The concept “Job Involvement” is defined as the degree to which an employee is engaged in and enthusiastic about performing his/her work. In a study one section of the questionnaire was designed to measure “Job Involvement” of the employees. There were 6 items in this construct, each measured on a Likert scale of 1 to 5:
JINV1. The major satisfaction in my life comes from my job JINV2. My job means a lot more to me than just money
JINV3. I will stay overtime to finish a job, even if I am not paid for it JINV4. I look forward to coming to work each day
JINV5. I would probably keep working even if I didn’t need the money JINV6. The most important things that happen to me involve my work
The questionnaires were self-administered and 200 cases were used in the final analysis. The data were analysed using SPSS. The following are some of the output from factor analysis.
1) Interpret the values in Table 12
2) Overall how good is the instrument in measuring career salience?
3) If there is a need for modification. If yes, state what need to be done.
Extracted text: Table 9 JINV1 JINV2 JINV3 JINV4 JINV5 JINV6 Correlation JINV1 1.000 .594 .466 .656 -.091 .983 JINV2 .594 1.000 .859 .492 -.050 .578 .859 .492 JINV3 .466 1.000 .559 .134 .430 JINV4 .656 .559 1.000 .168 .595 JINV5 -.091 -.050 .134 .168 1.000 -.114 JINV6 .983 .578 .430 .595 -.114 1.000 Table 10 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. Approx. Chi-Square .747 100.224 Bartlett's Test of Sphericity df 15 Sig. .000 Table 11 Factor Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative % % Variance 69.155 11.535 9.396 5.692 3.076 1.146 Variance 4.149 .692 .564 .342 .185 69.155 80.690 90.086 95.778 98.854 100.000 3.817 63.624 63.624 Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring.
Extracted text: Table 12 Factor 1 JINV1 .941 JINV2 .867 JINV3 .636 JINV4 .768 JINV5 .140 JINV6 .909