The class diagram below denotes a management system. Based on the class diagram below, prepare a testing strategy that explains how unit, integration, acceptance, and end-to-end tests will be...

The class diagram below denotes a management system. Based on the class diagram below, prepare a testing strategy that explains how unit, integration, acceptance, and end-to-end tests will be implemented for the system.

- Don't write definitions for the different testing types and what they mean, rather apply your knowledge of the different testing types and propose a testing strategy.

A testing strategy is just a writing that proposes what needs to be tested and how the testing for the system will proceed. You don't need to generate a test or test cases

© ParkingOffice<br>o parkingofficeName : String<br>O listofCustomers : List<Customer><br>O listofParkingLots : List<ParkingLot><br>O parkingofficeAddress : Address<br>C ParkingLot<br>C Money<br>o id : String<br>O name : String<br>O address : Address<br>O amount : long<br>O currency : String<br>o getParkingOfficeName() : String<br>o register(Customer) : void<br>o register(Car) : ParkingPermit<br>o park(Date, ParkingPermit, ParkingLot) : ParkingTransaction<br>o getParkingCharges(ParkingPermit) : Money<br>o getParkingCharges(Customer) : Money<br>getDailyRate(CarType) : Money<br>C TransactionManager<br>C PermitManager<br>o transactions : List<ParkingTransaction><br>permits : List<ParkingPermit><br>park(Date, ParkingPermit, ParkingLot) : ParkingTransaction<br>getParkingCharges(ParkingPermit) : Money<br>o getParkingCharges(Customer) : Money<br>register(Car) : ParkingPermit<br>C Customer<br>C) Car<br>© ParkingTransaction<br>C ParkingPermit<br>o id : String<br>O firstName : String<br>O lastName : String<br>O phoneNumber : String<br>o address : Address<br>O type : CarType<br>O licensePlate : String<br>O owner : Customer<br>o id : String<br>O car : Car<br>O expiration : Date<br>o getCar() : Car<br>o date : Date<br>permit : ParkingPermit<br>O parkingLot : ParkingLot<br>o chargedAmount : Money<br>o getType() : CarType<br>o getlicensePlate( : String<br>o getOwner() : Customer<br>getChargedAmount() : Money<br>o getPermit() : ParkingPermit<br>o getCustomerName() : String<br>C Address<br>Е CarType<br>o treetAddress1: String<br>O streetAddress2 : String<br>O city : String<br>O state : String<br>O zip : String<br>COMPACT<br>SUV<br>o getAddressinfo(0) : String<br>

Extracted text: © ParkingOffice o parkingofficeName : String O listofCustomers : List O listofParkingLots : List O parkingofficeAddress : Address C ParkingLot C Money o id : String O name : String O address : Address O amount : long O currency : String o getParkingOfficeName() : String o register(Customer) : void o register(Car) : ParkingPermit o park(Date, ParkingPermit, ParkingLot) : ParkingTransaction o getParkingCharges(ParkingPermit) : Money o getParkingCharges(Customer) : Money getDailyRate(CarType) : Money C TransactionManager C PermitManager o transactions : List permits : List park(Date, ParkingPermit, ParkingLot) : ParkingTransaction getParkingCharges(ParkingPermit) : Money o getParkingCharges(Customer) : Money register(Car) : ParkingPermit C Customer C) Car © ParkingTransaction C ParkingPermit o id : String O firstName : String O lastName : String O phoneNumber : String o address : Address O type : CarType O licensePlate : String O owner : Customer o id : String O car : Car O expiration : Date o getCar() : Car o date : Date permit : ParkingPermit O parkingLot : ParkingLot o chargedAmount : Money o getType() : CarType o getlicensePlate( : String o getOwner() : Customer getChargedAmount() : Money o getPermit() : ParkingPermit o getCustomerName() : String C Address Е CarType o treetAddress1: String O streetAddress2 : String O city : String O state : String O zip : String COMPACT SUV o getAddressinfo(0) : String
Jun 08, 2022

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