple, text based adventure game. Users * can walk around some scenery....

The following is my code:

/** * This class is the main class of the "World of Zuul" application. * "World of Zuul" is a very simple, text based adventure game. Users * can walk around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended * to make it more interesting! * * To play this game, create an instance of this class and call the "play" * method. * * This main class creates and initialises all the others: it creates all * rooms, creates the parser and starts the game. It also evaluates and * executes the commands that the parser returns. * * @author Michael Kölling and David J. Barnes * @version 2011.08.08 */

public class Game { private Parser parser; private Room currentRoom; private Room roomStack[]; private int top; private Player player; private Character character; /** * Create the game and initialise its internal map. */ public Game() { createRooms(); parser = new Parser(); roomStack = new Room[500]; top = -1; } /** * Adds character object. */ public void addCharacter(Character character) { this.character = character; } /** * Returns the character object. */ public Character getCharacter() { return character; } /** * Prints the items possessed by a player */ public void printItem() { System.out.println(player.getItems()); } /** * Create all the rooms and link their exits together. */ private void createRooms() { Room outside, theater, pub, lab, office, basement, dungeon;

// create the rooms outside = new Room("outside the main entrance of the university"); theater = new Room("in a lecture theater"); pub = new Room("in the campus pub"); lab = new Room("in a computing lab"); office = new Room("in the computing admin office"); basement = new Room("in the basement, where the key is!"); dungeon = new Room("in the dungeon"); // initialise room exits outside.setExit("east", theater); outside.setExit("south", lab); outside.setExit("west", pub);

theater.setExit("west", outside);

pub.setExit("east", outside);

lab.setExit("north", outside); lab.setExit("east", office);

office.setExit("west", lab);

basement.setExit("north", office); basement.addItems("key", "key to unlock door", 1); currentRoom = outside; // start game outside }

/** * Main play routine. Loops until end of play. */ public void play() { String name; System.out.println("Enter name:"); reader = new Scanner(; name = reader.nextLine(); player = new Player(name); printWelcome();

// Enter the main command loop. Here we repeatedly read commands and // execute them until the game is over.

boolean finished = false; while (! finished) { Command command = parser.getCommand(); finished = processCommand(command); } System.out.println("Thank you " + player.getName() + " for playing. Good bye."); }

/** * Print out the opening message for the player. */ private void printWelcome() { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Hello " + player.getName() + ","); System.out.println("Welcome to the World of Zuul!"); System.out.println("World of Zuul is a new, incredibly boring adventure game."); System.out.println("Type 'help' if you need help."); System.out.println(); System.out.println(currentRoom.getLongDescription()); }

/** * Given a command, process (that is: execute) the command. * @param command The command to be processed. * @return true If the command ends the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean processCommand(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = false;

if(command.isUnknown()) { System.out.println("I don't know what you mean..."); return false; }

String commandWord = command.getCommandWord(); if (commandWord.equals("help")) { printHelp(); } else if (commandWord.equals("go")) { goRoom(command); } else if (commandWord.equals("quit")) { wantToQuit = quit(command); } else if (commandWord.equals("back")) { backRoom(); } else if (commandWord.equals("eat")) { System.out.println("You have eaten now and are not hungry anymore."); } else if (commandWord.equals("take")) { player.pickUpItem(); } else if (commandWord.equals("drop")) { player.dropItem(); } else if (commandWord.equals("items")) { printItem(); } else if (commandWord.equals("eatcookie")) { player.eatCookie(); } // else command not recognised. return wantToQuit; }

// implementations of user commands:

/** * Print out some help information. * Here we print some stupid, cryptic message and a list of the * command words. */ private void printHelp() { System.out.println("You are lost. You are alone. You wander"); System.out.println("around at the university."); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Your command words are:"); parser.showCommands(); }

/** * Try to in to one direction. If there is an exit, enter the new * room, otherwise print an error message. */ private void goRoom(Command command) { if(!command.hasSecondWord()) { // if there is no second word, we don't know where to go... System.out.println("Go where?"); return; }

String direction = command.getSecondWord();

// Try to leave current room. Room nextRoom = currentRoom.getExit(direction);

if (nextRoom == null) { System.out.println("There is no door!"); } else { push(currentRoom); currentRoom = nextRoom; if(character != null && !person.hasSpoken()) { System.out.println("There is a person in this room"); System.out.println(character.getName() + ": " + character.getDialogue()); person.setHasSpoken(true); } System.out.println(currentRoom.getLongDescription()); } }

