The effects of recycled dairy effluent water utilised as irrigation water on pasture growth and basic soil composition
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Supervisor: Doug Rowell
Word Count: 6,760
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2 i
Table of tables .............................................................................................................ii
Table of figures ...........................................................................................................ii
Abstract ...................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction and Literature Review ............................................................................. 5
The Australian Dairy Industry ................................................................................. 5
Effluent Components and its Utilisation .................................................................. 6
Influences of Effluent on Pasture and Soil ............................................................ 10
Research Statement................................................................................................. 12
Materials and Methods ............................................................................................. 12
Pasture Growth Patterns and Soil Composition .................................................... 12
Soil and Effluent Examination ............................................................................... 14
Field Trial .............................................................................................................. 15
Soils ...................................................................................................................... 15
Data Analysis ........................................................................................................ 17
Results ..................................................................................................................... 17
Soil and effluent examination ................................................................................ 17
Field trial: Pasture results ..................................................................................... 18
Field trial: Soil results ............................................................................................ 20
Discussion ................................................................................................................ 23
Soil and effluent examination ................................................................................ 23
Field trial ............................................................................................................... 23
Influencing factors................................................................................................. 24
Future investigations ............................................................................................. 25
Industry relevance and Conclusion .......................................................................... 26
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................. 26
References ............................................................................................................... 27
Appendix .................................................................................................................. 29
Appendix 1. ....................................................................................................... 29
Appendix 2. ....................................................................................................... 29
Appendix 3. ....................................................................................................... 29
Appendix 4. ....................................................................................................... 30
Appendix 5. ....................................................................................................... 30
Appendix 6. ....................................................................................................... 31
Appendix 7. ....................................................................................................... 32
Appendix 8. ....................................................................................................... 34
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2 ii
Table of tables
Table 1.Soil analysis - a comparison of values before and after treatment of DE .... 21
Table 2. Soil analysis - results for long term irrigated soil sample ............................ 22
Table 3. Table for estimate kg of DM/ha taken from DPI NSW (Fulkerson et al. 1997) ................................................................................................................................. 30
Table 4.Comparison of Nutrient Advantage soil test results to recommended levels for pasture growth (Interpreting soil and tissue tests 2015). ..................................... 34
Table of figures
Figure 1. Lactation curve (St-Pierre 2009). ................................................................ 7
Figure 2. Where nutrients in anaerobic ponds end up (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015). ........................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3. Pasture growth curve for perennial ryegrass in the Maffra area (Regional pasture growth rates 2013). ..................................................................................... 13
Figure 4. Mean pasture height between treatment and control ................................ 18
Figure 5. Mean pasture density between treatment and control ............................... 19
Figure 6. Mean estimated Kg of DM/ha between treatment and control .................. 19
Figure 7. Soil analysis - a comparison of before and after treatment of DE ............. 22
Figure 8. Soil analysis - a comparison of before and after treatment of DE for EC .. 22
Figure 9. Map showing location of the trial site. ....................................................... 29
Figure 10. Map of property and boundaries ............................................................. 29
Figure 11. Illustration of the paired-trial design ........................................................ 29
Figure 12. Copy of Fulham soil results by Nutrient Advantage ................................. 31
Figure 13. Copy of Fulham effluent results by Nutrient Advantage .......................... 32
Figure 14. Copy of Fulham effluent results by Nutrient Advantage continued .......... 33
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Introduction: Dairy effluent (DE) is the result of hygiene practices involved with milking, such as washing down yards and cleaning of the milking system. Through the demand for better sustainability in agriculture, the practice of using DE as a replacement for synthetic fertiliser as well as the recycling of water, has become an efficient option. The composition of DE varies by season and different management practices but it is composed of dairy wastes accumulated in wash down water of a dairy system. Studies conducted on the effects on DE on pasture growth have discovered a positive response to the irrigation of DE, however, studies into the effect of DE on soil composition vary from elements of improved soil response to a negative soil response. This study will focus on the effects of using DE as a fertiliser on soil composition and pasture growth.
