The example program below finds multiple modes in two steps: #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; const string empty_string = ""; const string alphabet =...

The example program below finds multiple modes in two steps:






using namespace std;

const string empty_string = "";

const string alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

const int nalphas = 26;

int max(int a[], int size);

int main()


    int* counts = new int[nalphas];

    for (int idx = 0; idx < nalphas;="">

        counts[idx] = 0;

    cout < "enter="" input="" file="" name:="">

    string file_name;

    getline(cin, file_name);

    ifstream finp;;


    string line;

    int alpha_count = 0;

    while (!getline(finp, line).eof())


        for (int idx = 0; idx < line.size();="">


            char target = toupper(line[idx]);

            int alpha_idx = alphabet.find(target);

            if (alpha_idx >= 0)








    int mode = counts[max(counts, nalphas)];

    int fwidth = static_cast(log10(alpha_count)) + 1;

    for (int idx = 0; idx < nalphas;="">


        cout < alphabet[idx]="">< '="" '="">< setw(fwidth)=""><>

        if (counts[idx] == mode)

            cout < '="" '=""><>

        cout <>


    cout < " ="" "="">< setw(fwidth)="">< alpha_count=""><>


    return 0;


int max(int a[], int size)


    if (size <>

        return -1;

    int max_idx = 0;

    for (int idx = 1; idx < size;="">

        if (a[idx] > a[max_idx])

            max_idx = idx;

    return max_idx;



Expert, there are two questions below that I have answered.

Please check to see if my answers are correct and if not please give correct answer/s.

1. Find the mode's count?

        if (a[idx] > a[max_idx])

            max_idx = idx;

          return max_idx;

2. Find the values whose counts equal the mode's count?

if (counts[idx] == mode)

            cout < '="" '=""><>

        cout <>

Jun 10, 2022

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