The Chemistry of Crop Rotation Background Information: Plants need nitrogen to make amino acids, but they can't use the N2 in the air, which is why farmers and gardeners often turn to fertilizer....

Find the formula and molar mass for ammonium nitrate.The Chemistry of Crop Rotation<br>Background Information:<br>Plants need nitrogen to make amino acids, but<br>they can't use the N2 in the air, which is why<br>farmers and gardeners often turn to fertilizer.<br>Fertilizer is made up of sources of nitrogen<br>that the plant can use, among other things.<br>One of the most common components used is<br>ammonium nitrate, because of its high<br>percent composition of nitrogen and because<br>all of that nitrogen is in forms that the plant<br>can use.<br>1. Find the formula and molar mass for ammonium nitrate.<br>Formula:<br>Molar mass:<br>2. What is the percent composition of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate?<br>Answer:<br>The situation:<br>It is standard practice for farmers to rotate their crops - that is, instead of planting corn every year,<br>because corn depletes the nitrogen in the soil, farmers will alternate planting soybeans, which add<br>nitrogen to the soil.<br>Two farmers, Billy and Bob, each have farms that grow corn. Billy rotates his corn crop with soybeans,<br>but Bob does not. This year, both farmers are planting only corn. Both farmers will need to buy some<br>fertilizer to add nitrogen to the soil, but Billy's farm has some nitrogen from last year's crop of soybeans,<br>while Bob's farm is totally depleted of nitrogen.<br>

Extracted text: The Chemistry of Crop Rotation Background Information: Plants need nitrogen to make amino acids, but they can't use the N2 in the air, which is why farmers and gardeners often turn to fertilizer. Fertilizer is made up of sources of nitrogen that the plant can use, among other things. One of the most common components used is ammonium nitrate, because of its high percent composition of nitrogen and because all of that nitrogen is in forms that the plant can use. 1. Find the formula and molar mass for ammonium nitrate. Formula: Molar mass: 2. What is the percent composition of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate? Answer: The situation: It is standard practice for farmers to rotate their crops - that is, instead of planting corn every year, because corn depletes the nitrogen in the soil, farmers will alternate planting soybeans, which add nitrogen to the soil. Two farmers, Billy and Bob, each have farms that grow corn. Billy rotates his corn crop with soybeans, but Bob does not. This year, both farmers are planting only corn. Both farmers will need to buy some fertilizer to add nitrogen to the soil, but Billy's farm has some nitrogen from last year's crop of soybeans, while Bob's farm is totally depleted of nitrogen.

Jun 10, 2022

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