The Dash Cell Phone Company charges customers a basic rate of $5 per month to send text messages. Additional rates are as follows: The first 100 messages per month, regardless of message length, are...

The Dash Cell Phone Company charges customers a basic rate of $5 per month to send text messages. Additional rates are as follows:

  • The first 100 messages per month, regardless of message length, are included in the basic bill.

  • An additional three cents are charged for each text message after the 100th message, up to and including 300 messages.

  • An additional two cents are charged for each text message after the 300th message.

  • Federal, state, and local taxes add a total of 14 percent to each bill.

Design using a pseudocode. A program that continuously accepts data about text messages until a sentinel value is entered, and displays details only about customers whose total bill with taxes is over $10.

Jun 10, 2022

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