Objective: This research project analyzed the pasture growth and soil composition changes between plots irrigated with DE and channel water over a short term period. The overall objective was to determine if the utilization of DE as an irrigation source is an efficient way to improving sustainability practices in the dairy industry
Materials and Methods: Initial professional soil and effluent tests were conducted to gain knowledge into the chemical structure of the two materials. The soil was also analysed by the researcher to determine basic composition traits such as bulk density, texture, slaking, dispersion, and electrical conductivity and pH levels. A field trial was then constructed in a paired-trial design consisting of six plots, three of which received one litre of DE per week and three received one litre of channel water (control) per week.
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Over an eight week period, plots were measured for pasture height, density and estimate kg of DM/ha. After the trial was completed, the soil was re-examined and results were analysed and compared.
Results: Professional soil testing showed that the soil on the site of the trial met most recommended values in its composition. The field trail resulted in a significant difference in the growth of the pasture’s height, density and estimated kg of DM/ha between the DE irrigated and the control. Though the soil examinations did show some change, data analysis resulted in a non-significant difference in most tests.
A sample of soil that had been long term irrigated were also taken and examined for the same soil characteristics. This soil showed different basic soil characteristics to the short term irrigated trial with higher figures for all soil tests.
Discussion and Conclusion: The results show that the short term, field trial confirmed a positive response from the growth of the pasture and little or neutral response displayed in the treated soil. However, by examining and interpreting the long term soil analysis, it can be seen that long term irrigation of DE may result in a negative response in soil characteristics.
As agriculture constantly moves towards more sustainable practices, it is important to become more efficient in waste practices. This study shows that for this soil type there is no negative effects of using DE as an irrigation source. The results also show a positive response in pasture growth rates indicating that properties with similar soil types and pasture may benefit from the short term use of DE irrigation. This use could contribute to a more sustainable practice in dairy farming. In conclusion, the short term use of DE is beneficial to both the producer and the environment.
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Introduction and Literature Review
The Australian Dairy Industry
The Australian dairy industry is an important commodity to the agricultural sector of the Australian economy (Australian Dairy in Focus 2015). Producing 9.73 million litres of milk in the year 2015, the industry receives a total farmgate value of $4.7 billion and a gross value, after processing of $13.5 billion per annum (Australian Dairy in Focus 2015). The industry is mainly located in the south eastern regions of Australia with Victoria being the largest producing state in the country (Australian Dairy in Focus 2015). Australia has a total of 6,129 farms and a national dairy herd of 1.74 million cows, directly employing 39,000 people (Australian Dairy in Focus 2015).
Milk production involves the milking of cows, usually twice a day (Longhurst et al. 2000). Part of milking involves hygiene practices such as washing down the yards and dairy as well as the cleaning of the system after every milking. This wash down water and all other waste incorporated with this water is what makes up dairy effluent (DE) (Dairy Effluent Management Systems 2010).
As concern grows about the sustainability of farming, the recycling of DE has become an important option to reach a more environmentally friendly and efficient way of farming (Longhurst et al. 2000; Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015). If applied and managed correctly, DE can act as an alternative to synthetic fertilisers and recycle the water (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015: Dairy Effluent Management Systems 2010: Dairy effluent and pastures 2009: Dhanam et al. 2009). DE must be applied at the right time, such as summer and autumn and at the right frequencies to prevent run off and leaching (Hawke & Summers 2006: Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015: Dairy effluent and pastures 2009).
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Other time periods to follow would be to apply after grazing, avoiding withholding periods (WHP) when the pasture is actively growing (Dairy effluent and pastures 2009). If DE is applied at the wrong time, the pasture will not be able to utilise the water and nutrients which can lead to leaching, groundwater contamination, waterlogging and nutrient imbalances (Wang et al. 2004).
Effluent Components and its Utilisation
DE is a mixture of wash down water, manure and urine (Dairy Effluent Management Systems 2010: Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015). It can also contain other wastes from the production system such as detergents, milk and teat spray (Dairy Effluent Management Systems 2010). Longhurst et al. (2000), stated that Gibson (1995) said the composition of DE averages 10% manure, 4% teat spray and detergents, and 86% water and other minerals.
