The CIS 210 Project brings together all of the concepts presented in this course. To help make the process easier for you to complete, there are three (3) mini-submissions that will enable an active feedback loop with your instructor. At each phase of the project, you will submit a source code file (.java) and corresponding compiled file (.class) for review and grading. In each subsequent submission, you will use the previously submitted file as the starting point to further develop the project submission.
For this project, you will create a Java program from scratch that performs the following actions:
- Requests the user to input his/her first name
- Formats the name to capitalize the first letter and makes all remaining characters lowercase, removing any spaces or special characters
- Requests the user to input a binary number
- Tests the input string for compliance with the binary number system (only 0 and 1 are allowed)
- Displays an error message if the string does not meet the input requirements and identifies what is wrong
- Assuming a valid binary number, the program will count the number of 1's and output that number
- Output whether the number of 1's is even or odd
All input and output should to/from the console. There are no graphical requirements for this project submission.
Your Java source code should use indentation and comments where appropriate to explain the algorithm and flow control used.
Examples of invalid binary numbers:
0000 1111 (note: contains a space)
Examples of valid, accepted binary numbers:
Your program will only test one input for each run of the program. Testing each of the test cases requires a separate run of your program for each input.
The following 3 test runs illustrate the format of the program's console input and output:
Enter your name: DAVID
Enter a binary number: 01110001
Enter your name: raphael
Enter a binary number: 011001
Enter your name: JoSe
Enter a binary number: 12345
Invalid Binary Number
Make sure you study the Final Project Guidance document.