The examples in (1) through (5) all contain at least one noun phrase. Task: (i) Pick out all the NPs, and put them in square brackets. Make sure that you get the whole of each NP inside your brackets;...

The examples in (1) through (5) all contain at least one noun phrase.

Task: (i) Pick out all the NPs, and put them in square brackets. Make sure that you get the whole of each NP inside your brackets; i.e., the head noun and all its dependents. In some cases, an NP may have another NP embedded within it. Make sure you bracket these too. (ii) List all the subject NPs, all the direct object NPs, and all the NP predicates.

(1) My idiot of a neighbour wastes stacks of water on his garden.

(2) This is a planet that could engulf all the surrounding matter.

(3) They encountered a bigger problem over the fees rise than they initially anticipated.

(4) This is too long a story for me to tell you right now.

(5) The only day currently available for your interview is March 12.

May 19, 2022

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