The chemical composition of the DE often vary from different enterprises, as well as seasonally due to the different production management systems (Longhurst et al. 2000). The mineral content reaches its peak during September and October, following the lactation curve, decreasing in mineral concentration toward the end of the lactation period (Figure 1) (Longhurst et al. 2000; Roberts et al. 1992). Longhurst et al. (2000) also mentions the close relationship between the N use of pastures, and therefore the consumption of cows, and the increased N content of the DE.
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Figure 1. Lactation curve (St-Pierre 2009).
The N content of the DE is mainly in organic forms such as urea or protein which make up 80% of the total N (Longhurst et al. 2000). The other forms of N contained in DE include NH4? (10 – 20%) and NO3- (Longhurst et al. 2000). This indicates that the effluent contains both slow and fast release N properties (Longhurst et al. 1999: Dairy effluent and pastures 2009).
According to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), the average amount of minerals per cow during lactation equates to 2.5kg of N, 0.5kg of P and 2.7kg of K (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015). Another study conducted by the Department of Agriculture in Victoria stated the median levels for these three minerals were 200kg of N/Ml, 52kg of P/Ml and 395kg of K/Ml (Dairy effluent and pastures 2009). A further study, conducted at Ellinbank by the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) also found that the average N of DE was 505kg/Ml, P was 178kg/Ml and K was 524kg/Ml.
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
This study also found that the pH was at 7.5 and the sodium absorption ratio (SAR) was at 2.4 (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015). This level of 2.4 SAR was not a concern as it is below 6, which can cause the soils to become sodic (Dairy effluent and pastures 2009). As seen in these studies, the results can vary greatly due to different management and effluent storage systems, herd size, length of time cows spend in yards and nutrients in the herds feed (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015).
Of the three major mineral components found in DE, half of the N content is lost as gas while 30% is found in the liquid and 20% is accumulated in the sludge (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015). The P and K components of DE are not lost as gas, with 40% of P and 90% of K found in the DE liquid, with the remainder also accumulated in sludge (Figure 2) (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015).
These three main nutrients (N, P and K) are then available to the plant as 80% of N, 50% of P and all of K (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015).
Figure 2. Where nutrients in anaerobic ponds end up (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015).
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
As well as these three components (N, P & K), DE has been found to contain high salt levels with an average Electrical Conductivity (EC) of 3250 µS/cm (3.25 dS/m) in one study (Dairy effluent and pastures 2009) and an average EC of 3826 µS/cm (3.83 dS/m) in another study (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015). The findings from both studies are well above the recommended levels of salt for irrigation which is 1500-2000 µS/cm or 1.5 -2.0 dS/m (Dairy effluent and pastures 2009).
DE can be utilised in a number of ways. One of these is direct application, where the DE is pumped from a small dam, immediately after wash down, onto a paddock (Dairy Effluent Management Systems 2010). Another is to have a two stage system with an anaerobic dam as a storage and then an aerobic dam as a second stage before being applied to a paddock as irrigation (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015). A third option is application of the sludge by spreading it over the desired area annually (Dairy Effluent Management Systems 2010).
Longhurst et al. (2000) states that the sludge of DE has the highest mineral content, accumulating over time. However, as seen in Figure 2, this is only true for the P and not the N or K (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015). Minerals found in the sludge are often lost in a two stage system as it sinks to the bottom of the anaerobic pond or tank (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015).
There has been an increase in the amount of N in DE, doubling in concentration from 200 mg N l?¹ in 1977 to 400 mg N l?¹ in 1997 (Longhurst et al. 2000). This is due to the increase in average herd size and the decrease in water use in reference to volume per cow (Longhurst et al 2000). Longhurst et al. (2000) claimed that Clark (1997) stated the rise in N may also be due to increased use of fertilisers from 10kg/ha per year to 90kg/ha per year.
