The Case of Sylvia At a community clinic, Sylvia, who is 38, tells you that she is an alcoholic. During the intake interview she says, “I feel bad because I’ve tried to stop my drinking and haven’t...

The Case of Sylvia

At a community clinic, Sylvia, who is 38, tells you that she is an alcoholic. During the intake interview she says, “I feel bad because I’ve tried to stop my drinking and haven’t succeeded. I am fine for a while, and then I begin to think that I could do a lot better. I see all the ways in which I do not measure up—how I let my kids down, the many mistakes I’ve made with them, the embarrassment I’ve caused my husband—and then I get so down I start drinking again. I know that what I am doing is self-destructive, but I’m not able to stop. I very much want your advice on what I should do.”

• What experiences have you had with alcoholism or its treatment, and how important is that?

• If you do not have competence in dealing with substance abuse, how could you acquire the knowledge and skills to effectively work in this area?

• In what ways does Sylvia’s gender affect your view of her problem?

• Would you refer Sylvia to a substance abuse treatment program, either inpatient or outpatient? Explain.

• Is it ethical to treat Sylvia’s psychological problems without first attending to her addiction problem? Explain.

• Sylvia wants your advice. What advice might you offer? What danger, if any, do you see in offering advice in this kind of situation?

Commentary. We support the thinking that the addiction must be treated before attempting to deal with Sylvia’s other psychological difficulties, which brings up the issue of advice giving. When is it appropriate for the therapist to provide advice to a client? There are at least two kinds of advice. One form of advice could be a part of the treatment recommendations. For example, the therapist might suggest that Sylvia consult a physician or attend AA meetings. This form of advice is common and can provide necessary adjuncts to therapy. Furthermore, some racial/cultural minorities often seek solid “advice” from therapists and find the lack of concrete suggestions to be disconcerting (Sue & Sue, 2013). Another form of advice would be to tell a client like Sylvia specific things she should do, such as turn to religion, start an exercise program, or move to a new area. Telling a client specific actions to take in the face of major life events tends to be counterproductive and should generally be avoided. This kind of advice often backfires. If Sylvia does agree with the advice given, or if she has not followed the advice, she may not return for further therapy sessions. Counselors can assist their clients by brainstorming with them about possibilities leading to solutions for their problems, but they should resist the temptation to provide specific actions in the form of giving advice

May 20, 2022

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