The critical assessment should include four components and follow the required format (2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman, one-inch margin, page numbered, reference list and endnote...

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The critical assessment should include four components and follow the required format (2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman, one-inch margin, page numbered, reference list and endnote will not count toward page length, as a Word document). The evaluation rubric for the critical assessment is detailed in Appendix A.

i. Bibliographical citation: see “Citation Standards”.

ii. Synthesis of the major points of the article: synthetically summarize research questions/puzzles, claims/arguments, the evidence supporting the claims/arguments, and conclusions.

iii. A nutshell statement: summarize in one sentence what this article/excerpt is about.

iv. Critical evaluation of the article: focusing on this article, questions you should discuss include, but are not limited to: why and how the inquiry into these questions is important to the research on and practice of public administration, what are the strengths and weaknesses of this work, how this work connects to the main/required reading, and what are substantive reasons (e.g., related to the article’s argumentation, evidence, data, etc) to recommend this work to your colleagues and/or what are reasons not to recommend it.

Answered Same DaySep 29, 2020

Answer To: The critical assessment should include four components and follow the required format (2-3 pages,...

Shanaaya answered on Sep 30 2020
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Federalism no child left behind
15 years back, what Winter commission proposed Federalism in education, had loa
ds of challenges and flows.  The accountability at all stage was missing making it lose its sole purpose.  In 2001, No child left act was adopted in the new federalism act
Categorical Federalism: A Targeted but Limited Federal Role
Though the state government has the main responsibility for funding and allocation of resources but in line with the federal government.  Which to great extended diluted the purpose of elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1956, to dilute concentration power at central.  However, the intergovernmental transfer of funds dint did justice as it should have. Transfer of fund for the support aim of no child left lost its meaning due to focusing on regulatory safeguards, resource allocation systems, and other necessity.
Federal decided to move away with loads compliances after the report from winter commissioner hard truth. Tough choices.  And based on recommendation Improving America’s school Act (IASC) 1994 came which compelled state and federal to share resources to meet the needs of schools with children poverty lines.  IASC also aimed to maintain school standards.
It is evident that the Federalism needs to be integrated with the need of the education that has resulted with the help of the significant changes along with the intriguing aspects of the Winter Commission. For this, there is also a need of outlining the early 1990s which have highlighted the federal...

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