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Recommended applications involve not applying more than 50kg of N per ha per application (Dairy effluent and pastures 2009). This can be calculated but, depending on the concentrations of the DE, may mean the K levels are far too high. Some applications should be adjusted to suit the K levels to avoid further issues (Dairy effluent and pastures 2009).
DE requires adequate management, as to not contaminate ground or surface water and high levels of NO3? in the soil (Longhurst et al. 2000; Hickey et al. 1989; Askew 1985: Dairy Effluent Management Systems 2010: Hawke & Summers 2006). Paddocks being irrigated with DE should be rotated yearly to avoid overloading of salts and nutrients (Dairy effluent and pastures 2009).
Influences of Effluent on Pasture and Soil
DE, applied in the right quantities can improve the growth of pasture (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015). Dhanam (2009) found that the ideal concentration of DE for increased pasture growth was 25% but concentrations of DE at 100% caused a decrease in growth due to high osmotic pressure at a high concentration of salts (Dhanam 2009). At 25% concentration of DE, an increase of proteins, starch, amino acids and crude protein were observed in the pasture due to an increased amino acid synthesis within the plant (Dhanam 2009). This application also saw an increase in chlorophyll due to the high nutrient uptake synthesis and translocation (Dhanam 2009). Whereas the 100% concentration application of DE decreased the starch levels in the plant due to lower activity seen in the enzymes (Dhanam 2009).
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Bolan et al. (2004), found that with increasing applications of DE, the dry matter (DM), N and K also increased however, a decrease in Ca and Mg was also observed. Bolan et al. (2004) also stated that Jeyaraman (1988) had found that the application of DE increased the pastures crude protein, energy and fibre levels.
There is limited research into the effects of DE on soil composition (Hawke & Summers 2006). This may be due to soil changes tending to occur over long time periods (Hawke & Summers 2006). Most DE is alkaline and one major change in soils watered with DE is the increase in their pH levels, indicating that the application of DE on acidic soils may be beneficial (Hawke & Summers 2006).
In the long term, Hawke & Summers (2006) stated that there is an increase in the soils N, P and other available nutrients for the plant. An improvement in the soils fertility and microbial biomass can also be seen after long term application (Hawke & Summers 2006). However, if the absorption rate of the nutrients to the soil is exhausted, this can cause leaching (Hawke & Summers 2006).
Salinity in DE can also be another problem. If DE contains high levels of Na, this can cause the soils to become saline which can lead to structural degradation due to lowered wet aggregate stability (Hawke & Summers 2006).
The study conducted by Agriculture Victoria also found that high applications of K through the DE can eventually leach Mg and Ca from the soil making it inaccessible to cattle grazing and can lead to health problems such as milk fever, a deficiency in Ca and grass tetany, a deficiency in Mg (Using dairy effluent as fertiliser 2015: Dairy effluent and pastures 2009: Bolan et al. 2004). Other health problems for animals grazing on pastures irrigated with DE include the contraction of worms and other diseases (Dairy effluent and pastures 2009).
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
This is why it is important to have a WHP of three weeks on grazing paddocks watered with DE and to graze prior to irrigation to allow UV radiation from sunlight to destroy living organisms in the DE (Dairy effluent and pastures 2009).
This research project will examine the potential of using DE as a fertiliser and recycling the water to create a more sustainable possibility for dairy farming (Dairy Effluent Management Systems 2010: Hawke & Summers 2006). It will focus on the potential benefits of the DE utilisation through measuring and testing its effects on pasture and soils and interpreting the collected data.
Research Statement
This project will analyse the pasture growth rates of plots irrigated with DE in a field setting. It will also look at the initial change in soil composition that has not been irrigated with DE previously. It will examine changes and interpret the collected data into information with the potential for improving dairy farm sustainability.
Materials and Methods
Pasture Growth Patterns and Soil Composition
The area where this project took place is located in Gippsland, Victoria where pasture growth peaks in the months of September, October and November with a secondary high in April and May (Regional pasture growth rates 2013). The lowest pasture growth in the region normally occurs during the summer, between December and March with another low growth period in July (Figure 3) (Regional pasture growth rates 2013).
