UNCC300 Assessment Task 3 Extended Description General Instructions: · The emphasis is on your proposed ways of addressing the challenge of increases in drug addiction and overdoses. · Your tutor is...

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  • The emphasis is on your proposedways of addressing the challenge of

    increases in drug addiction and overdoses

UNCC300 Assessment Task 3 Extended Description General Instructions: · The emphasis is on your proposed ways of addressing the challenge of increases in drug addiction and overdoses. · Your tutor is looking for a well-argued view in order to move forward on the issue or problem, with reference to the realisation of the common good in both local and global contexts within your professional community (the professional community you are part of now, or will be a member of, in the future). · The essay is to be no more than 1200 words long. · Try and express your thoughts clearly and concisely and make your argument as directly and as clearly as you can. The challenge, once again, is to present a strong argument within the word limit. The referencing guides on LEO will help. · Please make sure that everything taken from other sources is referenced correctly and systematically. · We have included a number of recommended e-readings to help you with the assessment also. UNCC300 Assessment Task 3 – Essay HD 85-100 Di 75-84 Cr 65-74 Pa 50-64 F 0-49 1 Defines and clarifies the principle of the common good, in relation to the global issue discussed in Assessment 2 (5 marks) 0-2.0 = F 2.5-3 = P 3.25-3.7= C 3.75-4.2 = D 4.25-5.0 = HD Provides an entirely clear, accurate and coherent definition and detailed clarification of the principle of the common good in relation to the global issue discussed in Assessment 2. Provides a very clear, accurate and coherent definition and detailed clarification of the principle of the common good in relation to the global issue discussed in Assessment 2 Provides a clear, accurate and coherent definition; also provides clarification of the principle of the common good in relation to the global issue discussed in Assessment 2 Provides a basic but largely clear, accurate, coherent definition; also provides some clarification of the principle of the common good in relation to the global issue discussed in Assessment 2 Fails to define and clarify the principle of the common good in relation to the global issue discussed in Assessment 2 2. Critically analyzes the issue chosen for Assessment 2, with a focus on shared responsibility for the common good not being realized, locally and especially, globally (10 marks) Provides an entirely clear, accurate and coherent critical analysis of the issue, with a sustained focus on shared responsibility for the common good not being realized, locally and especially, globally. Depth of engagement with unit materials evident Provides a very clear, accurate and coherent critical analysis of the issue, with a focus on shared responsibility for the common good not being realized, locally and especially, globally. Depth of engagement with unit materials evident. Provides a clear, accurate and coherent critical analysis of the issue, with a focus on shared responsibility for the common good not being realized, locally and especially, globally. Some depth of engagement with unit materials evident. Provides a basic but largely clear, accurate, coherent critical analysis of the issue, with some focus on shared responsibility for the common good not being realized, locally and especially, globally. Some evidence of engagement with unit materials evident. Fails to critically analyze the issue, with a focus on shared responsibility for the common good not being realized, locally and especially, globally 3 Proposes ways of addressing the challenge in the context of the student’s professional community, locally and especially globally (25 marks) Proposes ways of addressing the challenge in the context of the student’s professional community, locally and especially globally, in an entirely clear, accurate and coherent way. Depth of engagement with unit materials evident. Proposes ways of addressing the challenge in the context of the student’s professional community, locally and especially globally, in a very clear, accurate and coherent way. Depth of engagement with unit materials evident. Proposes ways of addressing the challenge in the context of the student’s professional community, locally and especially globally, in a clear, accurate and coherent manner. Some depth of engagement with unit materials evident. Proposes ways of addressing the challenge in the context of the student’s professional community, locally and especially globally, in a basic, but largely clear, accurate and coherent way. Some evidence of engagement with unit materials evident. Fails to propose ways of addressing the challenge in the context of the student’s professional community, locally and especially, globally HD DI CR PA NN 4 Style and Writing Mechanics (5 marks) 0-2.0 = F 2.5-3 = P 3.25-3.7= C 3.75-4.2 = D 4.25-5.0 = HD Presents information in an entirely clear, coherent style. No errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Presents information in a very clear, coherent style. Few or no errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Presents information in a clear, coherent style. Few errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Presents information in a largely clear, coherent style. Some errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Presents information in an unsatisfactory style, lacking clarity and coherence. Many errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. 5 Referencing (5 marks) 0-2.0 = F 2.5-3 = P 3.25-3.7= C 3.75-4.2 = D 4.25-5.0 = HD Excellent referencing throughout: all sources cited accurately and correctly; provides fully accurate information about all sources used. Very good referencing throughout; sources cited accurately and correctly. Provides fully accurate information about sources used. Good referencing throughout; sources cited accurately throughout. Provides accurate and sufficient information about sources used. Satisfactory referencing, in general; sources cited accurately, in general Provides sufficient information about sources used. No referencing or sources not cited accurately. Does not provide sufficient information about sources used.
Answered Same DayMay 29, 2021UNCC 300

Answer To: UNCC300 Assessment Task 3 Extended Description General Instructions: · The emphasis is on your...

Sourav Kumar answered on May 31 2021
135 Votes
Drug addiction have become a major problem in the present world scenario. Mainly youth are being attracted to drugs and spoiling their future. There are no positive effects for drugs, the effect that drugs show upon its user
is completely negative and not good for health. The most famous drugs are cocaine and herione that are mostly used and these drugs badly spoil a human body. When any person is addicted to drugs they lose many good things in life. They lose their family, their friends and will always want to have drugs that spoil their health. Also drugs financially effect a person. Drugs cost a lot of money and because of addiction to drugs, the user wastes lot of money on these drugs. There are many dangerous effects of drugs that can even kill the user of drugs because of over usage of drugs and not able to refrain themselves from using drugs. According to the latest case studies there has been an alarming rate of increase in drug consumption nowadays. There are many reasons for a person to be addicted to drugs but it lies within the person to refrain from drugs to avoid further problems in life.
Causes for a person to become Drug Addict:
There can be many reasons for a person to become a drug addict. Some of them are:
1. Love failure: Nowadays the most common problem that youth faces is love failure. If a person loses their loved one the other person is not able to take it and is going into depression. In order to get rid of that depression or to forget their loved one the effected person is finding their way in drugs. This is the most dangerous way to solve the issue and this completely effects the life of a person.
2. Stress: There are many causes for stress like poverty, mental illness, abuse, medical or health problem etc. Poverty is something that causes many financial problems and makes a person so stressful and makes him choose drugs to avoid this condition. Mental illness and abuse of a human being is also very stressful this makes a person feel very low and destroys him mentally. This mental torture is one of the main problem that a drug addict faces. Mental illness can occur in many ways. It can be because of financial aspects or health issues or because of education related problems etc. All these cases severely affect the mental condition of a person. Other important aspect is the health condition. Health of a person is...

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