/** * Attempt to go to the previous room, and display that * room's information. */ private void backRoom() { currentRoom = pop(); if(currentRoom != null) { System.out.println(currentRoom.getLongDescription()); } }

/** * Add the current room to the stack. * @param room The room to add to the stack. */ private void push(Room room) { if(top == roomStack.length-1) { System.out.println("Room stack is full."); } else { roomStack[++top] = room; } } /** * Deletes the room at the top of the roomStack. * @return Room if it exists and null otherwise. */ private Room pop() { if(top { System.out.println("Sorry, you are outside, and there is no previous room to which you can go back."); return null; } else { return roomStack[top--]; } } /** * "Quit" was entered. Check the rest of the command to see * whether we really quit the game. * @return true, if this command quits the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean quit(Command command) { if(command.hasSecondWord()) { System.out.println("Quit what?"); return false; } else { return true; // signal that we want to quit } } }

import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.HashSet; /** * Write a description of class Player here. * * @author Chandler Warren * @version 11-05-15 */ public class Player { public String name; public String itemName; public int weight; public String[] itemCarry = new String[20]; public int i = 0; public int maxWeight = 0;

/** * Constructor for objects of class Player. */ public Player(String player) { name = player; this.itemCarry = itemCarry; this.weight = weight; this.itemName = itemName; }

/** * Returns the player's name. */ public String getName() { return name; }

/** * Picks the item up in the current room */ public void pickUpItem() { if((maxWeight + weight) { this.itemCarry[i] = itemName; i++; maxWeight += weight; } }

/** * Drops the item being carried */ public void dropItem() { if(i > 0) { --i; this.itemCarry[i] = null; } }

/** * Gets the items contained by the player */ public String getItems() { String a = "You have the following item(s): "; String t = "The total weight is: "; for(int j = 0; j <> { String totalItems = a + (j+1) + " " + itemCarry[i]; return totalItems; } String totalWeight = t + maxWeight; return totalWeight; } }

import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashMap;

/** * Class Room - a room in an adventure game. * * This class is part of the "World of Zuul" application. * "World of Zuul" is a very simple, text based adventure game. * * A "Room" represents one location in the scenery of the game. It is * connected to other rooms via exits. For each existing exit, the room * stores a reference to the neighboring room. * * @author Michael Kölling and David J. Barnes * @version 2011.08.08 */

public class Room { private String description; private HashMap exits; // stores exits of this room. private HashMap items; /** * Create a room described "description". Initially, it has * no exits. "description" is something like "a kitchen" or * "an open court yard". * @param description The room's description. */ public Room(String description) { this.description = description; exits = new HashMap(); items = new HashMap(); }

/** * Define an exit from this room. * @param direction The direction of the exit. * @param neighbor The room to which the exit leads. */ public void setExit(String direction, Room neighbor) { exits.put(direction, neighbor); } // // /** // * This sets the doors of rooms as locked or not. // */ // public void setRoomDoors(String direction, Room room, boolean locked) // { // exits.put(direction, room, locked); // } /** * @return The short description of the room * (the one that was defined in the constructor). */ public String getShortDescription() { return description; }

/** * Return a description of the room in the form: * You are in the kitchen. * Exits: north west * @return A long description of this room */ public String getLongDescription() { return "You are " + description + ".\n" + getExitString(); }

/** * Return a string describing the room's exits, for example * "Exits: north west". * @return Details of the room's exits. */ private String getExitString() { String returnString = "Exits:"; Set keys = exits.keySet(); for(String exit : keys) { returnString += " " + exit; } return returnString; }

/** * Return the room that is reached if we go from this room in direction * "direction". If there is no room in that direction, return null. * @param direction The exit's direction. * @return The room in the given direction. */ public Room getExit(String direction) { return exits.get(direction); } /** * This method adds items to a room. */ public void addItems(String item_name, String description, int weight) { items.put(item_name, new Item(description, weight)); } }

I am working on the Zuul project in Objects First with Java and have to do the following exercise: 6.44 - Add locked exits to your game. The player needs to find (or otherwise obtain) a key to unlock the exit and enter a room. (You don't need to add a new class for doors or exits to your game). Make this as general as possible - in any room, any exit could potentially be locked.

May 19, 2022

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