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
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Figure 3. Pasture growth curve for perennial ryegrass in the Maffra area (Regional pasture growth rates 2013).
This project took place in Fulham, 17 km south of Maffra. The property begins on a flat rise and falls into river flats with the Thomson River located on the north side of the property (Appendix 1 & 2).
The soils found in this area vary between fine, intermediate and coarse textured soils, with many duplex soils found as well (Soil types of the dairying areas 2015). On the flood plains of the Thomson and Macalister Rivers, through the areas south of Maffra, fine soils can be found (Soil types of the dairying areas 2015). These are dark brown with mottled yellows, greys and rusty soils in lower horizons. They are highly plastic soils when wet and tend to crack when dried out (Soil types of the dairying areas 2015). These soils can also became waterlogged and are susceptible to pugging when wet (Soil types of the dairying areas 2015).
Months of year
Pasture Growth Curve for Perennial Ryegrass in the Maffra Area (in a Standard Year)
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Other soils common south of Maffra have been observed as duplex brown soils (Soil types of the dairying areas 2015). These soils are often acidic with a loamy top soil ranging from 100mm to 300mm deep (Soil types of the dairying areas 2015). These duplex brown soils are susceptible to the effects of a rise in the water table, increasing salt levels in low lying areas and decreasing plant production (Soil types of the dairying areas 2015).
Soil and Effluent Examination
A soil sample from the property was tested for baseline values of a number of different soil characteristics including: Phosphorous Buffer Index (PBI), P, K, S, pH (1:5 water) and pH (1:5 CaCl²), Al, EC, Cl-, NH4?, NO3-, organic carbon, exchangeable cations (Ca, K, Mg, Na, CEC (cation exchangeable capacity)), texture, colour and ECse (electrical conductivity saturated extract) calculation (Nutrient Advantage This will give a baseline of the characteristics of the soil and allow speculation on the changes that may occur during the project.
The DE was also tested by Nutrient Advantage for pH, EC, carbonate, bicarbonate, total alkalinity, dissolved NH4?, NO3-, Cl-, Al, B, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na, S and Zn as well as SAR, dissolved solids (TDS), water harness, salinity and sodicity class, residual Na carbonate, Ca carbonate and Ca carbonate saturation index.
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Field Trial
The field trial consisted of six, 0.75m in diameter plots, placed in a paddock that had not received irrigation with effluent water previously. This trial was set up as a ‘paired-trial’ (Appendix 3) and plots were protected from the potential damage by grazing by applying a cage pegged to the ground.
Three plots were irrigated using the DE water and three were irrigated using channel water (control). Due to low water availability and less irrigation during the cooler months of the year, the plots were hand watered at a rate of one litre per week. These plots were measured once a week for eight weeks for growth, differences in growth rates, density and estimated kg of DM/ha changes throughout the trial.
Estimated kg of DM/ha was calculated using a table taken from a document by Fulkerson et al. 1997 (Appendix 4) and density or ground cover was estimated using the Pasture health kit by the MLA (2012).
The researcher also performed a basic soil analysis before and after the trial to examine changes in the soils characteristics. Soil tests consisted of bulk density, texture, slaking and dispersion, EC, pH (1:5 water) and pH (1:5 CaCl²).
Out of curiosity, samples of soil that had received long term irrigation of DE for a minimum of five years, were also taken, tested and compared to the results of the short term treated and untreated soils of this trial. This soil was collected from a paddock approximately 500m away from the trial site.
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
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Bulk density of the soil was measured by pressing a three copper rings into the ground at plot sites and removing a sample. These soil samples were then dried in the oven for a two hour period at 105 ? C.
Samples were then weighed (W1) and the bag weight was subtracted from this weight to give weight 2 (W2). The volume of the ring was then calculated (Appendix 5) and from here the bulk density could be calculated (Appendix 5). An average of the three samples was then determined.
