The details of the assignment are described in the assignment document. Document your progress/answers on the provided answer sheet, the upload to Canvas. Note that the prompt in your terminal sessions must include include your first initial and last name. The prompt for the user "instructor" on the virtual machine looks like the following:
If I had a user id on the virtual machine, my prompt would look similar to the following:
Your prompt in the terminal sessions on what ever system you use must follow a similar pattern. If you use the virtual machine, you can first logon to that system as "instructor" then add a user for yourself, logout of the instructor account, finally login using your new account. This is one of the problems that you need to solve. The password for the "instructor" account isinstructor. If your prompt does not include your first initial and last name as decribed above, you can earn a grade on this assignment no higher than a zero (0). Of course, if you don't use the virtual machine, your hostname will be different or may not include a hostname at all.
You will use eithercurrentime3.corcurrenttime4.cfor your assignment. "currenttime3" and "currenttime4" are multithreaded programs, therefore you must link to the phreads library.
If you are using the CLion IDE, then you must edit the "CMakeLists.txt". The line you must add is highlighted using and example c program:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
project(example C)
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS -pthread)
The file interative shown exactly what to do.
My name is Geniana de Oliveira, so for the files with screeshot of the results needs to show my name.