The emphasis is on your proposedways of addressing the challenge of
increases in drug addiction and overdoses
UNCC300 Assessment Task 3 Extended Description General Instructions: · The emphasis is on your proposed ways of addressing the challenge of increases in drug addiction and overdoses. · Your tutor is looking for a well-argued view in order to move forward on the issue or problem, with reference to the realisation of the common good in both local and global contexts within your professional community (the professional community you are part of now, or will be a member of, in the future). · The essay is to be no more than 1200 words long. · Try and express your thoughts clearly and concisely and make your argument as directly and as clearly as you can. The challenge, once again, is to present a strong argument within the word limit. The referencing guides on LEO will help. · Please make sure that everything taken from other sources is referenced correctly and systematically. · We have included a number of recommended e-readings to help you with the assessment also. UNCC300 Assessment Task 3 – Essay HD 85-100 Di 75-84 Cr 65-74 Pa 50-64 F 0-49 1 Defines and clarifies the principle of the common good, in relation to the global issue discussed in Assessment 2 (5 marks) 0-2.0 = F 2.5-3 = P 3.25-3.7= C 3.75-4.2 = D 4.25-5.0 = HD Provides an entirely clear, accurate and coherent definition and detailed clarification of the principle of the common good in relation to the global issue discussed in Assessment 2. Provides a very clear, accurate and coherent definition and detailed clarification of the principle of the common good in relation to the global issue discussed in Assessment 2 Provides a clear, accurate and coherent definition; also provides clarification of the principle of the common good in relation to the global issue discussed in Assessment 2 Provides a basic but largely clear, accurate, coherent definition; also provides some clarification of the principle of the common good in relation to the global issue discussed in Assessment 2 Fails to define and clarify the principle of the common good in relation to the global issue discussed in Assessment 2 2. Critically analyzes the issue chosen for Assessment 2, with a focus on shared responsibility for the common good not being realized, locally and especially, globally (10 marks) Provides an entirely clear, accurate and coherent critical analysis of the issue, with a sustained focus on shared responsibility for the common good not being realized, locally and especially, globally. Depth of engagement with unit materials evident Provides a very clear, accurate and coherent critical analysis of the issue, with a focus on shared responsibility for the common good not being realized, locally and especially, globally. Depth of engagement with unit materials evident. Provides a clear, accurate and coherent critical analysis of the issue, with a focus on shared responsibility for the common good not being realized, locally and especially, globally. Some depth of engagement with unit materials evident. Provides a basic but largely clear, accurate, coherent critical analysis of the issue, with some focus on shared responsibility for the common good not being realized, locally and especially, globally. Some evidence of engagement with unit materials evident. Fails to critically analyze the issue, with a focus on shared responsibility for the common good not being realized, locally and especially, globally 3 Proposes ways of addressing the challenge in the context of the student’s professional community, locally and especially globally (25 marks) Proposes ways of addressing the challenge in the context of the student’s professional community, locally and especially globally, in an entirely clear, accurate and coherent way. Depth of engagement with unit materials evident. Proposes ways of addressing the challenge in the context of the student’s professional community, locally and especially globally, in a very clear, accurate and coherent way. Depth of engagement with unit materials evident. Proposes ways of addressing the challenge in the context of the student’s professional community, locally and especially globally, in a clear, accurate and coherent manner. Some depth of engagement with unit materials evident. Proposes ways of addressing the challenge in the context of the student’s professional community, locally and especially globally, in a basic, but largely clear, accurate and coherent way. Some evidence of engagement with unit materials evident. Fails to propose ways of addressing the challenge in the context of the student’s professional community, locally and especially, globally HD DI CR PA NN 4 Style and Writing Mechanics (5 marks) 0-2.0 = F 2.5-3 = P 3.25-3.7= C 3.75-4.2 = D 4.25-5.0 = HD Presents information in an entirely clear, coherent style. No errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Presents information in a very clear, coherent style. Few or no errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Presents information in a clear, coherent style. Few errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Presents information in a largely clear, coherent style. Some errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Presents information in an unsatisfactory style, lacking clarity and coherence. Many errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. 5 Referencing (5 marks) 0-2.0 = F 2.5-3 = P 3.25-3.7= C 3.75-4.2 = D 4.25-5.0 = HD Excellent referencing throughout: all sources cited accurately and correctly; provides fully accurate information about all sources used. Very good referencing throughout; sources cited accurately and correctly. Provides fully accurate information about sources used. Good referencing throughout; sources cited accurately throughout. Provides accurate and sufficient information about sources used. Satisfactory referencing, in general; sources cited accurately, in general Provides sufficient information about sources used. No referencing or sources not cited accurately. Does not provide sufficient information about sources used.