The texture of the soil was measured using the Quick references guide by DPI (2015). This process involved collecting a handful of the sample, slightly dampening that sample and rubbing it between the finger and thumb to form a ribbon which was then measured and compared to the DPI guide, indicating the soils clay percentage.
Slaking and dispersion tests were also completed using the slaking and dispersion chapter of the vegetable SOILpak (2000) by DPI. Three samples of the untreated and three samples of the treated were scored and compared. This method involves taking an aggregate of the soil sample and placing it into a petri dish with distilled water and leaving the sample for a 24 hour period. After this period the samples were individually scored.
To measure EC, 5 grams of soil was measured into test tubes with 25ml of distilled water giving a 1:5 ratio. This was repeated for the three treatments (DE, control and long term) and replicated three times for each sample. The soil solutions were then agitated and left for half an hour. After this period, an EC electrode meter was inserted and the result of EC recorded.
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Finally, samples were measured to determine their pH levels in both 1:5 CaCl² and 1:5 water pH. This was done by the implementing the same method listed above for EC (5 grams of soil with 25ml of distilled water) to give the 1:5 water pH and 5 grams of soil was weighed with 25ml of 0.10 CaCl² concentrated solution to give a 1:5 CaCl² pH. Again this was done for all three samples and replicated three times for each sample. After agitation and resting for half an hour, a pH electrode meter was submerged and results recorded.
Data Analysis
Data was collected using monitoring sheets and then collated in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, examining the growth, density and estimated kg of DM/ha differences between the applications in the field trial. The data was then statistically analysed for significant differences in the growth parameters of the pasture between treatments and soils were analysed for significant changes in soils basic composition before and after treatments.
Soil and effluent examination
The soils collected from Fulham met most recommendations from Agriculture Victoria (Interpreting soil and tissue tests 2015) for pasture growth with the exception of high K and pH and Al were slightly above the recommended level. This soil also had a low Ca:Mg ratio (Appendix 6 & 8).
Effluent results showed the sample had high levels of N and K as well as a high SAR and high EC (Appendix 7).
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Field trial: Pasture results
Through the field trial, it was discovered that the DE treated plots were influenced in the growth of pasture in height, density and estimated kg of DM/ha when compared to the growth rates in the control plots.
In the graph below, it can be seen that there was a significant difference in the mean pasture height between treatment and control groups with a probability value of 0.0076 (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Mean pasture height between treatment and control
5101520Mean 02468WeekTreatmentControl
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
There was also a significant difference in the mean pasture density between the
treated and control groups with a probability value of 0.0066 (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Mean pasture density between treatment and control
Estimated kg of DM/ha also saw a significant difference between the treatment and
control groups with a probability value of 0.0106 (Figure 6).
Figure 6. Mean estimated Kg of DM/ha between treatment and control
70 75 80 85 90
0 2 4 6 8
Treatment Control
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
0 2 4 6 8
Treatment Control
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Finally, for pasture results, the average growth difference week to week between the two groups was non-significantly different with a probability value of 0.1100.
Field trial: Soil results
The average bulk density before treatment of DE was found to be 0.99 g/cm³ and after treatment was found to be 0.81 g/cm³. Through data analysis there was no significant difference for bulk density between the treated and untreated soils (P. value 0.34). Long term treatment of effluent found bulk density to be 1.45 g/cm³.
All estimates of texture and clay percentage were 30-35% with a ribbon of 45-55mm in length and there was no change between control, treatment or long term.
The slaking score before treatment averaged 1.67 and after treatment averaged 1.00 and there was no significant difference between the two test times (P value 0.18). Whereas the long term treatment soil had an average slaking score of 2.66.
The dispersion score for both the before and after treatment samples remained unchanged at 0.67 and therefore, there was no significant difference. However, the dispersion score for the long term treated soil was 2.
EC measured results found that the control sample had an EC level of 0.014 dS/m and the DE treated sample had an EC level of 0.010 dS/m. Through data analysis, there was no significant difference between the two (P value 0.51). Testing of the long term treated soil revealed a result of 0.220 dS/m.
The average results for the pH (1:5 CaCl²) showed a level of 6.03 for the control, 6.37 for the treated which resulted in non-significant difference between the two samples (P value 0.05). Examination of the long term treated soil resulted in a pH level of 7.04.
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
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Whereas the results for the pH (1:5 water) level showed a result of 6.45 for the control and 6.81 for the treated, which was a statistically significant difference (P value = 0.012). However, in real use of pH, the difference between 6.45 and 6.81 pH is not really significant and indicates the soils becoming more alkaline. The long term treated sample pH level measured at 7.74.
Overall, the soil results show a slight change in values from before to after treatment with the exception of texture and dispersion (Table 2 & 3; Figures 7 & 8). However, none of these changes were significantly different in practice.
Table 1.Soil analysis - a comparison of values before and after treatment of DE
Fulham – Before
Bulk Density (g/cm³)
Texture clay %
Slaking score
Dispersion score
pH (1:5 water)
pH (1:5 CaCl²)
EC (dS/m)
Fulham – After
Bulk Density (g/cm³)
Texture clay %
Slaking score
Dispersion score
pH (1:5 water)
pH (1:5 CaCl²)
EC (dS/m)
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
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Figure 7. Soil analysis - a comparison of before and after treatment of DE
Figure 8. Soil analysis - a comparison of before and after treatment of DE for EC
Table 2. Soil analysis - results for long term irrigated soil sample
Fulham – Long term
Bulk Density (g/cm³)
Texture clay %
Slaking score
Dispersion score
pH (1:5 water)
pH (1:5 CaCl²)
EC (dS/m)
pH (1:5 CaCl2) after
pH (1:5 CaCl2) before
pH (1:5 water) after
pH (1:5 water) before
Slaking after
Slaking before
BD after
BD before
Soil results:
Comparison of before and after treatment of DE
EC after
EC before
Soil results: Comparison of before and after treatment of DE on the soil EC
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
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Soil and effluent examination
An estimation of the annual water usage of the dairy system was calculated to be 8.1Ml which is recycled as irrigation DE over ten hectares, equalling 0.81Ml/ha. Through this estimation and the effluent testing by Nutrient Advantage (Appendix 7) it can be assumed through calculation that the effluent provides 308kg of N, 73kg of P and 372kg of K/ha/year.
This means the irrigation with DE meets the recommended fertiliser application of N (350-500kg/year) and P (44-88kg/year). However, the K level is very high with the recommended fertiliser application between 60 and 80kg/year (Applying fertilisers 2015).
It can also be seen in the results from Nutrient Advantage (Appendix 6) that the soil is already high in K. By the addition of high K DE to this soil, this may lead to leaching of Ca and Mg which is already low.
Another concern is that the pH of the soil was already neutral and through the addition of DE (an alkaline substance), the pH would become more alkaline, leading to issues with pasture growth in the future.
Field trial
For pasture production, the short term irrigation with DE on pasture growth had a positive response in height, density and kg of DM/ha. This was possibly due to elevated nutrient content received by the plants and corresponds with findings of studies by Bolan et al. (2004) and Dhanam (2009).
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
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Short term irrigation with DE had a reasonably neutral response on changes to the soils basic composition. However, through examination of the long term irrigated soil, it can be seen that some values approach a level of concern. For example, bulk density above 1.6g/cm³ will inhibit the plants root growth and the long term soil resulted in a score of 1.45g/cm³ (Bulk density measurement 2016).
Slaking, which causes the breakdown of aggregates when wet, requires the addition of organic matter if scores are between three and four, with the long term soil reaching 2.66 (Vegetable SOILpak 2000).
Finally, the samples of long term irrigated soils showed a neutral or slightly alkaline pH level which may affect the growth of the pasture which usual requires a pH of 5-5.5 (Interpreting soil and tissue tests 2015).
Influencing factors
In the proposal of this project, a greenhouse trial was also to be performed using two different soil types in a controlled environment. Unfortunately, damage by unprecedented weather conditions saw this trial destroyed. Before this occurrence, the trial had received two treatments and there was no identifiable difference between the plots. The trial was reconstructed and started again, however, due to time restrictions, it was not possible to complete the trial adequately.
Other influencing factors included a high rainfall event of over 100mm that occurred in week four of the field trial and is believed to be the cause of the plateau in the trials growth rates that followed between weeks five and six, as seen in figures 4, 5 & 6.
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Future investigations
To improve the practices and results of this project, a few further investigations and better study methods would be required. Performing this project at a time of year where perennial ryegrass is actively growing may have shown a greater difference in the pasture height and density between treatments. However, to gain full knowledge of DE irrigation potential, the project would need to be performed throughout different seasons and possibly for a longer period of time. Another further study into the effects of DE would be to consider the effects on different soil and pasture types.
Performing this project in a controlled environment such as a greenhouse would have given better results as the plots would not have been affected by conditions and other external factors. The greenhouse trial in this project itself may have been structured better to avoid such damages that occurred due to weather conditions.
Lastly, to add to further knowledge of DE’s capabilities, tissue testing of pasture could be completed to further determine physical changes in the plants, such as increased or decreased fibre, energy, crude protein etc. As well as tissue analysis, the microbial biomass and root mass could be future investigations to demonstrate a change in soil and pasture health.
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Industry relevance and Conclusion
As agriculture constantly moves towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, the recycling of nutrients and water is of growing importance. This study shows that for this soil type there is no negative effects of using DE as an irrigation source. The results also show a positive response in pasture growth rates, indicating that farming enterprises with similar soil, pasture and conditions may benefit from the short term use of DE irrigation. This practice could contribute to more sustainable management in dairy farming along with more pasture production and therefore have economic benefits to farmers.
In conclusion, the short term use of DE is beneficial to both the producer and the environment through its ability to be utilised as a fertiliser and influence the growth rates of the pasture, while maintaining soil health and recycling the water and nutrients.
Thank you to Doug Rowell as the projects supervisor, to Hayden and Rachael Finch and Don and Heather Sokor for allowing the utilisation of their properties and to Melissa Jackson for assisting with the data analysis.
Thank you to all whom participated in the project through support, knowledge, materials, samples and data analysis.
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
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Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
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Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Appendix 1.
Figure 9. Map showing location of the trial site.
Appendix 2.
Figure 10. Map of property and boundaries
Appendix 3.
= Control
Figure 11. Illustration of the paired-trial design
= Treatment
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Appendix 4.
Table 3. Table for estimate kg of DM/ha taken from DPI NSW (Fulkerson et al. 1997)
Appendix 5.
Calculation 1. Volume of ring used for bulk density
? Ring/soil volume =?? ?? ???????? ??2 ?? ???????? h??????h??
= 3.14 x 3.7cm² x 5 cm
= 214.933cm³
Calculation 2. Bulk density calculation
? Bulk Density g/cm³= Dry soil weight (g)/ soil volume (cm³)
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Appendix 6.
Figure 12. Copy of Fulham soil results by Nutrient Advantage
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Appendix 7.
Figure 13. Copy of Fulham effluent results by Nutrient Advantage
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Figure 14. Copy of Fulham effluent results by Nutrient Advantage continued
Assessment 7 – Written Project Report
Applied Research Project 1 & 2
Appendix 8.
Table 4.Comparison of Nutrient Advantage soil test results to recommended levels for pasture growth (Interpreting soil and tissue tests 2015).
Avail. potassium
Clay – 180-300
1:5 CaCl²
dS/m (Sat. Ext.)
Organic Carbon
2% +
Nitrate Nitrogen
Ammonium Nitrogen
Sulphate Sulphur
>20 = high
Colwell mg/kg
20 -100
Olsen mg/kg
>50 = excessive
Phosphorous Index Buffer
100 – 200
Colwell mg/kg
180 -200
Cation Exch. Cap. (CEC)
Sodium % of Cations
Aluminium % of Cations
Calcium/Magnesium Ratio
1:5 water
>50 = excessive